Readings & Reports
The following Reading and Report options are available to both new and existing clients.
In-depth Intuitive Astrology Reading
Are you Ready To Live Your Destiny?
My most comprehensive in-depth esoteric Astrology Reading is designed to give you
all the information you need regarding who you truly are.
Astrology Intuitive Reading
Are You Ready To Live Your Destiny?
My special combination of Clairvoyance and Astrology gives a genuine and practical in-sight into the soul you are in this incarnation, and all that you have come to learn and experience. You may also record your Reading with me for your future reference.
Solar Return Reading
Need Spiritual Direction And Guidance?
Book your Solar Return Reading! A Solar Return Report with Clairvoyant Reading is your own personal yearly horoscope from birthday to birthday.
Solar Return Report
Navigate Your Year Ahead With Clarity!
Order your Solar Return Report! Imagine having a personalised roadmap for the next 12 months, filled with insights into your emotional landscape, career potential, relationships, and your health.
Past Life Reading
Are You Ready to Heal & Evolve?
My in-depth Star-Wise Past Life Reading is designed to provide deep insight into who you were in past lives and how these experiences are influencing your current journey. You’ll uncover the lessons your soul is here to learn, guided by the wisdom of the Akashic Records and the support of Archangel Michael, bringing healing, growth, and acceptance to your present life.
Star Child Intuitive Reading
Are You Ready To Live Your Destiny?
Just like you, your child has chosen their life before they were born and a Star-Wise Star Child Reading & Report are the blueprint to all that they have chosen to be and do in this lifetime. The more you can understand what your child has chosen for themselves in this lifetime the sooner you can get on with supporting them and guiding them towards their dreams, happiness and success.
Star Child Astrology Report
The essential blueprint for new parents, grandparents and caregivers
Find out everything you need to know about the soul who has chosen YOU as their guide in this lifetime.
Clairvoyant Astrology Reading
Need Spiritual Direction And Guidance?
My StarWise Clairvoyant Readings are for those who have already had astrological interpretations done by me in the past, and are just looking for some answers from Spirit, or some direction in their lives.
Astrology Report
Need Spiritual Direction And Guidance?
A Star-wise Astrology Report NEVER goes out of relevance! Its invaluable material and insight can be referred to time and time again along your soul’s journey.
Astrobiology Report
When are you most likely to conceive?
Astrobiology is a theory that has been used by Astrologers for hundreds of years to determine when a woman is at her most fertile or most likely to conceive. This theory believes there are only specific dates in any given year where a woman can conceive a child, and this is based on the astrological information from her Natal Chart relative to the time in question.
Astrology Transit Report
Have an Important Date Coming Up?
Discover how the planets and energies of the cosmos will be affecting you personally. The IDEAL TOOL for you to use to establish how a certain month (or months) in any given year, will be affecting you career-wise, relationship-wise, health-wise and much more.
We choose our lives before we are born, there are no mistakes and no accidents – everything is pre-destined – and our lives then often become a contest between our destiny and our soul’s vision for our lives, and our ego-self.
The earth plane is a school of learning, and we come here to feel and experience life in the human form as this is our fastest and most efficient way to evolve as souls on a continual journey of growth and understanding.
You have brought amazing gifts and talents with you that are unique to you and you alone, and you have also chosen many challenges to have to go through, so as you can learn more about yourself and about your soul’s journey. None of us choose to be unhappy or to suffer, but we do often choose some very challenging circumstances to work through.
I offer various in-depth Astrology Readings designed to help you to understand who you truly are and your life purpose. Through the tools of astrology and my connection with Spirit, I can bring you a higher understanding of who you truly are as well as messages and input from your Guides and Masters in the Spirit world.
For detailed information regarding each of my Readings, please click on one of the links below. My recommendation for your first Reading with me is my Star-Wise In-depth Intuitive Astrology Reading.