On 22 November 2020, the Sun moves out of the deep, intense, sensitive and driven energy of Scorpio and into the freedom loving, explorative and outgoing energy of Sagittarius.  The theme for this next solar month with be one of freedom and control.  Interestingly liberty and the ability to do things your way and under your own guidance are big themes for Sagittarians, yet in their quest for this total freedom,
they often seek to control everything and everyone one around them.  These polar opposite behaviours are reflected in the Sagittarian’s drive and need for success and to master all that they put their highly intelligent minds too.  And so when the Sun moves into this energy such things become the primary focus for all of us over this next solar month.  We will feel driven to pursue our own freedom, to seek the truth, to be aware of where we are being controlled and controlling, and to master what we do best. 

Sagittarian energy, similar to Gemini energy, has a great need for variety and stimulation in life, however, the difference is that Sagittarians tend to master what they do before they move on to the next challenge.  Therefore, this month we are all being asked to become the masters of all that we do and not to spread ourselves too thin so that we can then master and have control of all that we believe in and all that we have to offer one another.  This last solar month in Scorpio has taught us much about our emotions and it has also once again kicked open the doors to truth, disclosure and revelations both globally and personally.  The importance of honesty, equality and harmony were brought to our attention and now the energy of Sagittarius allows us to not only master these energies but to fully commit ourselves to the pursuit of truth and awareness, so as we can be free once again.  If the corruption of this world is our current “Goliath” then Sagittarius is our “David”.  And we all know how that story ended…. ????

Sagittarian energy is the energy of the truth seeker as well as the master and so we will see as this month moves along more revelations, more exposure and this will, I hope, inspire each and every one of us to engage in our own critical thinking and research to find our own answers and from these our personal empowerment. 

We are building up to the culmination of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn.  Their work is now nearly done in this sign of the zodiac and their transits through here have changed the world in many ways.  Saturn has opened the hatch and brought to our attention all that is outdated, not sustainable, corrupt and damaged in this world and Jupiter, the great amplifier, has made this impossible to ignore.  Humanity has been awakened, slowly but surely as is the way of Capricorn.  Pluto, the mighty transformer, whose work is to sweep away and transform all that stands in his way of change and evolvement, is still working his way through the patriarchal energy of Capricorn and will do so until 2025.  No-one can contain or alter the changes that Pluto brings – he is like a mighty Tsunami that carries on through destroying and breaking down all that is not for the highest good and he makes no apologies for his methods or his ways.  He is the necessary chaos before the enlightened change – the transformation from dark to light, from victim to master.

The energy of this Solar Month in Sagittarius is one which I feel will be met by many with enthusiasm and a new sense of empowerment.  We are now much more aware of what is wrong and broken in the world and within ourselves, and Sagittarius sets us free from this by inviting us to stand in and embrace our personal mastery.  Every soul on this earth has their own individual talents and gifts, brought with them into this lifetime to be expanded upon and shared, and now as 2020 comes into its final weeks, it is time for ALL of us to stand in our own mastery and more importantly in our own truth.  This solar month, as the great shift takes place, truth-seeking will be the theme for many and this allows those who are willing to truly spiritually awaken to step up.  And before this Solar Month is done, two of the most powerful planets in our solar system, Saturn and Jupiter, will have made the quintessential shift into the energy of Aquarius. 

Use this solar month to polish your skills; to master and excel at all you have put your energies into this year and to not be afraid to seek answers and awareness where you feel all is not what it seems.  The energy of Sagittarius will sharpen all of our instincts and our critical thinking, and for many who have not experienced it before, there will be the vital merging of our intuitive minds with our critical thinking.  When we go too far into our intuition we can miss valuable facts and when we go too far into our critical thinking we cut ourselves off from what we feel to be true.  Part of our journey on the earth plane is all about merging and balancing these two integral parts of ourselves, and as we do, we awaken to not only what has been going on behind the scenes and underneath it all, but we also awaken to our power – the power of the people to know what is best for them.  Control is an illusion based on fear, and whatever is based in fear will keep us frozen, stagnant and unfulfilled on every level.  When you let go of control, you open the door to peace and to the higher understanding that you are a powerful being when you are sovereign – not controlled by another and not controlling of another.  Sagittarian energy has no master, it is the master, and so don’t be afraid to search out the truth, and to speak your truth. 

The truth hurts, yes, but it also sets us free.

If you are a Sagittarian and would like to know more about what your year ahead may have in store for you then please just follow this link to my website to book your Solar Return Reading and Report with me

Star-Wise Solar Return Reading and Report gives you invaluable insight into what your year ahead is all about and how you can best navigate it to get the most out of it and to grow as a soul through the coming year’s experiences.  We all have our individual lessons to learn and we have already chosen the environment we will learn in, the people we will learn with and the experiences we will learn through, and so having insight and understanding of this gives you a definite head-start and advantage as let’s face it, “fore-warned is fore-armed!!”

If you are interested in reading more of my Blog Posts to keep you up to date with what is happening in the cosmos and how it will be affecting you please follow this link to my website

I will be updating my Website in December with my itinerary for 2021 which I am hoping will include overseas trips as well as my work around New Zealand.  My 5-day ACTIVATING THE SOUL RETREAT held at the amazing Tidal Waters LogLodge in Gisborne recently was a HUGE success, and I have already scheduled another Retreat for February 2021, and I am hoping to take it to Bali in May 2021, and to some other parts of New Zealand as well.  There will also be my brand new ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY COURSE – created to be held online where you can study with me one-on-one or in a small group.  I would love to have you join me at one of these Events ???? so keep an eye on our IN Box in the New Year.  And, just a reminder to you all that when I am not travelling I am still available for Skype, Phone or Recorded Readings.

Happy new Solar Year to all you freedom loving, masterful and outgoing Sagittarians out there and may you find the power to let go of what is not yours to control and to step out of any limiting control that you may find yourself under.  Seek the truth and don’t be afraid to speak it – the world needs your truth.  Many blessings to you for another fabulous dance around the Sun.  Blessings xox