by Deidre Wilton | Nov 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
We are all made up of our Ego Selves and our Higher Selves – we can liken these to the cartoon images of the “devil” on one shoulder and the “angel” on the other. Your Ego Self lives on and promotes only fear and negativity in your life but is very good at hiding this...
by Deidre Wilton | Nov 22, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Inner Child is our first and primary connection to our soul and to Spirit and this can be plainly seen in the natural way young children operate – they are driven by what they feel and see and are all naturally born with their own very innocent ways of...
by Deidre Wilton | Oct 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
We welcome in the intense and determined energy of Scorpio and say goodbye to the easy-going relationship-based energy of Libra. We have had a month of looking into and at all the relationships in our lives, and in particular a good hard look at the relationship we...
by Deidre Wilton | Oct 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Blog Post 11 October 2023 All is perfect just as it is. Pluto in his final months of Capricorn will ensure that everything that is past its “use by” date, crumbles. We cannot continue to build on what is broken and so it must be broken beyond repair, so that the...
by Deidre Wilton | Sep 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
BLOG POST 24 September 2023 As we move out of winter and into Spring here in New Zealand it feels like we are shedding that winter coat to free ourselves up for the growth, expansion and new opportunities for change that always come as we step into Spring. As the Sun...