Blog Post 1 June 2020

As we enter the month of June and head towards the halfway point of 2020, we also enter Retrograde period.  During June we will have 6 planets, Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Neptune all in Retrograde motion.  At the time of writing we have just the first 4 in Retrograde with Mercury and Neptune entering this phase later in the month. 

Retrogrades are all about going within – they are our opportunity to re-set ourselves, re-visit our perspectives, re-assess our goals and re-affirm our paths.  We have all experienced differing degrees of enforcement and isolation during these last few months, and now we have the energy of the cosmos supporting us in looking within to what it all  means, and what is important for us to re-create because of this, as a part of our new world. 

Saturn is currently retrograde in Aquarius.  He entered this energy in Direct motion in March to give us our first taste of what his three-year transit, commencing in December this year, will feel like and what we can expect from it. Aquarian energy represents all that is outside the box, all that thinks and acts differently, and all that is essentially uniquely individual.  Now as he has moved into Retrograde Motion he is asking you to look at your own thoughts and perceptions on what is going on around you, and also what you wish to represent, be and produce as a result of the changes we are all going through.  His big move into Aquarius at the end of this year will be an incredible opportunity for humanity to look outside the box for its solutions, and for innovative and independent thinking based on what is the best for humanity as a whole to really rise to the surface.

Pluto in Retrograde for the next approximately 5 months is taking us on our yearly visit to the underworld.  Pluto is the Ruler of the Underworld and of our shadow side.  Our shadows side is the part of us that we don’t often like or that we like to hide away from ourselves and the outside world.  The Capricorn energy that Pluto is currently sitting in has been focused on bringing our attention to the structures, establishments, traditions and “ways of being” that have existed for so long and which for the most part have also been dumbly accepted and used by us all for far too long.  While he is in Retrograde it is your opportunity to look to how all those outside worldly structures and ways of being affect you, on every level, and whether you still align with these or not. 

When the planet of love and beauty, Venus, moves into Retrograde motion it is an internal dance from the evening to the morning.  Venus in Retrograde gives us our once a year opportunity to re-birth ourselves and to re-visit all of our relationships to see whether they still align with who we truly are and what we want from them.  Venus also rules our relationship with money and so this is a wonderful time for us all to look at how we relate to money and how we can become a better friend too it, as its only when we make friends with things that they work the best for us.  And this energy can also enable us to see and believe where and how else we can be making money in our lives and where to focus our energy.

Jupiter is the planet of growth and abundance and so it’s often his job to simply amplify and expand upon what the other planets aspecting him are doing.  While he is in Capricorn he is very much showing and revealing all of the in’s and out’s of the old patriarchal systems and he does this without taking sides. So, we get to see “hiding in plain sight” ALL that is going on, and what it means to us.  During his Retrograde phase he is encouraging us to expand upon what we have started to investigate or follow and the more we realise and the more that is revealed to us, the more Jupiter challenges us to see whether what is happening in our outside worlds resonates and aligns with our inside world and each of our soul journeys.

Mercury moves into Retrograde in Cancer on 19 June and so at present we are just about into the shadow phase of this process.  This Mercury Retrograde will be most important and most useful to us when we can focus on the energy of self-love, self-worth and compassion and empathy for others as well as for ourselves.  I would recommend everyone use this Mercury Retrograde period (19 June – 11 July) to be kind, loving and caring to themselves and to those around them.  Only through love, understanding and acceptance can this world truly change and this Retrograde period gives us all an opportunity to focus on what we can do for ourselves, to feel better, to be better and to care more, so as once we have established this energy and practise within our lives we can then share this with the world around us too.

Neptune will be moving into Retrograde in Pisces towards the end of June.  Neptune is the planet of illusion, deception and imagination and these are three things that are at the forefront of humanity’s struggle at this time as a whole, as well as at the forefront of each of our personal struggles to understand and to move forward at this time.  While he is in Retrograde, we can expect more revelations and more exposures, as the illusion is being slowly but surely broken down and broken through, so as only the truth can shine forth.

The earth plane is in a stage of war at the moment, a war between the dark and the light in everything.  But what we have all learned over centuries of war, destruction and persecution on this planet is that fighting, and violence do not fix or cure anything.  Rather than fighting against and raging battles with those who oppose us, control us and restrict us, we need to use the power of CHANGE and LOVE to create a new reality.  Nothing can come from fighting and raging in the old ways we have done for centuries, rather we need a new way of being, a new way of relating and new priorities and focusses based on compassion, justice and balance for all. 

Use this powerful month of Retrogrades (and Eclipses but I’ll talk more about that in my next Post) to look at what is important to you and what you want this world to look like, be like and stay like, and look to what you can do to make this a reality.  Use this month of Gemini energy to set your brain and your imagination free to assist you.  We were all born into this world with our own unique perception of the world, and our own heart centres which are where the truth is held.  However, many have forgotten that they have these and that they have not only the ability to use them, but that it is our God-given right as Spirit having a human experiences, to embrace and use these parts of ourselves as part of our personal contribution  to the world that we have chosen to be born into at this time.

Never forget your power and the power of the collective heart and mind.  You are infinite, you are blessed, you are divine, and you are worthy.  And when you align your heart centre with your head only truth will resonate, and from there you will set yourself free.  Blessings xox