On 7/8 May 2024 we have a New Moon in Taurus.  When the Moon moves into Taurus she will join the Sun, Uranus, Jupiter and Venus already sitting in Taurus and this will create a stellium of planets in this very stubborn, security-driven, hard-working and self-doubting sign of the zodiac.

New Moons bring new opportunities and our chance to set our intentions for the month ahead.  So, when we are working with Taurus energy we are looking to align and create better ways in which we can not only feel secure in our lives but create the security we need to stay there.

The powerful conjunctions that are being formed at the time of this New Moon will amplify our need for security.  We all have a primal need to be safe and secure in life but what we often don’t realise is how much we get in our own way of creating this.

How can I feel secure?

What is so important to understand when we are looking to create a secure and dependable life for ourselves is the essential link between our sense of self-worth and our ability to make money and create abundance for ourselves.  You cannot create an abundant, successful and fruitful life for yourself if you don’t know or cannot see your own worth.  Everything comes from you – and the outside world responds to what you give out.  So, if you stand in a space of low self-worth, lack of belief in yourself and any other similar fear, you are basically sending out a very clear message to the Universe that you are not worthy of all that you desire.  And you will also lack the courage and conviction to take on or maybe even see the new opportunities being presented to you at any time – and particularly now.

Like attracts like – and so it is so important that we give out what we wish to receive back.  We find this very easy to understand when it comes to love, but for some reason when it comes to our sense of ourselves it can become very corrupted and negative.

New Moons bring new opportunities, Uranus in Taurus is bringing new opportunities and the North Node sitting in Aries currently is also bringing new opportunities. If you can see these opportunities but feel that you cannot take them because of the self-doubt driven stories you are telling yourself in your own head, then you may as well go back to bed, pull the covers over your head and stay there.

The world owes you nothing, but you owe it everything.  The Universe will always respond in kind to what you put out to it.  It is not up to the world to make things happen for you, to give you what you want or to take you where you wish to go, that is all up to you and it cannot be done if you are stuck in low self-worth.

How do I put a worth on myself?

At the time of this powerful New Moon in Taurus you can set a new intention -an intention that is based on increasing your sense of self-worth and anchoring the deep knowing that you deserve the life you wish to live. 

Jupiter in Taurus is there to expand on everything that you put in place or that you feel and believe, so make it positive.  Uranus is there to show you different opportunities and different ways of going about things, so be open.  The Sun is shining here bringing your focus to yourself and your sense of security at this time, so explore this.  The Moon is  bringing the emotional attachment that you need to bring self-love into this situation and Venus also sitting in Taurus, is amplifying that need for security through LOVE.

Set your intentions at this time to increase your sense of self-love and self-worth and then don’t be afraid to embrace what is being presented to you at this time.  We are in such a powerful time of manifestation and the thing that is vital to understand with manifestation is that you cannot manifest from a sense of lack.  You can only manifest when you believe in yourself, what you are capable of, and most importantly, what you know you deserve.  The more worth you put on you, the more worth the Universe will put on you, and the more worth you have together the more everything will flow towards you and for you.

You are a soul on a journey and the Universe is constantly bringing you new opportunities to change, grow, evolve and find your true self.  Believe in you, know who you are, love who you are and most importantly put a worth on the wonderfully brave, courageous and beautiful soul that you are.  The world is a better place because of you and can be an even more amazing place when you truly step into all of YOU.     Blessings xox