Blog Post 2 April 2020

The busyness and fast pace of the last two years have been quite unprecedented in the history of the earth plane.  We have been running in circles constantly involving ourselves in more and more, trying to do and achieve more and more and this is all being fuelled and driven by the constant nagging feeling that we are just not “enough”. We are not clever enough, rich enough, smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough – you name it we doubt it.  So, round and round we go like a mouse in its exercise wheel – round and round trying to be what we are told we should be, and round and round trying to please others whilst our own needs are left unnoticed and unaddressed.

And then along came Covid-19 and humanity had to stop.

Lightworkers around the globe have been predicting this massive change on Mother Earth for quite some years now, and in particular, from an astrological perspective, we all knew that the stellium and power of so many powerful planets in Capricorn at the same time could never go unnoticed.  And we also knew that with the support of this planetary energy the world was going to change and would have no choice but to change – from the ground up.  What we are in now is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it AND this is NOT to be feared. 

We come to the earth plane to learn our individual life lessons, but we also come here to collectively learn through the human experience.  And every person reading this knows full well that the world that we live in and how we live our lives has to support our growth and our learning, and so at this time in Earth’s history the Universe has decided it is time to STOP.

It is time for change and change that can be sustainable in every way.  We cannot go through this current global experience, and then expect to go back to our lives just the way they used to be.  That would show complete disrespect and dishonour to every soul who has chosen to pass over due to this Virus.  Everyone who is passing over at this time has chosen to do before they were born – as part of their learning, but also so as to teach humanity that we must change and change NOW.  Everything happens for a reason, and so when we find ourselves at this time in the midst of our various forms of isolation and social distancing, what is sorely needed is for every one of us to determine our own inner peace and our own inner truth. 

We are not being punished or mistreated by God, the Universe or Spirit.  We are being taught that WE have the power to live different lives, balanced, harmonious, abundant and healthy lives, but only when we connect with and act from our Higher Selves.  How can the world around us be peaceful and full of joy and happiness, when you as an individual are not?  The world we live in is a reflection of us – and quite frankly the world we live in right now has become (even before Covid-19) a polluted, negative, fearful, patriarchal disease in itself.  And just as we created this, it is  now up to us to fix it.

Many of you will be in various forms of lockdown at this time and being forced to live a life that is not of your choice and not what you desire.   And the humanness of you will be demanding that you use this time to be productive, to be constructive, to do all those things that you always say you have no time for, etc, etc.   We are SO conditioned to be continually “doing” as this is what we believe defines us as decent and worthwhile human beings.  But how about we all take some time to just BE, to just rest.  You are not any less of a person because you are not working, or because you are not producing or helping others.  When is the last time you helped yourself?  When is the last time you said to yourself “hey, sit down, relax its OK, you are enough just as you are?”  Just because you are not able to live your life the way you usually do doesn’t mean you have to run around finding a million things to do instead!  I mean Heaven forbid that you might choose to actually stay in bed all day, or lie on the couch all day!! 

I say use this time to be YOU.  Think about yourself, get to know yourself, talk to yourself, love yourself and honour yourself.   Rest, meditate, walk in nature if you can, whatever you do DON’T fill every minute of your downtime feeling that you have to be active and achieve things.  Spend time with you and from here you will start to create your own NEW world and from this can come the New World we can all live in.

Spend time listening to your soul and its messages.  Your soul may wish for you to just rest and do as little as possible, or your soul may wish for you to explore your creativity in some way.  More often than not, it is when we are still or in a space of relaxed enjoyment that Spirit can touch us, guide us and counsel us on what we need to know at this time.  They cannot get through to us when we are constantly rushing, working and doing.  And now more than ever we need to hear, feel and sense that support as it is only through this connection that we can all see what needs to be changed and then become an integral part of that change.

Be kind, be strong and be present, and do all of this just for YOU and YOUR wellbeing.  Look to your life and how you live it and be honest with yourself about what you love in your life and what you don’t.  It may feel insignificant to you, but as all is energy, your thoughts and your actions carry a force and when all of us can join our positive forces together, that is when a New World will be born.  And that New World will look very different to the one we live in today, as it will be a World where we will support each other and we will have love and tolerance for all that there is and all that there will be.   Blessings xox