18 August 2017
We are just a few days away from the Solar Eclipse in Leo and can’t you feel the energy building? The combination of the build-up of this energy and the current Mercury Retrograde are tricky to navigate to say the least. Eclipses spur us forward and bring sudden and dramatic changes in our lives that either force us to take action, or that take the action for us. On the other hand, Mercury Retrograde is all about researching and re-visiting our plans and goals and NOT taking action until this planet has turned Direct again. So we have a “push me – pull me” effect going on, and the only way to work with this is to just allow it to do its thing.
This means going with the flow and having more faith than you have ever had before that all is happening in divine timing and that all is perfect just as it is.
There is a wave of hatred and fear trying its best to entrap the world at present, and it is up to us, those of the light, to fight this. No single one of us can change this energy. But the more of us that refuse to buy into it, and who send love rather than fear to the situations in our own lives as well as what we see happening globally, the more likely we, as a whole, are able to water down and nullify this energy in every way.
I am hearing from Spirit time and time again to “step it up”. And this means that we all need to aim higher, have infinite confidence in ourselves and refuse to give in to what we know in our hearts is wrong and not for our highest good.
With the North Node in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius at this time also, it is so very important that ALL that we focus on in moving our lives forward, is not only for our own highest good but that it can and must benefit humanity in some way as well. With the Sun in Leo its “all about me” time where Ego’s can run rampant, And with the Eclipse of this Leo Sun, we are being shown how the darker side and our emotional side can easily cloud our vision and take us away from what we know we should be doing, representing and believing in. Decisions made at the time of an Eclipse tend to be set in concrete – as are the endings and beginnings that may be presented to you at this time as well. I see Eclipses like we are standing at the edge of the High Diving Board feeling full of fear as we look down and think the worst. And then someone gives us a big shove from behind and we fall into the pool below us – still full of fear and wondering what will become of us. But then we rise up out of the water full of life; with a new sense of purpose; with less fear; and with the knowledge that we can take a leap of faith (pushed or not), and in doing so we EMPOWER ourselves.
What goes down this month is set to change your world and the world around you in a way that leaves no room for manipulation, ignorance and burying our heads in the sand any more.
We are all here on the earth plane, at this time, because we chose to be here. And we chose to be here so we could make a difference. Those whom we see spreading hatred and violence around the world, are doing exactly what they are here to do. They are bringing to the light all that is dark, as for so long as such things are hidden away, not talked about or glossed over, nothing can be done about them. It is our job to send love and light to all of these people and situations so as the light can penetrate the darkness, it cannot work the other way round.
So, stand up, stand strong and be the best you can possibly be. Aim higher than you have ever aimed before and the Universe will respond in kind. We are all sparks of the one God/Love energy and there has never been a more important time for us to shine with this energy and BE the change that the world so desperately needs. Eclipse blessings to you all xox
Thank you Deidre, your blog enables great confirmation. Commonsense guidance, uncomplicated insights and uplifts expansive consciousness, may all our endeavours contain our love and compassion for all. Rings, as we engage may we not chide ourselves in what we perceive as failing but rather another form of gentle reminding as our light dims a little. Always a vauluable lesson. Thanks again Deidre for the diligence and dedication to your work as an Astrologer who makes a huge difference , much love ❤️. To you,
Thank you for your lovely comment Llana and many blessings to you for the light that you shine xox