Blog Post 22 September 2021

The Sun is now moving out of the very organised, capable and perfectionistic energy of Virgo and into the communicative, social and balanced energy of Libra.  This energy gives us a month where there will be a lot of focus on our relationships and the roles that we play in them.  Libran energy craves balance as it feels that its purpose in life is to create this everywhere it goes.  However, we cannot be expected to take responsibility for the balance and harmony that others lack or seek in their lives.  The only balance you are responsible for is your own.  The world as we know it is definitely in a very unbalanced state at this time, and we are all feeling it.  Therefore, you can use this Solar Month of Libra to really look into your relationships – your work relationships, your friendships, your partnerships etc – to see how balanced or unbalanced they are, and what you can do about balancing these out. 

The energy of Libra rules relationships and because of this, souls born under this sign of the zodiac tend to take their relationships very seriously.  Libra is a very social sign of the zodiac and most souls born under this sign love to socialise, to entertain and to host and take care of the needs of others so as everyone can enjoy themselves.  It is the energy of the “people-pleaser” – the one who never wants to stand out for being difficult or going against the flow in any way.  Therefore, when it comes to relationships many Librans lose themselves in these and not in a happy way. They can easily lose themselves in the needs of the other person or the needs of the relationship, and their focus starts to become more and more about the other person and less and less about themselves.  No. 1 rule of spirituality is that there is no one in the world more important than you!  If you cannot and do not give love to yourself first and foremost then chances are all your relationships will be based on need and fear, rather than on faith and love.

We can use the energy of Libra this month to analyse where we are at in our relationships with others by simply answering the following questions:-

Are you carrying a greater load and responsibility in your partnership than your partner is? 

Are you always the one who has to give in or agree to do what everyone else wants to do? 

Are you putting the needs of others ahead of your own constantly? 

If you answered yes to any or all of these, your relationships are out of balance.  Partnerships and friendships need to be equal so as we can give and receive in the same amount and at the same level.  And it’s okay to ask to speak up for or, stand up for, what you personally want.  You can change what you give and receive simply by putting a greater worth on yourself and communicating your needs. So, use the energy of Libra to clear out or balance out your relationships with others so as you can feel empowered, harmonious and on an equal standing with everyone whom you care about.  And always remember too, that the most important relationship you have in your life is the one you have with yourself.  So be good to YOU first and foremost.

Libran energy is a very social energy, so this is a great Solar month to get out and about (if you can!!), and especially to get out and about in nature.  As I have said before, nature is the only thing that is real right now.  Everything else is an illusion of chaos.  But when we go to the ocean, walk in the forest, or just lie down on some grass, we connect with what is real and what will always support us and nurture us.  So, what you feel when you are in nature and in the balance of the Gaia, is what you need to be able to feel in your relationships as well.  That sense of peace, comfort, acceptance and of love that you feel when you are in nature.  This feeling will show you who is good for you and who is not and can also give you the strength you may need to let go of some relationships and move on.

October is going to be a BIG month on the earth plane as things continue to come to a head.  And so, it is IMPERATIVE that you find your peace amongst all of this.  The best way to do this is to give your attention to only what is positive in your world and to also believe in yourself and taking care of your wellbeing so as you are strongly focused on being the best version of yourself that you can be.  There is so much external confusion and tension at the moment and when you focus on that energy it will bring your personal vibration down, and what the world needs right now is for everyone to keep their personal vibration UP.  Simple things that you can do to keep that vibration high are being in nature, listening to music, meditating, spending time with people who are like-minded and genuine, laughing and playing, and most importantly, being kind and gentle to yourself in every way.  And taking the time to do and enjoy the simple things in life with friends and loved ones. 

If you are a Libran and you would like to know more about what your year ahead may have in store for you then please just follow this link to my website to book your Solar Return Reading and Report with me   A Star-Wise Solar Return Reading and Report gives you invaluable insight into what your year ahead is all about and how you can best navigate it to get the most out of it and to grow as a soul through the coming year’s experiences.  We all have our individual lessons to learn, and we have already chosen the environment we will learn in, the people we will learn with and the experiences we will learn through, and so having insight and understanding of this gives you a definite head-start and advantage as let’s face it, “fore-warned is fore-armed!!”

My website has all my Retreats, Courses and Readings for 2021.  My 5-day Activating The Soul Retreats are fully booked for 2021 and I will be updating my website in the next month or so with my Retreat and Workshop schedules for 2022, and you will be able to access this information by clicking on the Events page on my website.  Payment plans are available on request for all of my Events.

And if you are interested in studying Esoteric Astrology with me online, my Level One and Two Courses are now available online to everyone worldwide. Just click on this link for full description  and here is the link for Level Two   Payment plans are available on request.

I am also available for personal Clairvoyant Astrology Readings and would love to be of service to you as you navigate the waters of your soul’s journey at this time

Thank you, take care and many blessings to you for a positive, productive and purposeful year ahead where you and your contribution will be appreciated and celebrated in every way.  And a very Happy New Solar Year to all you fun-loving, harmonious and social Librans out there!  Where would we be without your counsel, perspective and balance 😉. Xox