- Are you carrying pain and emotions that you just can’t shake?
- Do feel that the load you are carrying overwhelms you?
- Are you struggling to let go of and release what has gone before?
- And/or, do you constantly find yourself caught up in emotions, dramas and experiences that challenge your peace and progress in this lifetime?
Although I call myself an Astrologer, I am essentially a Lightworker and as such I am here to help and heal humanity. The more I open up to my path the more open I become as a channel and the more I am able to tap into the healing that is needed on a deep and often hidden level within you.
In this new service that I have been guided to offer I will tune into your soul’s journey and offer you understanding, guidance and insight into the wounds you are carrying and what they have to teach you. It is for many of us, at this time on the earth plane, our destiny to be clearing and healing ancestral karma as well as our own soul’s deepest wounds. As within, so without, and as the planet and humanity as a collective break down to create a new earth, so too must we. And we must learn to do this with kindness and compassion for the task we have chosen, and with faith and belief that this is what we are here for.
There is a huge need at this time for all of us to clear the negativity that we have carried lifetime after lifetime and the only way to do this is to be aware of what those wounds are, accepting them for what they have taught you, and then allowing yourself to release them and move forward without fear.
Your “Channelled Healing” will consist of a written message to you from your Guides and Ancestors in collaboration with my Guides and Masters giving you insight into the wounds you are carrying and why you have chosen them. You will gain a deep understanding of what is yours to learn through and what you have chosen to clear for your family line(s) as well as how you can heal and release these for the highest good of all concerned. And when you do the healing work required you will clear this ancestral karma 7 generations back and 7 generations forward. You are literally changing and healing your family lines so as the earth plane can be restored to oneness and humanity can let go of all that no longer serves it well.
Your “Guided Meditation” will be a Meditation created exclusively for you from the Spirit world. This soothing and healing Meditation is something you can use again and again to clear your wounds layer by layer and back to the core issue. You can use the words and the energy created in this Meditation to release, heal and find peace for yourself and in your understanding of those around you. It is also designed to empower you to stand in your own truth and live your life with more clarity, self-love and self-worth.
You will also receive a 10 page Star-Wise Astrology Report, created for you to enable you to gain a better understanding of who you truly are, in every aspect of your life, and what it is that really makes you tick.
Please note:- This option is only available as a written Channelled Healing, a written Astrology Report and an MP3 download of the Guided Meditation, all of which will be emailed to you.