Blog Post 29 April 2019

The planet Saturn rules Capricorn, and therefore when this planet returns home to his own sign, his energy is clear and concise and he moves into a “take charge” position.  The harsh side of Saturn, or the side that exerts the most power over us, is his power to limit us, to restrict our progress and to often bring anxiety and fear into our lives as tools that we can use to empower ourselves through learning the hard way.  As human beings, we do not learn the easy way, and Saturn fully capitalises on this in ways that can be extremely challenging for us, but that at the end of the day, are the ways that work and get us our best long term results. 

Saturn moves into Retrograde motion today and will stay this way until 18 September 2019, and as he does so the weight of responsibility that we carry in our daily lives and in what we think we have to do for others can feel like it is all just too much.  This is, therefore, an ideal opportunity for each of us to see where we give our energy away to others and/or to our own negative self- beliefs, habits and lack of self-love.  We can now ask ourselves if we are definitely on the right track with our plans, dreams and actions at this time?  Saturn is asking you to discipline yourself, to take charge of your life and to be the force of change that your life so badly needs.  During Saturn Retrograde you will be able to see a lot more clearly where in your life you lack self-discipline and purpose.  This then identifies for you where in your life you are ignoring your potential or running away from your fears, or where you simply lack the personal power and fortitude to try harder.  For instance, you could be extremely proud of your abilities as a parent and how much you help and guide your children – and you could have amazing results and accomplishments here that make you feel really good about yourself and what your input and love has achieved.  However, at the same time you could, within your career, see yourself as the one who is the least talented, has the worst skills and who is never good enough.  As Saturn Retrograde moves along, you will be able to look with a lot more logic and clarity at what is going on in your life, and from there see where you have the power to change things, and where you don’t.  And then with this new-found awareness, you can choose to channel your energies more appropriately and usefully. 

Your strength is being tested, as are the concrete foundations you are building upon.  This is the time to ask yourself if what you are working on or towards is in complete alignment with who you truly are?  Are your intentions there for the highest good of all concerned?  Are you doing and being the best, you can be here?  And you can also be honest and brave enough to admit to and then change what is not your best work, what is not coming from your highest intentions as well as what lacks your greatest focus and attention at this time. 

We are all learning lessons that will enable us to be better people – and this may mean lessons we don’t like or don’t even want to know about – but still, we have to learn them.  Because what you resist in life, always persists… until you do something about it. 

So, we can all use Saturn Retrograde to check our compasses and our backpacks to be sure that we are not only on the right track, but that we are fully and totally equipped with all that we need to capitalise on those concrete foundations we have created, and to be the best we can possibly be.  Saturn demands hard work, and there is a very important reason for this, because it doesn’t matter how talented you are or how highly skilled, if you are not prepared to put in the hard work to develop that skill and take that talent to the world, then you will never reap the rewards that Saturn holds for you.  Saturn may be our toughest task-master, but he also gives us our greatest life rewards too!

2019 is a year of lessons that are coming thick and fast.  And now as we have Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn all in Retrograde motion it is time to look at what you are being presented with in life, align your dreams and goals with your true abilities and highest intentions, and then put all and every bit of you into this.  It is time for hard work, focus and discipline from within, to conquer your inner demons so as you can master this stage of your journey and be fully equipped and ready for when the planets turn Direct and it’s time to move forward once again on your amazing soul’s journey.  Blessings xox