Today, 21 January 2020, the Sun moves out of the grounded, disciplined and ambitious energy of Capricorn and into the quirky, alternative and humanitarian energy of Aquarius.  At last the powerful structured energy of the last couple of months with so many planets in Earth energy is being broken up by the movement of the Sun into Aquarius.  Phew!!  Earth energy has dominated us for the last few months, and really its influence has been felt very strongly since Saturn met Pluto here 2 years ago.  Earth energy keeps us going through lessons of what must change – but it’s slow and its hard work and its relentless at times, and so when our central Star (SUN) moves into Aquarius and into the energy of Air, we all get to breathe again! 

Aquarian energy carries the power of humanitarianism, equality and forward thinking.  Like all Air signs, it promotes freedom of thought, the imagination, inventions and new ways of being, existing and living our lives, and it also brings us together to connect with our tribes.  So, as this new decade begins in earnest, we can for the first time start to see that light at the end of the tunnel that signifies change – and the type of change that the world so desperately needs.  We are stepping into the Age of Aquarius an age that has been long awaited for the change of direction, importance, focus and power that it will bring.  Every month has a different focus because our lives are a constantly changing journey and there are always times when a certain type of focus or intent is more supported than others by the cosmos.  And, every year when the Sun moves into your own sign of the zodiac you start a whole new journey along your life path, and this is known as your Solar Return.  Every year of your life holds new experiences, challenges and events that are designed to shape you into who you truly are and teach you more about yourself and the life you have chosen to live.  And the great news is that by using your own personal astrological details you can see and know in advance what may be coming up for you, how you will be feeling, as well as what challenges you may have to face and what rewards and opportunities are coming your way.

For those of you born under the sign of Aquarius, this is your birthday month and the start of your next yearly dance around the Sun.  The last two years have taught us a lot about the importance of concrete foundations and solid platforms as only when these are established in our personal lives and in the world around us, can we have the real courage, confidence, awareness and sustainability to launch ourselves into the big wide world.  I am sure you have all at some stage in your lives endeavoured to take on or start something new that was fuelled by your passion, interest and excitement in it, but, you soon learned that these motivations were not enough to keep it going or to have it turn into the successful venture you wished it to be.  We have needed this hard-core Earth energy to stabilise ourselves so as we can focus on what we can do to the best of our abilities based on our research, our commitment and our individual purposes in life.  But now it’s time to get your quirky on folks!  Aquarian energy LOVES nothing more than to explore and enjoy all that is outside the box.  For some Aquarians this means crazy hairstyles and clothing, for others, it’s about the innovate and unique things they produce or make, and for other Aquarians, it can simply be about doing a very ordinary job in a very alternative way.  This is your greatest gift as an Aquarian – your ability to take the mundane, boring, conservative and traditional and tweak it!  Aquarian people and Aquarian energy are here to change the world,  They are here to encourage and stimulate us all to allow ourselves to go with what feels right to us, what motivates us to think and act outside the box, and what brings out our compassion and empathy for all life on the earth plane.  This month it’s time to dip your toes in that freshwater and breathe in that fresh Air. 

As I mentioned earlier Saturn, the taskmaster and disciplinarian will be moving out of Capricorn and into Aquarius in December 2020 to start his next three-year transit.  And between March and June this year we get our first taste of this, whereby Saturn makes a quick dive into Aquarius before he retrogrades back into Capricorn again.  Saturn’s quick dive into Aquarius this year will reveal much about what is out of balance, inhumane and just plain wrong in this world and will give us all insights into what we can do, especially as a collective, to BE the difference that is needed.  If you are a native Aquarian, Saturn in your sign will be your biggest wake-up call in around three decades – it’s your biggest opportunity to merge your eccentricness with your intelligence.  And believe me these two are a powerful combination.  It was Einstein who said that there is no greater power than the creative mind, and this is so very true as without creativity and innovative thinking we would all still be living in caves. But it’s not easy being an Aquarian as this natural ability to you have to see things so differently to others can feel like a hindrance and something that sets you apart from others in a negative way rather than in a positive one.  So, if you are an Aquarian and you struggle with feeling different to others and like you don’t really fit in, EMBRACE IT, LOVE IT, because it is your greatest gift to share with the world and you are the light we need to change and evolve out of our earth-bound patriarchal and out-dated ways, and into a new world of love, equality and compassion for all.  It is not only OK to be different in this world, it is your right and your path to do so and be so.  You are blessed with an alternative outlook on the world and this is your greatest asset and gift to share.  And you must never ever let your differences make you feel like you are not good enough or not “normal” enough.  You are a perfect soul on a challenging journey and you are divine.

We all have Aquarian energy sitting somewhere in our Natal Charts as each and every one of us is made up of ALL the signs of the zodiac.  So, wherever this sits in your Chart is where you may perhaps have always felt like you don’t quite fit in, or where you can see things from a much higher and more unique perspective.  So, as the Sun illuminates this part of your Chart and your life, go with it and see where it takes you.  Don’t worry about not fitting in or not doing things the same way as those around you.  Do what feels right for you and in the way that it feels right for you – because there really is no such thing as right or wrong, there is just another perspective or way.   Where your Aquarian energy sits in your Chart is where you will this month get a taste of what is to come, and in how you can step out of your comfort zone and take a different path or perspective on things.   

I would also like to ask you all to use this powerful Aquarian energy to look and act upon what you can do for humanity and the environment.  As we change the planet changes also and the more support we can offer one another the more support we can also offer the planet we live on.  Aquarian energy reminds us of what we can all do when we look at new ways of being and new ways of confronting old problems.  It is a breath of fresh air designed to blow away the archaic and out-dated systems and ways of the past, and once Saturn steps fully into this energy in December this year the Capricorn blinkers will be lifted off everyone’s eyes and we will see, hear and feel a new way forward.

There is currently a generation of souls on the earth plane born between January 1996 and March 2003 who were born with Uranus in Aquarius.  Uranus is the planet of independence, individual thinking, innovation and technology and he rules Aquarius.  Therefore, the souls born under this influence have come to the earth plane with the knowledge, awareness and natural understanding of what needs to change.  These highly evolved souls, mainly known as the Crystal Children, all in their 20’s now, are here to pave the way for the new souls – the Diamond and Rainbow Children – who have been the flooding the earth plane for the last 10+ years.  When a planet is in its home sign it is infinitely more powerful than it is when it is in another sign – just the same as we often feel more powerful and independent in our own homes than we do in someone else’s.  Therefore, this generation of Uranus in Aquarius souls is our way forward – they are the inventors, innovators and change-makers of the future, and it is their job to set the stage.  Remember, however, that we all carry Aquarian energy somewhere in our astrological make-up and the brief taste of Saturn in Aquarius this March will awaken us all to the roles we are here to play in the wellbeing of this planet.

So, use this month to explore and embrace what you do differently to everyone else, and at the same time look around you to see who else gets it, and gets you.  Find your tribe of like-minded souls and work alongside them to bring your slice of innovation and unique thinking to the world.  We are saying goodbye (and good riddance) to the old, and today, as the Sun shines down in Aquarius we embrace the new and all the potential for peace and much-needed change that this holds.

If you are an Aquarian and would like to know more about what your year ahead may have in store for you then please just follow this link to my website to book your Solar Return Reading and Report with me

A Star-Wise Solar Return Reading and Report gives you invaluable insight into what your year ahead is all about and how you can best navigate it to get the most out of it and to grow as a soul through the coming year’s experiences.  We all have our individual lessons to learn and we have already chosen the environment we will learn in, the people we will learn with and the experiences we will learn through, and so having insight and understanding of this gives you a definite head-start and advantage as let’s face it, “fore-warned is fore-armed!!”

If you are interested in reading more of my Blog Posts to keep you up to date with what is happening in the cosmos and how it will be affecting you please follow this link to my website

I have now updated my Events Page on my website with my travels and Events for the first half of 2020 and I would love to have you join me at one of my life-changing Awakening The Soul or Aligning The Soul Workshops. And of course, I am also available online and in person for my Clairvoyant Astrology Readings as well.

Happy new Solar Year to all you innovative Aquarians out there and may no-one ever stop you from dancing to your own drumbeat!  Many blessings to you for another fabulous dance around the Sun.  Blessings xox