Blog Post 11 October 2023

All is perfect just as it is.

Pluto in his final months of Capricorn will ensure that everything that is past its “use by” date, crumbles.  We cannot continue to build on what is broken and so it must be broken beyond repair, so that the only way to fix it is CHANGE.

From 2008 we had had Pluto the mighty planet of transformation transiting the very traditional, serious, structured, patriarchal and hard-working energy of Capricorn.  This has meant a transformation process where we have had to look at what we hold on too that no longer serves a positive purpose in our  lives, and then let it go and replace it with something that can take us forward, help us to evolve and bring us fully into our own sovereign beings.

It is the job of Pluto to bring transformation to each of us as individuals and also to the Earth plane in general.  The transformation process that Pluto works through is one where we are taken from a slave/victim mentality or belief system into one of Mastership.  We have had, and are now just at the very end of 17 years, of being shown the futility of trying to hold on to that which has passed its true use to us.  Pluto will ALWAYS destroy all and any self-deceptive idealism we choose to live under.  And so, his transit through Capricorn showed us how the structures, beliefs, traditions and ways of being that we have insisted on holding onto, no matter how broken and out of date they are, cannot and will not survive the natural process of change and the evolution of the earth plane. 

The mighty planet of transformation moved into Direct motion over the last few days and this means he is back in full strength and taking no prisoners. Every person as well as the collective is now feeling this energy and for so many people stuck in a state of frustration and overwhelm this is a massive trigger for blame and venting their anger.  What we feel within us is reflected out to the collective and the planet, and back again, until someone breaks the cycle.  So, be aware of what you are feeling and take responsibility for it as being yours rather than projecting it onto others.  This a time to come together not be apart.

What we are seeing in the world around us as I channel this message, is the sting in the tail of Pluto in Capricorn.  Remember Pluto rules Scorpio and very well understands the use of the final sting to get its point across.

For so long as we still believe the systems that we all live under are for our highest good and that we must cling on to these, the more destruction and chaos we are going to see.  However, when we look forwards, when we embrace change for all the promise it brings and when we choose love over fear and innovation over tradition THEN we step into the new world we are all waiting for.

Once Pluto takes up residence in Aquarius the changes will come thick and fast.  And as he dances in and out of this energy for the next 11 months, we will get a taste of, and for, that change, and we can embrace it for all the magic that it will bring.

Observe but do not absorb.  Send love and light to the fear and know that this too shall pass and a new world awaits us all.  Blessings xox