Blog Post 24 August 2023

We now say goodbye to Leo season.  This last solar month has been a time for expansion and expression and one where you may have hopefully found the power to speak up and/or step up a bit more as the Leo optimism energy flooded the earth plane.  It was also a time for us all to become more aware of our intentions and to make sure that what we wish to achieve, do or be in life is completely aligned with who we truly are.  The more inner alignment you have the more outer success you can then create.

Virgo season is quite different – this is like a time of retreat, and it aligns itself perfect with the Retrograding planets and what they have to teach us at this time. Virgo is the energy of perfection, of service, of healing and of order.  Most Virgo’s love nothing more than to be organised, efficient and productive and they are always at their best when they have a goal to achieve and a plan on how to get there. 

Therefore Virgo season can be a time of great internal and background productivity.  The need to pay attention to details and to get your proverbial ducks in a row will seem like a natural flow for you, and with the power of the Retrogrades occurring at the same time, your inner world needs to be the focus of your attention.  We already have Mars, the planet of drive and determination sitting in Virgo as well as Mercury, the planet of communication, also sitting there and turning Retrograde at the same time as Virgo season begins.  So this gives us 3 powerful inner planets in Virgo at this time.  The inner planets are like our everyday injections of energy.  Whereas the outer planets teach us long and slow lessons that can have many stages to them, the inner planets have the job of keeping us aware of the ins and outs of everything that we do and to be constantly fine-tuning ourselves and our actions so as they assist us in learning our outer planetary lessons.  If you can imagine an outer planet could be like learning to swim, it’s a big task and can take some time to learn.  And the inner planets are all the stages of swimming we have to go through to actually master the overall skill. 

All of this Virgo activity at this time is meant to be harnessed and used by you to get your life in order in some way.  Maybe you have a cupboard that is full of junk that you really need to sort out and make use of.  Or perhaps you are in a messy relationship that needs some attention or order given to it to see if it is good enough for you?  Or, perhaps your work situation is all over the place and needs some order and stability returned to it? Wherever you dis-order is at this time is where you can apply this orderly Virgo energy so you can create some structure, some organisation and from this, some peace.  For myself, I will be using this time to attend to creating a Level 3 2-Day Workshop as well writing some new Meditations and some other magical offerings that the Spirt world are asking me to bring to you all and I can already feel the strong motivation and focus to get all of this done coming in.

The energy of Virgo is also the energy of the Healer.  In Esoteric Astrology Virgo is ruled by Chiron – the wounded healer.  At the time that the Sun moves into Virgo, Chiron will be in Aries and in Retrograde motion.  So the Sun and its ruler have lessons to teach you at this time that particularly pertain to the way you perceive and treat yourself.  The lesson of Chiron in Aries is believing that you are good enough and that you can stand on your own two feet.  And the lesson of Virgo is to see your own perfection.  To learn both of thee lessons you need to let go of your own self-judgement and negative thinking and step into a more positive and capable state of mind.  You know that you want to give your best, and you know that you are good at what you do, and so now is the time to stop judging yourself and start listening to the input of others and seeing your own perfection.  While the Sun is in Virgo, we may all feel a lot more inclined to be our own Judge and Jury, as our need to be “perfect” will feel very strong, and so it will be a lot easier to fall into self-loathing and lack of belief in what you are truly capable of. 

The antidote to this is always SELF-LOVE.  So, this month instead of focussing on all the things that you believe are wrong with you and your life, put your focus on all that is going great in your life and if there are things that you are struggling with be kind to yourself.  Most importantly I would encourage you to look back and see how far you have come.  You are not the same person you were 5 years ago or even 5 months ago, you have grown, you have evolved and you have faced some major challenges AND you are still here!  Still growing, evolving, and Being all that you came here to be.  So there is no failure, no not good enough and no imperfection.  The only true failure in this lifetime is, in my opinion, when we stop trying and when we keep repeating the same lesson over and over again. 

So, this solar month get your organisational pants on and get moving!  With Mercury in Retrograde in Virgo until 15 September you don’t want to be taking  any major action before then.  Therefore this time is ideal for all that planning, re-assessing, re-looking and upgrading you and all that you stand for and wish to achieve at this time.  You will find that you have a better ability to focus on the details, read the fine print and attend to all those little things that you have put off or that simply just need to be done.  And if you don’t get everything done in the timeframe or in the way you would like too, that’s okay too.  Just try again – its not always easy to get it right the first time. 

Most importantly however this solar month, is being kind to yourself and don’t forget to acknowledge and appreciate yourself for all that you have been through and how are you doing now.  Don’t judge yourself because you have done nothing wrong.  Yes, you may not have gotten something 100% right, or achieved your 100% goal – and that’s okay because you are still here, you are still going and there is plenty of time for you to still get there.  You are a soul on a journey and you are  not always going to get it right but that does not mean you are imperfect, incapable or incompetent, it simply means you are still learning and perfect in your imperfection.

Wishing all you fastidious and hard-working Virgos out there a very happy Solar Year ahead and if you would like to know what your solar year ahead has in store for you then please book your Solar Return Reading with me by clicking on the following link: –

Wishing all you hard-working, competent and capable Virgos out there a very happy solar year ahead.  Blessings xox