On 9 July 2017 we have a Full Moon in Capricorn which will move across the planet of transformation Pluto, who has been transiting through this energy since 2008. As Capricorn energy rules our ambition and need for trust and faith, and the Moon rules our emotions, this could be a time where much is revealed in the public eye that could bring about strong emotional reactions. This could be as relevant in your own personal life as it is on the global stage. So, if you feel your buttons being pushed this weekend, do take your time to think about your reactions, and what to do with them.

Ideally you can use this Full Moon energy to release lots of old anger, frustration and negativity, and to get back on track in harmony with your life path. This is an ideal time to speak up in all your relationships, and especially those within your career or work place, so as to ensure your needs are being heard and addressed. You are here on the earth plane with your own plan and your own destiny, and to master this you must stand in your own power, and come from a space of love, if you are to get what you want and need out of life. However, when the emotional body (Moon) comes into play it can be very easy to put the blame and responsibility for your unhappiness or lack of progress, at the feet of another soul. When you deal with life in this way, you are playing the victim and not honouring your responsibility to yourself, and there is NO power to be found in this. Whether you know it or not you ALWAYS have a choice in how you deal with your emotions….

A Full Moon has the ability to manifest what was intended at the New Moon six months prior to it. Therefore, this Capricorn Full Moon can see us all manifest what we put our intentions out for at the Capricorn New Moon on January 28. So, although this could be a very volatile Full Moon in many ways, if you can channel this energy into moving forward and getting things done, whilst at the same time letting go of any need to blame anyone else for your circumstances, much progress and enlightenment can come to you.

We are in a very powerful time on the earth plane where massive changes are on our doorstep and we all have a pivotal role to play in these, or why else would we be here at this time? Use this Full Moon energy to focus on your destiny in the knowledge that trusting and believing in yourself and your life path is your responsibility and your responsibility alone, and that you are more loved and more powerful than you can ever know. Full Moon Blessings to you all xox