Blog Post

Today marks the start of Aries season and the start of the new astrological year.  For many who follow astrology the first day of Aries represents the true beginning of any year as this is when the astrological year begins, and so at this time we can step up and step out with our plans for the year ahead as the “I/Me” energy is particularly potent.

We have just come out of dreamy Piscean season where our intuition, creativity and easy-going natures got to do what they do best.  During this last solar month, you may have found that you have felt more connected to Spirit and the Universe, or perhaps more connected to your Higher Self and your Soul?  Either way, it allowed us to look at ourselves and our lives from a more intuitive perspective and to see what illusions we live under and how to break free from these.

Now we step into Arian energy which is all about independence, leadership, taking action and standing in our own personal power.  As the Sun moves into Aries he will join Chiron, Mercury and the North Node already sitting here, and as the solar month goes on will be joined in early April by Venus.  So, this gives us a powerhouse of Arian energy ready to be activated and acted upon.

Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, has no problem putting itself first and so most souls born under this sign of the zodiac are natural leaders, and/or can work independently and often much prefer to do their own thing rather than being a part of someone else’s thing.  Being the first fire sign of the zodiac as well they lead with an iron fist, often declaring and believing that it is “my way or the highway”.  Because of this natural need to come first and to be followed and recognised Arian souls can be very headstrong and spontaneous which in many situations is the best way to act, but in some other situations a bit of thought and review of their actions first can work out a whole lot more successfully for them.  One of the greatest lessons for Arian souls is the importance of listening.  It is so easy for them to take action and to get things done that they just want to do it their way and as quickly and efficiently as possible, but when we don’t listen to what others have to offer or open ourselves up to alternative ways of doing things and looking at things, we stop ourselves from learning and moving forward in life.

Now as we are going to have so many planets in Aries over the next solar month, and beyond, it is very important that we understand and make the best use of their influence.  And this is where we have to look at the shadow side, or challenges of Arian energy.

Chiron in Aries is presently teaching us about our sense of self-worth and whether we believe we are good enough.  We are healing the wound of rejection from other lifetimes of being made to feel and believe that we were lacking in some way, or that we could not stand on our own two feet or lead others.  These lessons will usually be presented to us by others putting us down or holding us back in some way and this is so that we can learn to fight and stand up for ourselves, what we believe in and what is best for us as individuals.

Mercury is the planet of communication and when he sits in Aries, he gives us the ability to be very black and white in our thinking and in our communications.  He wants to be heard and to take charge, but he does not enjoy listening or having to take instruction.  So, we can use his energy at this time to take action and state our beliefs and needs, but we must remember that the world does not revolve around each of us as individuals.  We are all part of this beautiful planet and we need to honour, respect and listen to what others have to offer.  Often the fear here is that we won’t be heard, or our opinion won’t be listened too, and so we try to override it all by taking charge and believing we know best.  But as we all know, the more we listen the  more we learn.  At the time of writing Mercury is in conjunction with Chiron in Aries encoring us to give a voice to our needs and to ask for the help we need to move forward, stand up for ourselves and take charge of our lives.  Merucry in Aries also gives us the articulation and presence to speak up and be very clear in our beliefs.

The North Node was last in Aries between December 2004 and June 2006 and so it can be helpful to look back at this time in your life and see what was going on for you then.  The North Node in Aries is very much encouraging us all to take charge of our own lives, to not be afraid to step into something new or to step up in some way, and most importantly to honour ourselves as individuals.  The North Node will be in Aries until January 29, 2025 and so we still have many months to take advantage of where our destinies are headed and to believe that we can take on and succeed at any and all opportunities presented to us at this time.

With the Sun in Aries this month our primary focus is meant to be ourselves; who we are, what we have to offer and how we can move forward along our soul journeys at this time.  New opportunities for leadership and/or standing on your own two feet can be presented to you to run with for the next astrological year and we may have to act quickly to make sure we get what we need.

However, on 6 April Mercury will move into Retrograde in Aries.  So, we have just a week of two now to get anything we want to get off the ground going before the Retrograde kicks in and we need to go within instead.  What may happen here is that you make decisions or choices now that once you have had the Mercury Retrograde period to consider, you may then wish to change or alter in some way. So, my advice is to not rush into anything and if you do or feel that you must rush at this time, don’t carve anything in concrete or make it unchangeable.

On April 9 we have a total Solar Eclipse in Aries.  This is an incredibly powerful and potent Solar Eclipse and it will occur in an exact conjunction with the planet Chiron.  The coming together of the Sun, our primary focus, with the planet of healing, Chiron, at this time offers us each as individuals, and the planet as a whole, an opportunity for intense healing and ascension.  We can all use the undeniable influence of these energies to deeply heal all that has been holding us back from total self-belief and total self-love for so long.  And anything that has been holding us back or taken us away from this natural way of being will be revealed.  Arian energy is about leadership and Solar Eclipses represent new beginnings, so it will feel right and a lot easier for every one of us to stand up and step up into who we truly are and on to the path we are here to walk. This is such an amazing opportunity for ALL of us to rise up in our own power and purpose and start (Aries is all about beginnings) a new way of being and operating on the earth plane.  (I will be creating a Blog Post and Video on the total Solar Eclipse soon).

We are more and more entering a time of flow where the Universe and the world around us very much has the big picture of where we should be and what we should be doing, and it is not the same as it used to be.  The old world is crumbling and so many people are finding that not a lot is happening in their lives and any efforts they make to change this or take action are resulting in very little progress or achievement.  This is because we cannot do things the way we used too.  It’s like trying to hold on to the fruits of Summer once Autumn arrives; the energy has changed and the weather of Autumn cannot produce the Summer fruit.  Things are not the same and so when we try to do things the way we have always done them or expect them to work like they used to, they cannot hold or attach to what has gone before as it is on its way out.  So, try as much as you can to NOT take it personally first and foremost.  This is not your fault and you have done nothing wrong; you are just in a bit of a holding pattern as we all wait to see what will come next.  And this is not to say that nothing in happening in your life.  You are being asked to bring your focus to whatever is happening in your life in the knowledge that this is exactly where you are supposed to be at this time, and that whatever you are focussing on is exactly what you should be focussing on – even if it feels incomplete or not going in the direction you would like to be going in.  All is perfect just as it is, so go with any flows that are presented to you and stop trying to move where there is no flow for you at this time.

March, April and May 2024 are the most intense months of 2024 and there will be a lot of change and upheaval during this time as the planets move in relation to one another.  I have shared on my website some Blog Posts relating to the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Libra as well as the upcoming and most important Uranus Jupiter conjunction in Taurus.  The world will receive a shake-up in  many different ways over the next months and this will reshape the planet and society as we know it. 

So, use the energy of Aries this solar month to work on your self-worth and self-love.  If you don’t believe in you and what you can do and what you bring to the table, you cannot expect anyone else too.  We have all these powerful planets in Aries now to really help us to heal ourselves so we can be of more use and purpose to one another and to the planet as a whole.  Don’t allow any feelings of not being good enough to stop you. 

I will remind you all once again that you CHOSE to be here on the earth plane at this pivotal and incredible time of change and ascension.  And if you CHOSE to be here then you did so for a reason and that reason will be that you have a role to play in ALL that is unfolding.  So, please work on yourselves; work on your inner worlds and the fears and beliefs that you keep trapped there.  You are sparks of God energy, particles of the Universe and souls on a journey and you are loved more than you will ever know and capable of more than you may know as well. 

If you are an Arian and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-

Wishing all you strong, independent and passionate Arians out there a very happy solar year ahead.  Blessings  xox