Blog Post

2023 was a number “7” year and was so labelled the Year of Divinity.  In 2023 we were challenged to align our inner worlds so we could trust, believe and know that when we have inner balance we are then also balanced with the planet and the Universe.  During 2023 we were tested in our beliefs and our own truth and we were all given an intuitive upgrade.  As we have watched the world around us and its out-dated systems collapsing and breaking down, we have become a lot more conscious of the importance of our internal balance and harmony so as we can create peace within ourselves and connect more confidently and completely with the Divine.  We have learned during 2023 the importance of what we feel and know to be true, OVER AND ABOVE what we have been told to be true.  We slowly and surely stepped into our own sovereignty and in doing so brought more light,  faith and trust into our lives and onto this planet.  Many of you have awakened to remember who you truly are, and in 2024 the collective will awaken even more in alignment with the truth.  The last months of 2023 have been quite heavy and we have received a lot of energetic downloads and solar flares that have zapped our energy levels.  This has meant for many that this historically busy time of year we have needed rest over and above anything else.  2023 has been quite the year and we are all feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and over it – we have all worked very hard, faced adversity and still kept going and 2024 will bring you the rewards for this.

“what’s in store in ’24?”

We had A LOT of planetary changes and challenging aspects during 2023 but luckily, as we step into 2024 the astrological calendar is not quite so full.  However, we will still hit the ground running from the very start of 2024.  This is due mainly to the fact that only the planets Mercury and Uranus will still be in Retrograde motion as we step into 2024 and both of them move Direct before January 2024 is out.  With all the planets in Direct motion by end January 2024 it will most definitely be time for action outside of yourself and so do take as much time in December as you can to rest in preparation for this. 

“the purpose driven life”

2024 is a number “8” year.  The number 8 most commonly refers to money, business, manifestation and flow.  When the number 8 is put on its side it becomes the infinity sign so we are also entering a year of opportunity and flow.  The number 8 also relates to balance and our ability to harmonise our masculine and feminine sides as well as the need to balance ourselves within our daily life, careers and relationships.  The more in harmony we are with ourselves and our own needs and beliefs, the more we can be in harmony with one another and with the planet.  And the more in harmony we are with ourselves the more we can not only see our purpose but create the purpose driven life we have been waiting for.  This is a year to get things done, to expand on what we already know and do, and to manifest all that we need to be the best versions of ourselves we can be and to be able to give and share this with others and put our mark on the world. 

The most major planetary shift we will have in 2024 will occur on 20 November when the planet of transformation, Pluto, moves out of Capricorn permanently and into Aquarius for the next 21 years!  This is HUGE!  Pluto has been jumping back and forth from Capricorn to Aquarius for most of 2023 and will also spend a bit of time in both signs for the first 11 months of 2024, and so we have already had a taste of this new energy and I for one can’t wait for it to fully arrive.  Our first taste of Aquarius in 2024 will be on 21 January when Pluto transits out of Capricorn and into Aquarius until 3 September 2024.  He will be in Retrograde motion for most of this first 2024 dive into Aquarius stimulating our inner awareness of change and encouraging us to rely on our own wisdom and intuition.  Pluto’s job while he was in Capricorn was to  bring down the old systems; to reveal what does not work for us or serve us anymore; to break down the patriarchal, wealth-driven and conservative ways of the past and to obliterate all that is now well past its “use by” date.  So, as this year goes on, we will become even more aware of what needs to go and what does not serve us, and we will also be given more than just a taste of what is new and what can move us forward.  Pluto also rules pandemics and poisons and with the Capricorn energy having control of this over the last 20 years such things were rolled out as regiment, unquestionable and without compassion or care.  Humanity was shown very clearly under Pluto in Capricorn who pulls the strings, who makes the rules and most importantly, who benefits from this the most.

Pluto in Aquarius is a whole different ball game.  The power shifts from the patriarchal, traditional, old-fashioned, conservative energy of Capricorn into the Aquarian energy of freedom, forward-thinking, innovation, truth, humanitarian concern and of bringing people together for the highest good of ALL concerned.  The power goes back to the people and we will see through anything that does not resonate with the truth. It celebrates diversity and inclusiveness and does not judge or need any type of hierarchy system to operate.  Aquarian energy also allows us to raise our vibrational frequency which in turn allows us to connect to the spiritual realms with a lot more ease.  The tables are turning and as we immerse ourselves in the alternative and outside the box energy of Aquarius we come up with new solutions to old problems, new structures and beliefs that will be designed to benefit ALL of earth’s inhabitants, and the natural belief and understanding that we are all One and as such we can and will work together to create our new world.  Pluto resembles transformation, and so when he is in Aquarius, he is transforming us as individuals into honouring our unique ways of thinking, being confident in our own thoughts and feelings and accepting and celebrating our differences. He is determined to transform us out of a slave mentality and into becoming the Masters – as for so long as we see being different as a weakness or disability, we are slaves to this energy and we become the Masters of it when we celebrate change and our differences.  Pluto in Aquarius means finding your own knowledge and learning to rely on your intuition 100% as all the answers are inside of you; you are perfectly capable of looking after yourself as well as thinking for yourself.  And as we transform in this way so does the earth plane.  We can expect major changes in how we treat the environment, animals and the land as we move towards working together for the benefit of all.  The planet herself may respond to the changes occurring by bringing us more earthquakes, volcanic disturbances and flooding.  The planet cannot help but react to the friction we create on her surface and so she will do what she needs to do to rid herself of this energy.  We can also expect that the people of this planet can and will begin to be  heard so as to take our power back and create a new Earth based on harmony, love and acceptance.  This is the long-term goal of Pluto in Aquarius and it is up to each of us to start embracing this new energy now.  The energy of Aquarius knows it has the answers and it knows that change is the only way forward and so it will do all that it can to create the platform and conditions for this and we have to be ready and willing to take advantage of it.  And we can also expect to have a much stronger and more “real” connection with our Galactic families.

“how do I change my life?”

What we have seen become so obvious on this planet over the last few years is the division between those who follow the light and those that follow the money/material security.  Changing your life means changing your mind about things and changing the way you look at things; it means being aware and vigilant in your thought systems, and it means rising above the pettiness of the 3D world and into the peace and acceptance of the 5D world.  For those who have been and are still obsessed with and stuck in the belief that money equals success and that acquiring wealth is the only way to be happy the changes have been difficult and will continue to be so.  Those of you who choose to put your focus on only your own personal needs and who only wish to have more and show little gratitude or appreciation for what you already have, will struggle if you do not shift your perspective.  Yes, we need money to survive that goes without saying, but at what cost?  If you are still too connected to “systems” and being told how things “should” be done etc,  you will struggle in 2024.  If you cannot change you cannot evolve it’s as simple as that.  Those of you who have focussed and continue to focus on bettering yourselves, doing your inner work, offering kindness and compassion to others and who choose to build love in their lives rather than their bank balance will find the changes so much easier.  You are loved and supported always and the more you can sit in this belief the more likely you are to have your needs met and to change your life. 

In 2024 we are being asked to be consistent, to apply ourselves to what we wish to achieve and to LOVE one another.  The energy of LOVE is the most powerful energy in the Universe and when we can stay in this energy, we can let go of judgement and negative thinking.  So many of our problems come from our need to judge others and what is going on simply because we have not resolved our inner wounds and so we are constantly judging ourselves and then projecting this out on to others.  (I have created some powerful Healing Courses and Packages for 2024 that will allow you to resolve all that has gone before and step into your light and your power like never before:-

2023 has taught you what is good for you and what is not on many many different levels; you have been upgraded and in particular your intuition has been upgraded so you can rely more on beautiful wonderful YOU and not on any external power or authority.

And remember this is a year of manifestation and the ability to manifest comes directly from how we think.  Therefore, the more optimism, positivity and happiness you can create within yourself the more likely you are to manifest what you really want, as opposed to what you don’t want.

The other major astrological event of 2024 will be when Jupiter moves into a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus in April.  This means the planet of growth and expansion is going to be amplified by the planet of sudden and unexpected change, Uranus.  Both of these planets relate to our higher perspectives and so this conjunction could bring some sudden changes in your personal worlds and in the world itself that will shock you into action and change in some way. This does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, but as I said earlier if you are still choosing to focus on your wealth and financial wellbeing over and above spreading your love and light, then this transit will rock your boat.  Taurus is the sign of the zodiac that is the most driven by money and material wealth and so if such things are your primary focus you can expect a curve ball to come your way at this time.  Expect in April a lot of change worldwide as well as in your own personal lives, and the changes are all about new possibilities as much as it is about the end of the old ways.  Do not fear change as it is the only constant in the Universe.  This powerful conjunction and how it will connect with Pluto in Aquarius at this time has the ability to really allow us to take a significant step forward both personally and collectively. It will also bring about major advances in technology that we need to be aware of so as we can use these for the greatest good of humanity and not to replace humanity with AI.

In May 2024 Jupiter will be the only other outer planet that changes signs when he moves out of Taurus and into Gemini for the next 13 months.  Jupiter is all about expansion and growth and Gemini is all about curiosity, variety, communication and movement.  So, life will start to get a whole lot busier after this and you will have to work hard to stay on target and on the right path so as the curiosity of Gemini does not lead you astray.  This will be a wonderful time to really open your mind and your perspectives on things.  You will be able to see things about yourself and about the world that you were previously unable too, and from this new view point you get to decide what you need to change and what you need to accept.

Chiron, the wounded healer, and the North Node, our destiny, are both going to be continuing their transit through the sign of Aries in 2024.  They will come together and move apart as the year goes on asking us to really work on our self-belief, self-confidence and self-assurance so as we can take advantage of new opportunities for growth and expansion, and also so as we can know our own worth.  If you do not feel you are worthy, if you do not put a worth on what you do and what you bring to the table, you are limiting what you can receive from the Universe.  The North Node is waiting to bring you the opportunities for leadership, independence and success that you desire, but until you believe you are worthy of such things, they will be kept on hold for you.

And the planets Saturn and Neptune will also continue their transit through Pisces.  This is also about triggering our higher awareness and encouraging us to see our values, lives and aspirations not as illusions but as real things that are our responsibility to rise up too and create structure within, so as they can come to fruition.  Neptune is in his final 2 years in Pisces now and so just as Pluto is breaking down all that does not serve us, Neptune is also making sure that we see through all the illusions that have been served up to us, and that we have served up to ourselves during this transit.

The planets are slowly but surely move out of the domination of the Earth and Water signs and into the Air and Fire signs.  This means we are moving out of feeling stuck and being unable to grow and shift and also being overly influenced by our emotions and how everything is making us feel, and into an energy of imagination, action, intuition and making things happen.  To align with this energy, we are all  being asked to become a lot more self-sufficient in every way.  Self-sufficiency is about being able to answer your own needs – whatever they may be and this is something we have been pulled away from under the guise that the powers that be will take care of such things for us.  You came into this lifetime to be YOU, to rely on YOU and to support, love and promote YOU and so it only makes sense that YOU should take care of YOU.


I also feel that in 2024 we are going to step into the energy of “H O P E – Having Our Perfect Existence”.  I am not saying that 2024 will be perfect and easy, those days are still quite a few years away, but in 2024 we get to see how we can create our own reality and how when we put our hopes out there, we are creating our future in the most positive way possible.  No-one ever hopes for pain, suffering and a hard life we only hope for good things in our lives and so hope can only ever be a positive thing to project out into the world.  The opposite of hope is despair and we cannot allow ourselves to buy into or allow that energy to overcome us.  Just like love and fear you cannot be in the energy of hope and the energy of despair at the same time – and when you focus on love and hope a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shift occurs within you that then radiates out of you to give  light to the world.

In 2024 you are being gifted the energies of manifestation, flow, the balance of the divine feminine and the divine masculine, business and work alignment to Light, expansion, resilience and the ability to balance yourself so as you are aligned with what is for your own highest good and therefore also the highest good of the planet.  You have worked so hard in 2023 to keep your head above water and to keep going no matter what was thrown at you and in 2024 you will receive the rewards for this.  But remember we have the mighty teacher and disciplinarian, Saturn, still transiting through Pisces which means that it is so important that we rise about the illusions and disillusions of this planet and create structure for our dreams to manifest and a higher vision.  We are and will continue to experience the disillusion of the old ways so as we can see everything from a higher perspective, and be a part of the breaking down of inequality in this world.

We must embrace change to keep evolving and we must embrace self-love to find our confidence.  When we do this and when we balance out our inner worlds, then we are ready to offer all that we have and all that we can be to the world outside of ourselves.

“the Higher Self”

It is our role as Lightworkers to keep shining the light, no matter what is thrown back at us.  Stand in your truth, love yourself, know that you are a powerful being who has chosen to be here at this time to play a pivotal role in the evolution of planet Earth.  Nothing is random, nothing is a mistake and the more of an active role you can play in all of this the more you will change the world, as you were destined too.  When you choose to be in your Higher Self energy and not feed the Ego self with fear and negativity it is so easy to shine and to rise above all that does not resonate with you.

The Divine Feminine is rising within each of us, 2023 has made sure of this and the more power she is given the more you are able to connect to your intuition and to your sovereign being.  She is showing you what to connect to and how it can feel and she is now ready to hand this over to your Divine Masculine who will give it the hard work, consistency and discipline that it needs to become a reality.  You have worked very hard in 2023 to balance these energies – so keep following your heart and keep up the hard work and stay in your Higher Self energy.  Believe in you and all that you bring to the Earth plane.

“Year of the Dragon”

2023 saw the Dragon world awakening even more so than before and 2024 will be the Year of the Wood Dragon in Chinese Astrology.  We have all worked with and been Guardians of dragons in other lifetimes.  The Dragons are the  mighty protectors of the Earth and of humanity and their energy is pure unconditional love.  They are calling out to their Riders now to reunite so they can bring you the protection, support and empowerment you will need especially once we hit the most powerful years of this decade, 2025 and 2026.  (I have created a new Workshop for 2024 which is all about working with the Dragons – and will be updating my Event Calendar soon with more details).

For those of you who have done or are doing the work, who have not been scared to face their demons and change their lives to put their happiness and peace first, you are SO needed now.  You are the ones who have to help the others who are not there yet.  The light that you shine and the energy that you emit is infectious to those who wish to change and a repellent to those who do not. Be aware of this and distance yourself from those who want to dim your light – they are not for you.  We have to let go of the old to bring in the new and to bring in what is for our highest good, so allow yourself to let go so you can fully embrace a new world and put your focus only in that direction.  Always remember, “where the thought goes the energy flows”.

2024 will be a fast year and what we can solidify, put in place and create structure within during this year can set us up well for the future.  It will feel chaotic at times and crazy at times too, and this is necessary so that we can build something new and NOT continue to build on what is unfair, out-dated and broken.  Things need to be completely shattered and destroyed sometimes, to be sure that they can never be built like that again.  Don’t be afraid to shine your light and don’t be afraid to give, feel and be LOVE.  Your challenge this year is to focus on your own truth and to develop, manifest and grow all that you already are into what you wish to be.  Stay in your own energy and do no buy into or allow your attention to go towards anything negative in this world.  Stay positive, stay aligned and stay as balanced as you can internally no matter what is thrown at you from the outside world and you will put in place the resilience and strength that you need to go forward in every way.

If you would like to book a Reading with me to see what 2024 has in store for you, just click on the following link – I would love to be of assistance to you at this time.  Please note that there are only limited spots available so it will be a case of first in, first served:-

Wishing you many blessings for a joyous festive season with those that you love and many many blessings for a fortuitous, peaceful, successful and happy 2024!  xox