Blog Post 16 April 2020

The aspects being formed between some of the major planets in our solar system have a constant effect on us.  As they move into harmonious and not-so-harmonious degrees to one another they send an energy to the earth plane that we can use to better understand what is going on globally as well as what may be going on for us personally.  The intuitive part of you naturally picks up on this and understands its importance and relevance. As above so below.

For most of this year the planets will be forming some hard aspects with one another indicating major changes and transformation on the earth plane. Much will be revealed and for the most part 2020 is setting the tone for the decade ahead.  It will not be an easy decade, and how challenging it will be for you will depend upon your own understanding and awareness.  As we have seen to date in only the first 4 months of this new decade, things are changing, people are waking up and we are evolving.

So, we have all now, in one way or another, had to spend time in our various “bubbles” or pockets of isolation from others, and we have each been working through our various attitudes and reactions to this in our own ways.  For some this has been the greatest holiday ever, and for others, it has been sheer torture to be contained in this way.  However you are, or are not handling this, the important thing is that you are using this time to learn more and remember who you truly are.

So, what are you learning about yourself?  What are you learning about those closest to you?  What are you learning about your perception of the world?  And most importantly what is being revealed about you and to you, that perhaps has not been revealed before?  We are seeing global revelations coming at us from all directions – and there is a lot to sift through. 

We are all gifted with our intuition, or gut instinct.  It is in each and every one of us, some more developed than others of course, but no matter who you are, or what you do in life, you possess this gift.  Your intuition responds to what “feels” right to you.  Your intuition doesn’t base its understanding on facts, figures or logic, it bases it all on what “feels” right as it is seen through the perspective of the Higher Self. 

Right now, it is SO important that we all pay good attention to what we are feeling and intuiting in regard to the world around us and what we are all experiencing.  You don’t have to have a political agenda, be a scientist or any type of expert at all, to know what does or doesn’t make sense or feel right to you.  You will all have experienced times in your lives where someone did or said something to you, and you just knew it wasn’t right, without being able to say why.  That was your intuition speaking to you.  And did you know that when you have any decision to make the FIRST part of you that speaks to you is always your intuition?  Yet, so many of you don’t listen to this or pay heed to its warnings.

While we are somewhat suspended in motion at present, it is a good time to look into your intuition; to have a think about all those times that things maybe didn’t feel right, yet you still went along with them.  And to have a think about where this took you and what  this resulted in.  I am sure that you all, just like me in the past, have not listened when you should have and suffered the consequences as a result of this.  Your intuition is your strongest “knowing” because it ALWAYS has your best interests at heart.  Therefore, the more you can rely on this integral part of you that is always there, the more likely you are to be led and guided towards what is best for you, rather than tricked and deceived by your Ego Self into what it thinks is best for you.

During this time of great revelations, not everything is going to feel right, and not everything is going to make sense, and A LOT you are not going to like very much at all.  BUT no matter what it is, before you decide to disregard it or embrace it, allow yourself to first “feel” it.  Often the most uncomfortable truths can make perfect sense.  And often the most comfortable answers feel wrong. 

Although Saturn, the great teacher and disciplinarian is moving in and out of Capricorn this year, Pluto the change-maker will still be in this ambitious earth energy for another 5 years.  And for the rest of this year Jupiter is there too, amplifying and expanding upon all that Pluto exposes and works to transform.  So, the changes are going to keep coming as the old world is broken down to make way for the new world.  To have sustainable and positive change in this world, we the people, need to be heard, and our truth needs to come from what we know and feel (our intuition) to be right, rather than from what others tell us to believe or that we have been programmed to believe. 

You are a powerful soul alive at the time of the great unravelling and the great reveal and you are here to make a difference.  So, stand in your own power, stay true to what feels right for you and accept only what resonates with you.   Blessings xox