October is going to be quite the month and especially so due to its explosive start.  Solar Eclipses really allow us to move forward in our lives, our goals and our dreams.  They give us the energy to take action, and/or they can take action for us.  I liken a Solar Eclipse to the diving board at a swimming pool – you step onto the board and you use its energy to propel you forward – out into the air and then into the welcoming water.  A leap of faith involving you but supported and energised by the Universe and what it knows is best for you.

This Solar Eclipse is occurring in Libra which is the energy of balance, harmony, relationships, legal issues, equality and personal value.  Libran energy teaches us how to be with others and to understand the ins and outs of relationships so as we can develop ourselves in these areas.  Our relationships are our greatest arena for growth and learning and so it only makes sense that they can also be the most challenging and difficult areas of our lives too, as that’s how we learn.

So, we can expect some relationship wins and losses during this eclipse as we each get to see who is good for us and who is not, as well as how we are treated and how we treat others and how much energy we put into our relationships to make them a success.  And the way in which this could be presented to us could be very sudden and unexpected, but will ALWAYS be necessary for our development and growth.  What is very important to understand is that you may be shown what is not working or dysfunctional in your relationship(s), and you will most certainly feel forced to take action on this in some way.  This is the power of eclipses they really force things to  happen and usually because whatever you need to act on, is something you have been ignoring or putting off for too long.  And so, some of the changes that come up could feel at the time that they are NOT at all what you want or need, but you will find that they will be EXACTLY what you need as time goes on. 

This Solar Eclipse is a South Node eclipse which means it is aligned with the South Node and is therefore activating past life energy and lessons we are here to step out of once and for all.  So, this Eclipse is really asking us to let go – let go of anything that is outdated, negative or fear based in our lives.   And it is very much asking you to honour yourself, put yourself first and look to your own needs first and foremost.  This is because we have all, in past lives, allowed ourselves to be taken for granted, or walked over in some way.  This Eclipse can and will make it very clear where you need to put yourself first and it can also help you to understand and feel why this is so important to your soul’s journey at this time.

Libra rules balance and so this Eclipse will also deal with finding balance in our relationships and of course the most important relationship for us to find this in, is the relationship we have with our own beautiful selves. 

Where do you need to honour and respect you more? 

Where to you need to put yourself first? 

And where to you give your energy away and let others take too much from you? 

All of these things may come up for review over the next few weeks, and if they do you will find that you have the energy to take action on these things and to make sure that YOU are heard and that YOU put yourself first.  It is time for us all to step into our own critical thinking; our own sense of self-belief and our own empowerment because everything starts with YOU.

At the time of this Eclipse Pluto will be back in Capricorn and in Retrograde motion showing us that anything in our personal lives and in the world around us that is NOT for the highest good will not and cannot last.  This may not happen overnight but the revelations that this transit and many of the other planets are currently forming mean major revelations globally so that we can ALL see what does not work for the planet any more.  And then we work towards finding the solutions.  There basically needs to be a big shake up to get to the shake down!

Uranus in Taurus is still stirring things up for us and will add to the energy of this Eclipse encouraging us to embrace change, and to reassess our values.  Taurus energy is very connected to money and the material world, but it is also very connected to the earth and to the environment.  We are being reminded at this time of the fall of Atlantis and how the Atlantean people truly believed that technology over and above the natural resources of the planet and the energy of Spirit/the Universe was the way forward.  And it is SO important that we do not allow this to happen again.

Jupiter will turn retrograde in Gemini on 9 October and this will mean that we are going to have the opportunity to revisit and to go back over what has already been revealed and what is means to us and to the planet.  And as we do this, we will see very clearly what belief systems we will now have to change due to the new information that will be given to us this month.  As I said earlier October and November will both be BIG months for the truth being revealed and for humanity to wake up to all that is going on. 

This powerful Solar Eclipse is a wonderful opportunity for us all to work on our inner harmony.  We cannot create harmony and peace in this world if we are raging a war on the inside with ourselves.  And this is why focussing on the relationship you have with yourself is SO very important at this time as you cannot create something outside of you that does not exist inside of you.  It all starts with YOU.

So, use this energy to connect with nature, to find your inner peace and inner sanctuary and to honour and celebrate this part of you in every way.  LOVE YOURSELF, for no other reason than the fact that you are simply worth it.  And the better you treat yourself; the better others will treat you. 

We are at a time on the earth plane where we can struggle to deal with what is going on around us and we feel unable to fix or stand up against the atrocities that we are seeing and hearing on a daily basis, and its hard.  It hurts our hearts because we know that this is not the way of the Universe, this is not the way of Spirit and this is not the way of an evolved human being.  And so, we need to love more; love ourselves more because this creates empowerment and an energy that can overcome anything.  And we need to not be afraid to stand up and speak up against what we know is so wrong.  It will be important that we don’t allow ourselves to be dragged back into the past.  Rather, we are here to observe where we have come from and what we have been through so that we can ALL see clearly how unsuccessful, biased, corrupt and untruthful it all was.  And it is only when we can truly see such things and know and understand how these ways serve only the very few and certainly not humanity in general, that we can look to serving the greater good of ALL concerned.

Eclipses are a wonderful opportunity for change, and often for change to occur that you desperately want but have no idea how to create.  They can allow you to let go and move forward on issues and actions that you could not see how to proceed with before, and they can simply move you from A to B with little effort on your part.  They can also give you the green light and the positive energy and belief you have been waiting for to get you over the line and living your dreams.  So, never be afraid to take action on what is important to you at the time of an Eclipse as they instigate and create momentum and flow.

And one more thing; ALWAYS remember that decisions made at the time of an Eclipse tend to be decisions that there is no going back from – they are set in stone.  So, watch your thoughts, words and actions at this time and make sure that they are all aligned with what is for your highest good and the highest good of our planet.  And when you focus on those thoughts, words and actions be sure to make your own self-love and self-worth your main priority.  Blessings xox