BLOG POST 24 September 2023

As we move out of winter and into Spring here in New Zealand it feels like we are shedding that winter coat to free ourselves up for the growth, expansion and new opportunities for change that always come as we step into Spring.

As the Sun moves into Libra, we step out of ourselves and into our relationships with others.  During Libra Season we get a chance to explore all the relationships we have with others in our lives as well as the all-important relationship we have with ourselves.

This is a great time to perhaps do a spring-clean of your friendships just to see if they are all what you need at this time.  As we grow and evolve, we can very easily grow out of people and activities that used to mean a lot to us, and we should not judge ourselves for this as it’s a normal cycle of growth.  There is that very well known saying that “some people are in your life for a reason and some for a season” and Libra Season is when this comes up for review.

One of the biggest challenges often for Libran energy, and I know every one of you Librans reading this will identify with it, is that you are people-pleasers.  Your great need to have balance and harmony in your life means that you often will do whatever it takes to keep the peace and so often this can mean that YOU miss out on what you really want, and that is not okay. 

So, during this solar month it will be a good time to practise limiting or controlling your need to please those around you, and look more towards pleasing yourself.  The number one rule of Spiritualty is that there is no-one in the world more important than YOU.  And this is quite simply because if you do not learn how to give to yourself 100% first and foremost, then you will never have enough to go around.  And you will not have the strength to help and support others in the way you would like too.  So, take a look at your relationships with others and see within these how much you give your energy away, or how often you go with the flow when you would rather not, or even how often you find yourself playing the counsellor when you would rather just deal with your own problems.  How much of your peace do you give away?

Libran energy is also usually very attracted to and often gifted in the literary arts and music, making this solar month a great time to explore any latent or not so latent gifts you may have here and see where they can take you.  Perhaps there is a book inside of you that you have been feeling driven to write?  Or perhaps a song has been going round and round in your head and it’s time to make it real?  Don’t be afraid to follow your dreams and what interests pop up for you at this time as you might find something very special hiding deep within you.

When the Sun moves into Libra it will align with the South Node in Libra but be in opposition to the North Node in Aries as well as Chiron in Aries.  Firstly, the South Node.  The South Node represents the past and other lifetimes you have had where you have learned a lot about and potentially mastered relationships and people-pleasing before.  So, when it aligns with the Sun here it can bring to the surface any issues or old ways of behaviour here that need to be updated in some way.  However, there is also wisdom here.  You have been here before and had to navigate and balance out your own needs versus the needs of others, and so you should find support and understanding within you and be able to call on this wisdom to balance out such things. 

When planets are in opposition to one another sparks fly, and this is all about change and growth and does not have to be negative,  but it will be challenging.  The opposition between Libra (relationships, others, harmony) and Aries (individuality, myself, action) is always a tricky one as it challenges you to put yourself first and particularly for those born with Cancer or Libran Suns, this is not a natural or easy way of being for you.  These signs of the zodiac are born naturally believing that others come first, and they are here to challenge that energy to allow themselves to put them first.  Therefore, this solar month you may find you’re at odds with those who can only see their own needs and their own story and not yours, and you may come across to others exactly the same.  You may find yourself being pulled into things that are expected of you, or that you have habitually been available for before, but that do not make you happy or bring positive energy into your life.  And so, you will have to make a decision, me or you? My advice to you is to not be afraid to be you, to do you, to celebrate you and to put you first.  When you do this, you step into not only what you want but into your power.  And once you learn to put yourself first, you step into so much more self-love and self-respect, and from there you find that you have SO much more to give all those others in your life. It just has to start with you coming first.

Chiron in Aries in Retrograde at this time is teaching us all about the importance of putting ourselves first, believing in who we are and what we are capable of, and to not be afraid to step up, speak out and take charge.  As Chiron is the wounded healer sometimes the lessons he is here to teach us may be painful as we may find that to put ourselves first can feel very uncomfortable or even wrong, but he is teaching us to put a worth on ourselves and to believe in ourselves and this can never be a bad thing to do.

The North Node is our destiny and so the push and pull from Aries to Libra is teaching us when to put ourselves first and to not be afraid to do so, but at the same time we  must also balance out our relationships and our past.  So, not an easy time in some ways but a time I feel where we can learn a lot about our motovations regarding relationships and why we stick with the people we do and also why we avoid or do not wish to connect with others. 

Finding that middle ground between being a caring, compassionate and kind person versus being all about you is very important and one that will have many different experiences attached to it.  But as I see it, if you treat yourself with respect and kindness then it would only make sense for you to treat others the same way.  And if you can hold yourself accountable for the good and bad things about  you, then you can do the same for others.  It’s all about knowing what works for you and not being afraid to let go of anything or anyone who is NOT working for you.

And, if you are a Libran and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me:-

Wishing all your creative, social and fun-loving Librans out there a very Happy Birthday month and many blessings also for a magical year ahead.  xox