From 16 August 2024 the planet of transformation and ruler of the underworld, Pluto, is forming some very powerful and pivotal aspects to other planets and I would like to explain these to you in a bit more depth than I have done in the video.

Pluto is an outer planet and therefore he moves very slowly through each sign of the zodiac.  The lessons he teaches take time to learn and we need to work through the lesson, our attitude towards it and step into our mastership to be able to fully make use of what he has to teach us.  My favourite analogy of Pluto is to see him as a wave and you as the surfer.  As a surfer if you try to manipulate the wave or bend it to your will in any way, you will most likely get dumped off your board or fall off your board and into the wave in some way.  However, if you allow the wave to do its thing (as scary as it may feel) and take you on the ride it knows is best for you – you will reach your destination intact and fully aware of what you have accomplished.

Pluto takes no prisoners BUT he always gives us nudges along the way.  When we need to learn a lesson from Pluto there are always clues and insights along the way, but as Pluto’s lessons so often relate to things that we don’t want to change or can’t understand why we need to change, we often choose to ignore those nudges and so Pluto will eventually rip the rug out from under your feet and force you to face what you are running from and/or start all over again.  It is Pluto’s job to get us to see where and why we can remain stuck in our own slave mentality and once we become aware of this, it is his job to help us to transform that energy into mastership.  So, very like our taskmaster “Saturn”, Pluto is a powerful teacher and his lessons are the most transformative out of all the lessons we have chosen to learn.

Starting from 16 August Pluto will slowly move into some powerful aspects with other planets in the cosmos.  Aspects are when two planets (or more) have some sort of relationship or interaction with one another which in turn creates an energy or an environment for us to learn from.  Here are the aspects that Pluto in Aquarius is making at this time:-


A “sextile” is considered to be a very easy and positive aspect between two planets. 

When Neptune is involved, we are always being asked to see through the illusion to the higher perspective. Neptune in Pisces is very powerful as he is at home here, so the energy of illusion, imagination and deception is extra strong. 

So, this aspect is very much about using our ability to see things from a higher perspective alongside our ability to think outside the box, to solve any problems we may have at this time, and also to help us to evolve out of our old ways of thinking and being.  Both Aquarian and Piscean energies encourage creative thinking and higher awareness and are encouraging us to embrace this way of existing also.

From a collective perspective this aspect is designed to encourage us all as a whole to look beyond the status quo and the 3D world we live in for answers and wisdom from elsewhere that can bring harmony amongst us all.  And from a personal perspective this is about you being able to open your mind to other more alternative and more creative ways of being and achieving your goals.


A “trine” is an aspect between two planets which is considered to be easy, harmonious and natural.  When two planets trine one another they usually identify hidden talents or parts of you that come so easily and naturally to you that you have never questioned them, and in some cases were not even aware that they existed within you!

Uranus is the planet of change and independence so whenever he is involved in any aspect, we can expect the unexpected.  So when he forms this harmonious aspect with Pluto, we are using the basics and natural abilities of Taurus that can instil strong foundations, practical steps and methodical progress with new and innovative ideas. 

This particular aspect is I feel very useful at this time as it’s the start for humanity as a whole, and all of us as individuals, of being able to step outside the box to see and believe in a different way of doing things AND the beauty of it is that a lot of us are already doing it, in the background and in our own natural and maybe unaware way.

So, from a collective perspective this aspect can really start to show us how we are on the right track and especially so if we are open to change.  The more we can all be on the same page, but at the same time open to our differences, the more we can see how to move forward as one.  From a personal perspective this is about you realising where you already do things a bit differently to everybody else, and putting a value or worth on that so it feels like something you have to bring to the table and to contribute to the changes occurring on the earth plane at this time.

Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2040 with just a short final retrograde back into Capricorn later this year from 3 September until 12 October.  On 13 October Pluto will move Direct in Capricorn and then finally move back into Aquarius from 19 November onwards.  This flip back into Capricorn energy will be a very powerful period on the earth plane I feel as it is designed to reveal a lot of what has happened during Pluto’s transit through Capricorn from 2008 until 2024.  Pluto in Capricorn made it very clear to us how the old systems and ways of being do not work for the highest good of all, rather than favour very few.  And we had to see that it was time for change; that our systems are broken, outdated and dysfunctional because they have outgrown their purpose.  So, when Pluto flips back into Capricorn for that short space of time it will be so that we can see very clearly that the old ways do not work – it will be proven in so many ways and for those who still cling to those old ways, to the old power structures and the “no pain no gain” mentality, it will not be easy.  But for those of you who are ready for change, who can see a better way of being and who believe in the oneness, it may well be a case of “told you so!”

Don’t be afraid to share your dreams, your inventions, your fantasies and your imagination in every way as it is only through the creative mind that change can come.  Creativity far outweighs logic when it comes to finding new ways forward and so the further we get into the Pluto in Aquarius energy the harder it is going to be to see and operate on that 3D practical, patriarchal and out-dated way – it just won’t work and it will feel incredibly wrong.  And what will feel right and normal and the only way forward, is to think outside the box, to work together as communities and to bring the power back to the people.

Blessings xox