Blog Post 14 August 2018
What a ride 2018 has been so far! The Universe has been very busy bringing us lessons, opportunities, upheavals and changes, but for most of us, this has more realistically felt like a chaotic roller coaster ride. We have all been given a good shake up and had much of what we know in our lives thrown up in the air to land where and when it will. The first pieces of the chaos have now landed and we can now see the opportunities we have all been given to look at our lives, our challenges and our successes from a different perspective and under a different light. Mars in Aquarius has had us all fired up and feeling rebellious and as he changes signs we can find structure and a purpose for all that we have been feeling.
Now is the time to start having a good look at where you are at and where you are heading. Motivation and excitement may be at an all time low these days, but this too shall pass. The Eclipse Season has given us all a chance to let go of the old to bring in the new, but at the same time all the challenges around you may have dimmed your light and taken away your fire. We have all been rattled and shaken, but we have survived and we can now slowly but surely start to fan that inner flame and find our mojo once again. You do not need to rush out and make this happen, you will feel the build-up as the planets slowly move into more amiable and supportive aspects to one another and bring more peace and clarity to your lives. So, for now, spend some time considering how you can best make use of what has been revealed to you about you, and the way you live your life.
One very powerful thing that this year and the Eclipses in particular have brought about, is the awareness within all of us and upon this planet, of the ugliness we seek to hide. We are all part of the Oneness, therefore when you have something ugly inside of you that brings you discomfort and that alters your life negatively in some way, it creates an energy that then goes out to the Universe to attach itself to the same energy being emitted by everyone else. This “ugliness” then manifests into more solid and real things on the earth plane such as wars and environmental disasters.
So, what did you discover about yourself that you didn’t like so much or that you found ugly? We all have such things within us whether we choose to admit to it or not – and the power to change such things can only come through acknowledging them and then forgiving them. DO NOT judge yourself for this, rather change your perspective on it. See what you don’t like about yourself as something that you are going to make a solid and focussed effort to change, and then be very proud of yourself for being brave enough to make that change.
Today, as Mars retrogrades out of Aquarius and into Capricorn to stand alongside the task masters Saturn and Pluto, we are being given a chance and the necessary motivation and energy to rebuild ourselves – less the ugliness – on concrete foundations that are built to stand the tests of time. You have not been through 7 months of challenges and tough life lessons so as you can continue on in the same fashion. Rather, you are being given the focus, motivation and tenacity that have felt so difficult to grasp of late, and you can use these energies to start again.
Beauty, movement and magic are returning into our lives as August moves on and there is a welcome glowing light at the end of the tunnel. On 19 August Mercury will turn Direct once again in Leo energy, and the fires in our bellies will be ignited to take action on all that this Retrograde and the other 6 have taught us. So, put behind you all that has challenged you, and learn from all you have experienced. The world is waiting for you and your newfound magic! Blessings xox
Very uplifting message Deidre, thanks for all your time, efforts and perseverance!
Thank you Alan and I hope you are now floating in upliftedness 😉 xox
There is HOPE!!! ????
Thank you once again Deidre for sharing with such clarity.
Wow, what a shake up!
Onwards and upwards!
in love and light
Thank you Deidre you have so much knowledge thank you for your wonderful sharing. You are always an inspiration