Blog Post

On 25 March 2025 we have a Full Moon in Libra and the first Lunar Eclipse of 2024. 

Libra rules relationships in particular and as Full Moons bring things to fruition every month this is a time where we will be a lot more focussed on and aware of how we interact and relate to others on every level.  Lunar Eclipses tend to represent endings and having doors closed to us that we no longer have a need to walk through.

This is a very powerful time for the planet as it will enable us all to be a lot more aware of who is good for us, who is toxic around us and who we have outgrown, and it will be a lot easier and feel a lot more “right” for us to be able to let go of such relationships so as we can continue to grow in our own way.  It will also bring to the fore revelations regarding the imbalance in this world; who is responsible for it and why it is happening.  The Libran scales of justice will be in full swing and much will be revealed.

Libran energy is renowned for its people pleasing energies.  Any of you reading this who are Librans or who are close to Librans will be well aware of this sign of the zodiac’s need to keep the peace and maintain the harmony at all times, and often at all costs.  This Lunar Eclikpse will shine the  light on all of our relationships but allow us to see them from a higher perspective and therefore see for ourselves what we need to move on from, or let go of in our lives in the way of friends, partners and colleagues. 

However, it is not just about seeing and knowing who is not good for us.  This Eclipse energy will also help us to see and know who IS good for us.  One of the power forces of Libra is its ability to see the big picture, and to see perspectives and viewpoints that others are not easily able too.  So, as this Eclipse energy washes over the earth plane we will all be given an opportunity to see old arguments, disagreements or just differences of opinions from a much higher and more open-minded perspective.  Therefore, we also have the opportunity at this Lunar Eclipse to repair and rebuild relationships by being more open to the opinions and perspectives of others, and not feeling so driven to be right.  It will feel and be a lot easier to look at things from other people’s points of view which will in turn enable us to find more flexibility and more open-mindedness where we may have had none before.

This Lunar Eclipse will also remind us of the importance of balance – both in our inner and our outer worlds. 

Eclipses come in pairs; first the Lunar then the Solar and we tend to have two sets of eclipses every year.  The Lunar Eclipses encourage endings and they are the types of endings that we often find difficult to initiate or go through on our own or off our own backs.  They give us the extra energy, belief and strength we need to move away from what no longer serves a positive purpose in our lives.  So, these can be things that you may not wish to end in your life because you either are not aware that they are not good for you, or because you may be in denial about such things.  However, they will most definitely be things that the Universe (and you on a soul level) do know need to end for you to move forward.

And what is particularly important to remember with Eclipse energy is that decisions made at the time of an Eclipse tend to carved in concrete and there is no going back from them. So, BE VERY AWARE OF YOUR THOUGHTS!!  There is no going back from decisions made at the time of Eclipses both Solar and Lunar as they are our yearly opportunities to step up and move on from what is holding us back.

The Full Moon Eclipse in Libra will be creating a trine to Pluto in Aquarius.  This means that we are being encouraged to use our communicative abilities and ability to see other perspectives at this time in a way that can transform our thinking and our belief systems.  This also means that it will be very hard to hide the truth at this time – it will have to come out.  I feel that this first Lunar Eclipse of 2024 will be the start of the big revelations and the truth coming out for the world to see.  This trine to Pluto also encourages us to master our relationships with others by being prepared to accept each other’s differences and to see and understand how thinking and operating outside the box can hold the answers and solutions we, and this planet, are so despartely in need of.

Partnerships and relationships of all sorts will come into focus at this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse revealing to you what is out of balance and also offering you the answers or perspectives you need to re-create that necessary balance and alignment with others, or, to walk away from what you no longer need in your life.

The next Eclipse is the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (the opposite sign of Libra) on April 9, 2024 which will be all about new beginnings perhaps based on what truths are revealed by the Lunar Eclipse in March.  Remember Libra also rules justice and fairness and Aries rules independence and leadership, so any inequalities revealed in March can and will be acted upon in April.  But more about the Solar Eclipse in a later Blog Post.

So, at the Full Moon Eclipse in Libra on 25 March 2024, be aware of what you want to balance out and make peace with in your life and attend to this.  But, do also be aware of what and who you have outgrown and know that this is your time to let such things go so as you can step up and evolve into a stronger, more independent and self-assured YOU!  Blessings xox