Rotorua | Awakening The Soul Workshop

Rotorua | Awakening The Soul Workshop

YOU are invited to join renowned international teacher, Deidre Wilton, Star-Wise Clairvoyant Astrology (, for a two day life-changing Awakening The Soul Workshop.  This Workshop is a one of a kind experience in which you’ll be guided to uncover profound insights and revelations about your life purpose. It is time NOW for us all to awaken to our true soul purpose and to our destiny so as we can live and love the life we have chosen in full awareness and understanding of who we truly are.

This unique Workshop will teach you time tested techniques, as well as new tools and insights into how to decode your life purpose once and for all. Gently and intuitively guided by this highly  experienced teacher, you’ll finally understand why certain events have happened in your  life, and how to use them to reveal your true destiny and true self.

We all come to the earth plane with a destiny and a plan, and all of this can be discovered and activated through the knowledge and understanding you will receive from this intimate Workshop.  During this Event you will be gently and personally guided and assisted by the wisdom and skills provided by your teacher and the Ascended Masters that Deidre works with,  allowing you to not only understand your life path but also your life purpose.

Safely and intuitively guided by Deidre, this metaphysical two day, life changing Workshop will not only help you find all the answers you’ve been searching for, but will clearly show you how to use your free will to create an even better version of your predestined future. Furthermore, you’ll gain important knowledge that can also be shared with your family and friends, and that can also help you to gain greater insight into them and their purpose in your life.

Your life really is in your hands! You are the creator of your own destiny and within you are all the tools you need to change any situation presented to you, into a much more positive one. Your pain and suffering are always opportunities for spiritual growth. There are no such things as coincidences and accidents, your life is pre-destined and there is a map and a plan for you to follow in life regardless of whatever event or situation may be occurring, and during this weekend Event this will be revealed to you.

  • Are you ready to stop struggling with daily decisions, doubts and fears?
  • Would you love to be living your life with greater clarity, guidance and understanding?
  • And would you like to discover the reason why you are really here?

This amazing workshop is your chance to gain access to this crucial information and so much more.

  • Learn why you have chosen the family/culture that you have and what important roles they are playing in your life at this time
  • Understand why you have met certain people in your life and what they are there to teach you
  • How to turn your challenges into opportunities
  • Gain a profound insight into why you have suffered through pain and loss in the past and how this has served to develop you and bring greater blessings your way
  • Experience greater amounts of joy, freedom and love, so as you not only live but LOVE your life to the fullest and you are your own best friend
  • Create relationships that are based on love, trust and true soul-compatibility and where you can feel safe and supported
  • Understand who you are on a deeper soul-level, what you’ve come here to do, and what gifts you have to share

Deidre can also help you to understand all that you have been through, particularly as a child, and to see how much of your past is still holding you back and determining how you live and love your life at this time. So much of our present day behaviour and beliefs are linked to our past – past this lifetime and past other lifetimes, and this old energy can become rooted in our present day reality creating blockages and preventing us from moving forward.  You will finally be able to recognise your greatest gifts and talents, and learn how to use them to create the life of your dreams.  Deidre will also help you to access and amplify your own intuition and psychic abilities, and learn how to listen to your inner divine voice to guide you on your journey.

After this Workshop you will finally be able to understand why all those things have happened to you along your soul’s journey; why certain people came into your life; and why you had to face some of the situations that have so challenged you in this lifetime. I can guarantee you many profound ‘aha’ moments along the way, and after this weekend, everything will FINALLY make sense.

This Workshop will only be attended by a small intimate group, therefore Deidre can offer you much personal guidance as well as insight into those around you.  You will be amongst a like-minded group of souls who, just like you, are looking to awaken and walk their true path.

Living a happy, fulfilling and deeply meaningful life involves spending some time dedicated to understanding your life purpose.  You must do the necessary work on yourself so as you can see, understand and embrace your true life path, and the soul that is YOU.  Take some time off to devote to your beautiful self. Dive deep into your own soul’s plan and learn how to understand and embrace every aspect of your life. You can connect the dots and finally make sense of everything that’s happening to you! Attending this Awakening The Soul Workshop is a huge step on the path towards self-realisation and self-mastery. There’s nothing stopping you from gaining the exact clarity and understanding you need to truly reach your highest potential and make your dreams come true!

If you are truly ready to awaken and learn what life is trying to teach you – this Workshop is for you!


Deidre Wilton of Star-Wise Clairvoyant Astrology, is an internationally renowned Esoteric Astrologer whose knowledge and intuitive guidance will guide you to understand all that you have chosen to learn, be, and experience in this lifetime,  through the interpretation of your astrological make-up.  Deidre is an expert in her field and has used her knowledge to teach and mentor thousands of people around the world over the past 15 years. Deidre teaches how the planets and their energies have a huge impact on our lives and the paths we have chosen, and how to be aware of the personal gifts and talents you possess to allow you to navigate this path. Your Past Lives also play a huge role in conditioning and programming you in this lifetime, and through your astrological blue print she can identify these and help you to release them.

Deidre can also help you to understand all that you have been through, particularly as a child, and to see how much of your past is still holding you back and determining how you live and love your life at this time.  So much of our present day behaviour and beliefs are linked to our past – past this lifetime and past other lifetimes, and this old energy can become rooted in our present day reality creating blockages and preventing us from moving forward.  You will finally be able to recognise your greatest gifts and talents, and learn how to use them to create the life of your dreams.  Deidre will also help you to access and amplify your own intuition and psychic abilities, and learn how to listen to your inner divine voice to guide you on your journey.

Through all that you learn and experience during this life-changing weekend you will develop and completely embrace your self-love and self-worth, so as you can feel more confidence in yourself and so as you can let go of any fears and limitations that are holding you back from being ALL that you are destined to be.

Are you ready for this life-changing, fun and deeply transforming weekend workshop? The Awakening The Soul Workshop truly is your divine opportunity to connect with this  experienced and knowledgeable teacher who is ready to guide you on your path to creating the life you were always meant to live, and she can’t wait to connect with you!

The Awakening The Soul Workshop is conducted intuitively and so is a truly personalised experience tailored to the needs of each participant. Deidre has used this system many times before, and time and again has produced amazing, life transforming results.

Please fill out the form below to register your interest in attending. Feel free to contact me at for additional details.

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