Today, 20 February 2020, the Sun moves out of the quirky, rebellious and alternative energy or Aquarius and into the creative, easy-going and intuitive energy of Pisces.  The last month of Aquarian energy has seen us all pushed a little (or a lot) outside of our comfort zones as our inner selves and our souls react to all that is out of balance, unjust and just plain wrong in this world.  It has been a somewhat chaotic time for many, and for the world in general, as once again we have to experience imbalance to achieve true balance.  Aquarius is an Air sign and so we have had a lot occupying our thoughts and our minds over the last month, and now with the first move of the year into a Water sign, it is our emotions and our intuition or gut instinct that is set to be challenged and embraced.

Piscean energy is very easy-going, like water it likes nothing more than to flow unrestricted and unfettered towards whatever direction it chooses.  It doesn’t feel a need to force the issue, demand its right of passage or be the only way, it simply wishes to exist.  However, the challenge here is that under this influence it is very easy for us to sit on the fence and watch the world go by, rather than be present, alert and aware. 

What we feel and what comes up within us this month is of great importance to our soul’s journey.  With the Sun in Pisces, our intuition and connection to Spirit are enhanced and this will be further magnified by a New Moon in Pisces this weekend.  Every month has a different focus because our lives are a constantly changing journey and there are always times when a certain type of focus or intent is more supported than others by the cosmos.  And, every year when the Sun moves into your own sign of the zodiac you start a whole new journey along your life path, and this is known as your Solar Return.  Every year of your life holds new experiences, challenges and events that are designed to shape you into who you truly are and teach you more about yourself and the life you have chosen to live.  And the great news is that by using your own personal astrological details you can see and know in advance what may be coming up for you, how you will be feeling, as well as what challenges you may have to face and what rewards and opportunities are coming your way.

So, this month it will be through your creativity, your dreams, your intuition and your feelings that the truth will be revealed to you so as you can start to work on your inner balance and connect with your truth.  There is no right or wrong or black or white and Piscean souls understand this more than most.  We all have our own perspectives on life, and it is these that make us who we are, and we can all create magic in our lives too when we have too.  Piscean energy is all about what can’t be seen, touched or even explained at times as it relates to what we just know or feel within ourselves.  So as we are all made up of a combination of the stars and we all have our own secret depths that we are here to understand, accept and make peace with.

This month be aware of your dreams, be aware of all the synchronicities in your life and be aware of what “feels” right to you.  It doesn’t have to be what everyone else sees or feels to be valid or correct, all that matters is how you feel and what awareness this brings to life in your world.  Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Neptune is renowned for his illusional energy – so at times this month it could be difficult for you to see the woods for the trees, or to explain what you feel and mean, and this is OK.  The physical 3D world we live in is not real, it’s not the whole picture and it’s not the future, rather what you feel, intuite, resonate with and gravitate too, is what is real.  And this does not need to be justified, explained or apologised for to anyone.  I mean, we all get up in the morning and want to eat something different for breakfast – because we feel like it or it suits us or that is all there is.  It’s different for everyone, and it’s NOT a case of right or wrong.  We are all being called to stop judging and believing that what works for us as individuals, is what should also work for everyone else.  One size does NOT fit all!

Neptune and Pisces energy can also represent betrayal and deception in life, and this can very much be due to the fact that when we are under the influence of such energies it is easier to sweep things under the carpet, ignore what we don’t want to address and simply run away from life when the going gets tough.  The stand-off of planets in Capricorn over these last few months is calling us all to task and asking us to get real.  No more petty excuses and no more ignoring what we are here to address.  And now this month with the Sun in Pisces the emphasis is on honouring what we feel to be true, and not what we are told is true or conditioned to believe is the truth.  The more awareness you can give in your daily life and through meditation etc, to your own feelings and beliefs the more power you will possess and the more power you possess the more of a difference you can make in your life, and by your actions, in the lives of others. 

And never forget that you, and each and every one of us, is surrounded at any given time by a team of spiritual helpers, guides, ancestors, Masters and Angels.  They have chosen you and you have chosen them to help you learn and evolve as a Spirit having a human experience.  But unfortunately, their energy, their messages and their guidance are subtle.  And so, we need to be still, to be focused on the moment,  and on our inner selves, to be able to hear the messages and take the direction.  We co-create with the Universe and so until we ask for help and make an effort to communicate with Spirit we are pretty much left to our own devices.  So, make this solar month the one where you increase and embrace your connection with Spirit.  Start a meditation practise, get creative, write down your dreams and feelings, allow what you feel to have an impact on the physical you – there is no right or wrong way to connect.  They are always there, waiting, watching, listening and supporting us with their unconditional love we just have to learn how to reach out and touch it.

So, this solar month don’t be surprised if you would rather bury your head in the sand than deal with life, or that you feel the need to run away or deny what is being presented to you.  That is what your Ego Self will want you to do as it lives in total fear of you embracing your Higher Self and spiritual energy.  But don’t let it win.  Face what you fear, speak up about what you feel and action what is right for you.  You are a soul on a journey, and your journey is not the same as mine or anyone else’s so stand strong in that knowing and allow your inner truth, intuition, gut instinct, or whatever you wish to call it, lead you and guide you as it will ALWAYS have your best intentions at heart.  Feel the magic that is within you and all around you and make friends with it.  Be present in your life, don’t run for cover or hide from the truth, as it’s not going away and will only manifest in a different form for you later if you don’t acknowledge it today.

If you are a Pisceanand would like to know more about what your year ahead may have in store for you then please just follow this link to my website to book your Solar Return Reading and Report with me

A Star-Wise Solar Return Reading and Report gives you invaluable insight into what your year ahead is all about and how you can best navigate it to get the most out of it and to grow as a soul through the coming year’s experiences.  We all have our individual lessons to learn and we have already chosen the environment we will learn in, the people we will learn with and the experiences we will learn through, and so having insight and understanding of this gives you a definite head-start and advantage as let’s face it, “fore-warned is fore-armed!!”

If you are interested in reading more of my Blog Posts to keep you up to date with what is happening in the cosmos and how it will be affecting you please follow this link to my website

I have now updated my Events Page on my website with my travels and Events for the first half of 2020 and I would love to have you join me at one of my life-changing Awakening The Soul or Aligning The Soul Workshops. And of course, I am also available online and in person for my Clairvoyant Astrology Readings as well.

Happy new Solar Year to all you magical Piscean creatures out there and allow your creativity and inner voice to guide you towards your magic always. Many blessings to you for another fabulous dance around the Sun.  Blessings xox