Blog Post

22 June 2023

We now say goodbye to the busyness of the last Solar Month under the maverick energy of Gemini.  It’s been a month of socialising, new opportunities and new challenges and under the influence of Gemini we can often feel like we need to do everything, everywhere all at once, and this is the test.  Gemini energy encourages us to be diverse, versatile and efficient but at the same time when there is too much on offer, we often cannot find the energy, time or commitment to get it all done. So as we move into the energy of Cancer, I imagine there are many of you out there (and I am guilty of this too) who may have started things over the last solar month and NOT finished them!

As we step into the home-loving, compassionate and creative energy of Cancer we get to slow down a bit and focus on the more nurturing, caring and intuitive sides of ourselves.  Cancerian energy is highly intuitive and so over this next month you are being asked to really focus on how life and all that’s going on in it, makes you “feel”.  Cancerian energy has the ability to use a lot more brain power than most of the other signs of the zodiac simply because it calls in your intuitive knowledge and understanding AND your academic, learned understanding as well.  So, having a “feeling” about something alongside what you practically or logically know about the same thing, gives you a much more complete overall perspective as well as invaluable insight.

Therefore this solar month is a wonderful time to connect more fully and deeply with your soul and Higher Self energy.  As we slow down into winter here in New Zealand, we don’t have as much need to be out there doing, achieving, and making things happen.  Instead we can and should spend some time taking care of ourselves.  However, as is often the case with Cancerian energy, you may feel more compelled to care for and put the needs of others ahead of your own.  You may find this month that you naturally feel very drawn to helping others or reaching out to those in need, as your depth of feeling will be intensified and extra sensitive to the suffering and pain of others.  You can do much good under this influence and any random act of kindness will not go unnoticed. 

So, what I would like you to do and focus on this solar month are your own personal needs and your own self-care.  The greatest life lesson that goes with Cancerian energy is how to love yourself.  For so many souls born under this sign or with strong Cancerian energy in their Charts, they validate themselves by how needed they are by others and how much good they can do to help other people and situations.  However, this is not what we are here for, and focussing on others and not yourself is unsustainable and exhausting.  We all choose lessons to learn and experiences to have before we are born that are designed to teach us.  However, as human beings we are very stupid and we never seem to learn through the easy lessons, its always the hard ones that do the job.  And so when it comes to self-love, self-worth, self-belief and self-confidence, the only way we seem to learn these things is through being put down, hurt, demoralised, gaslit, abused or rejected.  You see when we have to fight for something we step up, and the challenge for all you lovely Cancerians out there is to fight for YOU and all that you are.  Nobody outside of you has the right to treat you badly, yet Cancerians probably have the worst inner dialogue that allows them to relentlessly treat themselves badly and so they then very easily attract the same treatment from others.  So, use this solar month to observe yourself, how you react to others and how much of your energy you just give away.  Observe how good you are at looking after yourself as opposed to how well you look after others and ask yourself is this fair, justified or serving you?  You might be surprised by what you find.

Chiron the wounded healer is still in Aries and therefore still pushing everyone’s “I’m not good enough” buttons this month.  While the Sun is in Cancer such feelings could be activated and brought to the surface so that you can look at how you reiterate this to yourself without even realising it.  Remember, if you don’t believe that you are good enough – how is anyone else supposed too?

And we still  have 3 major planets, the North Node, Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus.  The influence of these 3 giants in Taurus is all about offering us new ways to constructively think as well as how we can expand upon the task at hand so as to make it as financially and mentally beneficial as possible.  If you can think back to June 2011 – June 2012, this is the last time Jupiter was in Taurus and so themes, events and experiences that you encountered back then can be presented to you once again to see if you will act differently, and make better use of such things.  Jupiter is all about expansion, and he loves to take something that comes very naturally to you and make it grow. 

Saturn is now in Retrograde motion in Pisces which is a fantastic opportunity to look at how you wish to structure and form a plan for your greatest creative or spiritual ideas.  We can use this 5 month period to align our talents and dreams with structure so as they have a lot more chance of becoming real AND sustainable. 

It’s a time where you will become very aware of your ability to self-discipline yourself, or not!  And for those of you out there born between March 1964 and March 1967, or, between January 1994 and April 1996 you are in your Saturn Returns.  (I will be running a FREE MasterClass on Saturn on Facebook on Friday 23 June 2023 at 10am – just go to my Star-Wise Coaching for Change Page on Facebook and you can join me live then).  Your Saturn Return is a BIG deal and something we all need to be aware of if we wish to live and love our lives with full understanding of what our lessons are and how we can go about learning them.

Early next month, July 2023, Neptune the planet of Illusion, deception, imagination and betrayal will move into Retrograde motion.  This will put all the “big boys” in the cosmos into Retrograde as we already have Pluto and Saturn there.  Neptune has been transiting through his home sign of Pisces for the last 11 years and has approximately another 2 to go.  These slow-moving generational planets teach us the long slow lessons that can only be taught though life experiences.  While he is in retrograde motion, he is encouraging us to see through the illusions that we tell ourselves.  With the Sun in Cancer we can all show a lot more kindness and compassion to ourselves and this can only but help us to see through our own deception and story-telling.  Your body and mind automatically respond to all that you say to them, and so use this solar month of empathy to be kind to yourself in every way and ALL of you will appreciate it. 

You are a soul on a journey and you have chosen some big challenges and lessons to get through. So this solar month try not being so hard on yourself, try speaking to yourself in a loving and respectful manner and give yourself lots of quiet time to connect with your intuition and inner world where all your answers lie. 

And, if you are a Cancerian and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me:-

Wishing all you sensitive and intuitive Cancerians out there a very Happy Solar Year ahead!  Practise lots of self-love and self-care and give as much to wonderful you as you do to others!  Blessings xox