11 October – 19 November 2024

Pluto is now in his final weeks of Capricorn – never again in our lifetimes and for many many years to come will we have Pluto transiting through the energy of Capricorn and this is highly indicative of the Great Shift the earth plane is currently experiencing.

I can guarantee you that over the next year or so, the more you hear the words “let’s just do it the way we have always done it” the more you will see no sense, no logic and no purpose in doing things that way.  It will simply make no sense to you to do it that way.  We are already starting to see how far we have come and how incredibly out-dated and out-worn our systems are, and this collapse of the old will continue as we move forward.

It’s time; time for each of us as individuals and as part of the collective oneness to look towards the future with innovation, ingeniousness, faith and belief.  We cannot and will not go back to the way things have always been and those of you who still want to cling to the past and hold on to the old ways and beliefs, will find this shift very challenging because what you are trying to hold on too will just be slipping through your fingers like grains of sand on the beach.  A few grains may hold on, but the majority of what has been, must now go and make way for new and powerful beginnings.

What we have seen for too long is a top to bottom “feeding” system whereby those at the top make all the money, own all the companies and therefore make all the rules that we have to date lived under.  For too long humanity has been taught to believe that this is the right way to be, that only the chosen few can have abundance and the lives they desire, whilst everyone else is left with the crumbs from the table and working endlessly on a treadmill that honours and supports only the elite and never the average person.  While Pluto was in Capricorn for the last 17+ years all of this came to a head – we all were privy to the corruption, greed and complete disregard for the environment and humanity that this built up.  This was based on many centuries of division and separation – the “us and them” energy that has caused so much pain and so much unhappiness throughout history.

Now we step into a whole different energy and this is not just to do with Pluto moving into Aquarius.  Pluto’s move into Aquarius means that the Age of Aquarius has now begun and our direction, focus and energy needs to look to the future and the new ways we can all exist together in harmony and peace.

As we look at the world around us right now it is in a terrible state – there is chaos and suffering everywhere and this is what happens when an empire or epoch comes to an end.  There needs to be the destruction and complete dismantling of the old ways if we are to bring in the new ways, because otherwise the need to reconstruct and reconfigure the old ways will be the direction we are pointed in.  It is a necessary transition we are working through at this time and we are seeing every day how uninspiring and unintelligent to be honest, the old ways are and how they serve only the very few.

So, these next 5 weeks or so will be transformational to say the least.  When a planet is at 29 degrees of any sign of the zodiac it is extremely powerful and always initiates major shifts in consciousness and awareness.  Its almost like we may wake up tomorrow or a week from now and suddenly see SO clearly and with so much clarity, how very broken the world is and how we just cannot allow this to continue.

And Pluto has been integral in all of this.  Pluto is a slow-moving planet so we can break down his transits to say 5-year blocks.  The first 5 years of Pluto in Capricorn were about ingraining the old ways and making sure that greed, power and corruption were a necessary part of all major company and government dealings around the world.  The structures and systems were compounded resulting in the beginning of yet another era of division and subordination.  We found ourselves stuck in a world where everyone felt very tied and constrained by the roles that they were expected to play and it almost felt like we were back in medieval times where the hierarchy systems were instilled and enforced upon us and we were expected to stay in line and toe the line. The next 5 or so years of Pluto in Capricorn were when the need for power and domination became very prominent in our financial markets and where the importance of wealth and “who” you were in the world became a priority.  The divide between the “have’s” and the “have not’s” became even larger until we found that there really was no “lower class” any more as the “middle class” were now part of that group also. And then we had the final 5+ years of Pluto in Capricorn where the structures that we had been told were for the highest good of us all really started to crack and we all began to realise that we, the people, were not honoured, respected or even considered important – we had become disposable and surplus to requirements, and then we started to wake up!

So, we now take the structure of Capricorn and use it to create concrete foundations in Aquarian energy.  We have learned how to work hard and how to apply ourselves and now we get to take this energy forward.  This is not to say that its all going to be wonderful now and that the world will change overnight.  That won’t happen, but what will happen is a new sense of optimism, a new belief in ourselves and in the future of our planet and a new way of finding new solutions to existing problems. 

Wherever Capricorn energy sits in your personal Natal Chart is where you will have been transformed over the last 17+ years.  This is the area of your life where you have moved out of being the slave and into becoming the master and now its time to use that awareness to organise and put in place what you need in your life to be happy and successful.  Don’t be afraid to let go of all and any old ways, especially if you can already see that they do not serve you or bring positivity into your life.  We are over doing anything because that’s what should be done, or doing it because that is what is expected of us.  It is time to put ourselves first and at the same time come together for the highest good of humanity and BE the difference the world is welcoming in.  Blessings xox