Blog Post 18 October 2021

The Sun is now moving out of the communicative, social and balanced energy of Libra and into the intense, sensitive and powerful energy of Scorpio.  As we move through the last quarter of 2021 things are changing around us faster and faster.  So much is happening in the world, and more and more people are feeling that they have less control over their direction and purpose.  Scorpio is the most intensely sensitive energy of the zodiac so as we move into this territory, we open ourselves up to all that we feel.  The greatest life lesson for a Scorpio soul is to learn to detach from their emotions so as they are not controlled and directed entirely by how everything makes them feel.  When we live our lives through an emotional lens, we are on a constant roller coaster ride whereby everything and everyone around us upsets us, hurts us or makes us angry.  When you live and exist only from an emotional perspective you are living in an unrealistic and directionless way, and you are a complete victim of everything and everyone around you and how they make you feel.  So, whether you are Scorpio or not, this month you will be FEELING things a lot more intensely. 

Last month we looked at our balance as well as our relationships with others and with our beautiful selves.  And this month we take the action that is needed to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, our own needs and our own life purpose.  We will find that we have the energy to dive deep; to really investigate and look into what we are lacking or attracting in our lives, and then take our power back.  The most powerful and important thing you can do for yourself this month is to ALWAYS stop and process what is going on around you BEFORE you react to it.  Things are going to feel a lot more intense and a lot more personal to you as the Sun moves through Scorpio and so this is your annual opportunity to look to what power your emotions have over you and whether this is healthy for you or not.  You may also find yourself swinging from victim mentality to being completely obsessed with power, and so it is time for you to assess where you give your power away, where you overreact to others and life, and where you can take your power back.  Scorpio energy and Scorpio people never do anything by halves, they give it their all and so life is an intense journey of feeling things and learning things that will eventually if you can stay out of that seductive victim mentality, bring you to your true power, success and happiness.

So, this month don’t be afraid to go deep to look to where you can play the victim and where you can play the powerhouse, and why.  Is it worth all that energy to feel this way?  And is there perhaps a better use of your energy and power?  The more you can change your thinking away from “problem” mentality to “solution” mentality the better.  There is absolutely no power to be found in playing the victim, so standing in your own power and being your own person is the ultimate success package and it needs to be handled with honesty, respect, understanding and compassion.  If you want to be a leader and if you want to be listened to, admired and respected for who you are, then you must lead and put yourself out there in an open and transparent manner, which is something Scorpio energy seems to crave on one hand but run away from on the other.

The intense and focussed energy of Scorpio can also allow us this month to make good progress if we are looking for or searching for something more in our lives.  If there is a new venture you were looking into or a new opportunity has presented itself, the Scorpio energy will allow you to really analyse and look into this with full focus and awareness of whether it will work for you, or not.  It allows us to move deeper into what interests us and it also allows us to use the power of elimination as easily as we use the power of choice.  Sometimes life is more about knowing what you don’t want than it is about knowing what you do want – but either way, you get a result.

The planets are now one by one moving back into Direct motion and so we have the green light to move forward and start putting into action all we have learned over the last approximately 5 months.  Therefore, these last months of 2021 are going to be busy for everyone.  We will all be feeling the need to move forward and move out of feelings of lack of control or purpose in our lives, and as the Universe is supporting this move, we should all expect new opportunities, or the coming to fruition of what we have been working so hard on to date. 

Making peace with your inner world needs to be your priority this solar month as when you have peace within you, it is much easier to find and create peace outside of you.  Use your emotions and feelings this month to understand your motivations and your talents, rather than using these to feel angry, victimised or powerless.  Sensitivity breeds creativity, so there are so many positive and productive ways that you can use your energy even when you may be feeling hurt and disillusioned.  Remember who you are; you are a spirit having a human experience, and you are a spark of the Universe.  You are loved, you are blessed, and you are divine and the more you can focus all of that energy back into wonderful you, the happier and more empowered you will feel.  You are nobody’s victim, especially not your own, and you are also not the boss of anybody either.  So, find your peace, embrace your shadow and stand strong against emotions and people who try to have power over you, and do not take anything personally, because usually it won’t be intended that way.

If you are a Scorpio and you would like to know more about what your year ahead may have in store for you then please just follow this link to my website to book your Solar Return Reading and Report with me   A Star-Wise Solar Return Reading and Report gives you invaluable insight into what your year ahead is all about and how you can best navigate it to get the most out of it and to grow as a soul through the coming year’s experiences.  We all have our individual lessons to learn, and we have already chosen the environment we will learn in, the people we will learn with and the experiences we will learn through, and so having insight and understanding of this gives you a definite head-start and advantage as let’s face it, “fore-warned is fore-armed!!”

I am currently updating my website with my Retreat and Workshop schedules for 2022, and you will be able to access this information by clicking on the Events page on my website very soon.  My 5-day Retreats will be available next year as well as some new one-day intensive Workshops that I am currently developing.  Payment plans are available on request for all of my Events.

And if you are interested in studying Esoteric Astrology with me online, my Level One and Two Courses are now available online to everyone worldwide. Just click on this link for full description  and here is the link for Level Two   Payment plans are available on request.

I am also available for personal Clairvoyant Astrology Readings and would love to be of service to you as you navigate the waters of your soul’s journey at this time

Thank you, take care and many blessings to you for a positively inspired and empowered solar month where you master those negative feelings and embrace the positive ones to find your inner and outer peace.  And a very Happy New Solar Year to all you sensitive, intelligent and creative Scorpios out there!  xox