2 September 2024 – 30 January 2025

Uranus is the planet of sudden and unexpected change as well as the planet of independence.  He is, in my opinion, Mr Curve Ball – he keeps us on our toes and keeps us very aware of the importance of change in our lives.

It takes Uranus 7 years to move through a sign of the zodiac and so I liken his energy and influence to the “7 year itch” energy.  Uranus reminds us every 7 years, and sometimes more often than that, that changing and evolving are the two things that we must embrace if we are to move forward, grow and evolve in this lifetime.

Taurus energy is an earth energy so it is hard-working, practical, methodical and down to earth.  Taurus doesn’t really like change all that much, as he likes things to feel safe and secure and taking chances and moving the goal posts does not make for a safe haven when you are a Taurean.  So when Uranus sits in Taurus, he has his work cut out for him to not only initiate that change, but to allow it to be accepted and continual as well.

Change is the one constant in our lives and the more we can accept it for what it teaches us the better.  So often we run a mile from change because it isn’t what we want right now, or, its not the kind of change we would like, or, we simply don’t want to have to change because we are comfortable how we are.  It is often just too easy to remain in the uncomfortable “comfort zone” than to move out of it.

Taurus energy is also very driven by money and security and so when Uranus comes along and starts messing with these parts of your life, it is definitely going to push your buttons and cause a reaction.  Suddenly you could feel very insecure and unsure of yourself or your life path because a curve ball has been presented to you.

Uranus encourages us to see things from a higher perspective and so one of the main things he is trying to teach us while he is making this transit through Taurus, is to let go and trust.  Trust in life, trust in the process and trust in the fact that you will ALWAYS be looked after.  Uranus completely understands that change is necessary and that we often have to let go of things or lose things so as we can gain more and learn from the process.

For some of you there may be some financial upheavals while Uranus is in Retrograde in Taurus, and especially so if money and security are how you define your life.  The more attached and controlled you are by your finances the harder this transit could be for you.  Because, as I said earlier, this transit is trying to teach us all of the importance of trust, faith and letting go.  Three things that can be very challenging for Taureans and for many of you who seek security in material things.

True security in life does not come from the amount of money you have, or the type of job you have, or from the house you live in or the car you drive.  True security does not come with a price tag or an investment portfolio. 

True security comes from inner peace and true success is inner peace!

And this is what the higher perspective of Uranus in Taurus is teaching us at this time. 

For too long we have allowed ourselves to be driven and defined by what we earn and where we work and what we achieve, and we have forgotten the importance of being at peace with ourselves and with the world around us.  We are under a constant barrage of information from social media and main stream media telling us what we need to have or achieve to be a “success” in life and we have bought into it, hook line and sinker. 

To me, success is being at peace, being happy, being aware and being present.  And no amount of money can buy any of this!

So, during this retrograde period of Uranus through Taurus allow yourself to explore your sense of security and success and don’t be afraid to question this.  Do you really feel super secure and successful when you have lots of money?  Or do you find that this is a passing fleeting thing, quickly replaced by a need for more?  And have you also noticed that when you are not happy in your life and when things are getting you down, it is seldom your bank balance that is going to fix this?

Another aspect of Uranus in Taurus is unexpected opportunities for forgiveness and compromise with others that you perhaps could not take on before.  You  may find that people appear from your past with issues that need to be forgiven so as you can move on.  And you may also find that some personal forgiveness lessons come up as well, for things that have gone before that you find yourself unable to forgive yourself for.  Remember, you cannot change the past but you can learn from it.  So, try to let go and accept what has gone before so it can be forgiven. 

When we forgive, we feel so much lighter in every way and when we forgive, we are no longer playing the victim – we step into our personal power and we also step into our Higher Self energy and our sense of who we truly are.  We are all souls on a journey of learning and we must embrace change to evolve and BE the change this world so badly needs at this time. 

Inner peace lasts forever and does not depend on a bank balance or a fancy car.  And inner peace can feed your soul, uplift your day, encourage you to be kinder to others and to yourself and most importantly, inner peace can and will allow you to be happy and secure in wonderful powerful YOU.

So, use this powerful retrograde transit to make peace with your inner world.  To forgive yourself and others for what has gone before, to embrace the changes that you need to make to move forward and to face any fears you may have of not being able to create your own security and success.  Do not fear change – especially not now when it is so desperately needed on our planet.  The more we can all attend to our inner insecurities and fears the more the world can and will benefit from our positive energy both now and in the future.   Blessings xox