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On 23 December 2023 we step out of the adventurous, expansive and outgoing energy of Sagittarius and into the more serious, traditional and conservative energy of Capricorn.  During the last solar month of Sagittarius, we have all spread our wings a little, felt a little freer and we have all received an intuitive upgrade thanks to all the solar flares out there.  Not only have they lit up our night skies all over the world, but they have internally ignited each of us as well.

So now we step into a more serious energy and one which we can use very successfully to set our intentions and needs for 2024.  Capricorn energy loves everything to do with structure, hard work, discipline, focus and ambition.  It is never put off by how hard you may have to work to achieve something and it never takes its eyes off the prize!

Therefore, this is wonderful energy for each of us to use to start to plan and visualise what we want from 2024 and what we may have to do to achieve this.  One of the most positive things any of you can be doing at this time is creating “vision boards” or some other type of creative, or otherwise, plan for 2024.  The month of Sagittarius has given you the optimism and information you need to step up and expand yourselves, and now the energy of Capricorn can give you the structure to put in place to keep everything going in the direction you want it too.

As the Sun moves into Capricorn, he will join Pluto and Mercury already sitting in this energy.  Pluto as we know has been hanging out in Capricorn for a very long time now and is now in his last few degrees of this and this means that, after the end of 2024, we will not see Pluto in Capricorn again for around another 250 years.  As the Sun moves through Capricorn over the  next 28 days, he will activate the Plutonian energy here as well making us all, once again, very aware of what in our lives and in the world around us is well past its use by date, and what just simply no longer works.  Capricorn energy likes to deal with facts, figures and all that is logical and rational however it also likes to cling to the past and not evolve into new ways.  Because of this you may find yourself confronted with things that you do not wish to move on from, but that if you were to be 100% honest with yourself you would also admit, are just not working for you anymore.  Mercury also sitting here and in Retrograde motion is asking you to hold back on any action you may wish to take at this time and rather use this energy to fact-check, re-assess and re-align yourself and all that you are doing to be sure that such things still feel and are right for you.  Capricorn LOVES structure, so if there is something you are working on or wishing to get off the ground, this solar month will give you the focus and tenacity you need to sort it out and to make it viable.

During this Solar Month there will be a few changes in planetary movements.  Firstly, Mercury will be Retrograde in Capricorn from 14 December 2023 until 2 January 2024 meaning that some of your communications and travel plans may go a little haywire – so just be aware of this and don’t take it all too seriously.  The best thing you can do is triple check EVERYTHING and leave nothing to chance.  You have to go with the flow in Mercury Retrograde or else you will be tearing your hair out!  It’s a time for reflection and regeneration, so, if at all possible, don’t take on too much or try to do too much during this time if you want some peace!

Chiron, the wounded healer, has been in Retrograde in Aries for the last approximately 5 months.  This has been 5 months of everyone being tested on whether they believe they are good enough and the majority of this testing will have been from your own mind chatter and the way you treat yourself.  Chiron in Aries is challenging us all to put more of a value and a worth on ourselves in the knowledge that we have done nothing wrong to believe any differently.  When Chiron moves into Direct motion on 27 December 2023, we will start to be presented with the same learning from outside of ourselves.  There will be opportunities presented to you and experiences to be had that will challenge you to stand up for yourself and to stand on your own two feet.  There may also be opportunities for leadership and/or to initiate your own thing and these are all designed for you to grow in your self-love, self-belief and self-worth.  The more you can believe in you, the more of an energy of belief you put out to the collective and from there the more exciting projects can appear and the pioneers of a new way of being can be birthed.  If you want others to believe in you, then you have to believe in yourself first!

The day that Chiron moves into Direct motion is also the last Full Moon of 2023 and it will be falling in the energy of Cancer.  This will be a beautiful Full Moon to end 2023 with – a Full Moon representing the Divine Feminine, our deep intuition and all that we feel.  We can use this Full Moon energy to send out compassion, empathy and understanding to the planet and to give our voices to hope and peace in 2024.

On 1 January 2024 just as we start a whole new calendar year, the mighty planet of expansion, Jupiter, moves into Direct motion after his 5-month stint in Retrograde.  Jupiter is currently transiting through the energy of Taurus encouraging us to expand upon our connection with Mother Earth, and with our own plans and talents so as we can make better use of our own natural resournces.  His transit through Taurus will also be challenging our feelings on how secure we feel.  Taurus sees money as security; however, the only true security is inner peace.  So, you may be tested in whether you value the money over your spiritual path and where this is leading you.  While he was in Retrograde, we were being asked to focus on our inner security needs and our ability to compromise, forgive and co-operate for the highest good of all concerned.  We were looking at where we can grow out of old ways that no longer serve us and where we can expand upon what we enjoy and what brings success and peace into our lives.  Once he moves into Direct motion the focus will be on what we can achieve outside of ourselves through hard work, organisation and genuine concern for one another and our beautiful planet, and on how much value we are going to put on our finances as opposed to our inner peace.  Jupiter in Taurus is teaching us about the importance of letting go of what has gone before so as we can learn from it, evolve out of it and embrace a new way forward with surety and confidence. 

Mercury moves into Direct motion again on 2 January 2024 and so this is the time for us all to get the ball rolling again.  To be honest however I feel that we will hit the ground running on 1 January and we will keep running for most of it!  With the planets all slowly but surely moving out of their Earth and Water signs and into Fire and Air, we will not feel so stuck or so emotionally challenged.  Rather we will have lots of energy to take action and to imagine and intuit all that we need. 

So, with the Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn happening at the same time as the Sun is in Capricorn the message really is to re-visit all that you are planning or wanting to do and to make sure that you have crossed all your “t’s” and dotted all your “i’s” before you take action. You can take your time and spend this solar month working hard on what’s important to you and where your ambitions lie, but do try not to take it all too seriously okay?  You are allowed to have fun with life too you know 😉

We are surrounded at this time with chaos, major upheavals, unprecedented change and a world that is not the one we used to know.  And this is a good thing.  Change is the only constant and as we fully enter the Age of Aquarius in 2024, we must embrace change if we are to be happy, peaceful and successful moving forward.  Try as much as possible to stay in your own energy; to focus on all that is good and beautiful in your world and to not give any of your valuable time and energy to anything that makes you feel negative, upset or unhappy.  You are a being and a beacon of light – don’t let anything outside or inside of you allow your light to be dimmed!

If you are a Capricorn and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A Solar Return Reading gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-

Wishing all you hard-working, ambitious, focussed and tenacious Capricornians out there a very happy birthday month in every way.  Blessings xox