Astrology Transit Report

$60.00 NZD

Every 4 minutes the planets move in relation to one another, therefore they are constantly affecting the way we think, react and feel during any given period of time. A Transit Report is a fully written Reading that covers how the planets and energies of the cosmos will be affecting you personally and is the ideal tool for you to use to establish how a certain month (or months) in any given year, will be affecting you career-wise, relationship-wise, health-wise and much more.


Every 4 minutes the planets are moving in relation to one another, therefore affecting the way we think, react and feel during any given period of time. To this end the planets, as they continually move through your personal Natal Chart, are affecting your birth planets and the zodiac energies within specific astrological Houses. Therefore a StarWise Astrology Transit Chart or Report is an ideal tool for you to use to establish how a certain month or months in any given year, can be for you.

Perhaps you have a wedding to plan, a court case to face, or a business deal or investment to make? Or perhaps you are looking for the perfect time for you to start some self-development or spiritual growth?  There will always be better times than others for you to work through any of these situations, and your astrology transits are a wonderful tool for you to use to do this. This StarWise Astrology Transit Report will interpret any given month for you, offering you esoteric and practical astrological advice to give you an idea of when the more favourable future dates will be for you, and what you would like to achieve.

To order this report, please complete the purchase using the secure Paypal option. Once this is complete, you will be contacted as soon as possible to collect your birth details. If you are located in New Zealand, and prefer to use internet banking, please feel free to contact me at for these details.