Welcoming In The Energy Of Capricorn

Welcoming In The Energy Of Capricorn

Blog Post On 23 December 2023 we step out of the adventurous, expansive and outgoing energy of Sagittarius and into the more serious, traditional and conservative energy of Capricorn.  During the last solar month of Sagittarius, we have all spread our wings a little,...
H O P E is Having Our Perfect Existence

H O P E is Having Our Perfect Existence

Blog Post Here we are in the last few weeks of 2023 and once again – what a year it has been! Many of you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and disillusioned with the world around us and to some extent with ourselves too.  And this is something I feel is very...
Past Lives

Past Lives

We have all lived many lifetimes on the earth plane and for some of you on other planets as well.  Each lifetime is a gift of knowledge for us because the Earth Plane is a School of Learning.  Your soul is on a journey to experience first-hand all that there...
Ego Self vs Higher Self

Ego Self vs Higher Self

We are all made up of our Ego Selves and our Higher Selves – we can liken these to the cartoon images of the “devil” on one shoulder and the “angel” on the other. Your Ego Self lives on and promotes only fear and negativity in your life but is very good at hiding this...