Blog Post 22 July 2021

We are now stepping out of the intuitive, compassionate and caring energy of Cancer and into the expressive, outgoing and positive energy of Leo the Lion. As Cancerian energy is so often known for its insular and sensitive energy, Leo is rather known for being the extrovert and the leader.  So, we are moving from feeling and exploring our inner worlds into expressing, and learning how to find our fun and creative expression through our outside worlds. Cancer to Leo can be quite a shift in focus and is a timely reminder that life cannot be all work and no play!

Although we still have 5 planets in Retrograde at this time (Neptune, Saturn, Chiron, Jupiter and Pluto) Leo energy gives us all a boost to put our dreams into action.  It’s an interesting position to find ourselves in at this time as all of the planets that are in Retrograde are outer planets.  The outer planets are slow-moving planets taking anything from 3 years (Saturn) to 17 years (Pluto) to move through a sign of the zodiac, therefore these planets teach us what we need to learn fully, intimately and completely by teaching us many lessons during each of their transits. And when they are in retrograde all of that learning is coming from within our own personal worlds.  Therefore, at this time of Leo moving into his ruling planet, the Sun, our forward action and motivation are coming from deep within ourselves.  Retrograde planets are all about going within to find the answers we need for what is happening outside of ourselves, making these movements of a very spiritual and intimate importance to us all.  Until we understand and make peace with our own inner worlds, it is very difficult for us to make peace with and make use of our outside worlds.  It’s a bit like trying to move water in a bucket full of holes – unless you stop to fix the holes all your hard work and intent will trickle away, not allowing you to accomplish your desires or fulfil your dreams. 

So, this month’s Leo energy is giving us all the big dose of confidence and self-belief that we need to feel comfortable and worthwhile enough to express what we think and feel.  Leo energy is the energy of the extrovert, the creative leader, the fun lover and the optimist.  It dreams big and is more than capable of following its dreams up with equally big actions.  Leo leads with love and compassion and with a full heart for all that there is.  And so, as the Retrograde planets encourage us to understand ourselves, and to put a worth on who we are and what we think, the Leo energy expands upon this and lifts it up and out of us so as we can express it.  This month even the quietest of you out there will find it difficult to be silent and to NOT voice your concerns and opinions on the world around you.  So, embrace this and have no fear.

The challenge here, which always exists to balance out the learning, is that Leo energy does not like to be ignored, not listened to, not appreciated and not admired.  Leo energy will work tirelessly for the greater good but can hang its hat up and walk away if it ever feels like that its input is not being admired or given a worth.  So, do not allow yourself to be discouraged at this time if what you have to share and bring to the table is not appreciated for all that it is.  We will all be tested this month on our sense of personal worth, and in how it is YOUR responsibility and yours alone to define who you are.  If you choose to define and validate yourself by what the rest of the world thinks of you, or by what life dishes up to you, then you are a slave to your own insecurities.  But, when you are prepared to speak up and bring your worth to the table in the full inner knowledge that this is your best effort and that it comes from your heart, then you are in full validation of yourself and what you do will carry the energy of purpose, sustainability and it will also be of the highest vibration.  The Lion is renowned for his roar, and so this month let the roar from your heart be heard, and not the roar from your head. 

The battle around us and within us that is being waged between Fear and Love is not new and it has many different faces and stages.  For so long as we allow Fear to rule us, we cannot move out of 3D brain directed thinking and action and into 5D heart-directed thinking and action.  Leo energy carries so much courage and has so much compassion, but it often fears not fitting in and not being liked and so the shadow side of this can present itself as an unexpressed heart or an unexpressed desire.  Do not allow Fear to stop you from speaking your truth and expressing your unique understanding of life to the world.  You and your highest wisdom are needed at this time.

Leo energy is also a very creative energy and creativity can be a very powerful and very enjoyable way to express yourself.  So, look to how you can release your emotions and share your expression with the world through creativity this month.  Being a Fire sign, Leo energy is also the energy of the leader, therefore there may be new opportunities, especially for those of you born under the sign of Leo, to take the lead in projects, in the workplace or in your personal life in some way, so as you can grow and so as you can show the world what you are capable of.  So, don’t shy away from new opportunities as the North Node in Gemini is also bringing these in thick and fast – particularly for those of you born between 1964 and 1966.

So, during this Solar Month of Leo, embrace your boldness and don’t be afraid to speak up.  Connect with your creativity and don’t be afraid to express this in any way that works for you.  And, most importantly, open your heart to all that there is and use this integral and trustworthy part of yourself as your centre for understanding and action.  Help the world to heal from its division by opening your heart and not buying into any narrative that would turn you against another soul.  We are all one, we are all love, and we are all needed to roar like Leo the lion at this time. 

If you are a Leo and have worked with me or had an Astrology Reading with me before, and you would like to know more about what your year ahead may have in store for you then please just follow this link to my website to book your Solar Return Reading and Report with me   A Star-Wise Solar Return Reading and Report gives you invaluable insight into what your year ahead is all about and how you can best navigate it to get the most out of it and to grow as a soul through the coming year’s experiences.  We all have our individual lessons to learn, and we have already chosen the environment we will learn in, the people we will learn with and the experiences we will learn through, and so having insight and understanding of this gives you a definite head-start and advantage as let’s face it, “fore-warned is fore-armed!!”

Please note Solar Return Readings are only available for those who have had their Natal Chart interpretation done by me before as I believe for you to fully make use of and understand your year ahead (Solar Return) you first really need to know who you are and what you are here to learn in general first.

My website has all my Retreats, Courses and Readings for 2021.  If you are in New Zealand and interested in attending one of my 5-day Activating The Soul Retreats, then please click on this link for all the information you need Payment plans are available on request.

And if you are interested in studying Esoteric Astrology with me online, I have a brand-new Course available to everyone worldwide. Just click on this link for the full description  Payment plans are available on request.

I am also available for personal Clairvoyant Astrology Readings and would love to be of service to you as you navigate the waters of your soul’s journey at this time

Thank you, take care and many blessings for a positive, expressive and creative year ahead to all you bright and bold Leo’s out there xox