Blog Post 27 November 2019

Today we have a New Moon in Sagittarius.  As we know New Moons are your monthly opportunity to set your intention for the month ahead, or even further, and this particular New Moon is of great significance because it falls in Sagittarius and therefore joins not only the Sun here but the ruler of Sagittarius – Jupiter.  Jupiter is in his final weeks in Sagittarius where he has been for the last approximately 12 months.  When a planet is in its home sign it has SO much more power and influence than it does when it is transiting through another sign of the zodiac and so as we come to the end of this transit we come to the most powerful time to use this energy, and our last chance to do so.  It has been building up for now for over a year, and we have had the chance to expand and grow along our life paths, even though it may not have felt like it.  The restriction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has limited to some degree the power of Jupiter, but that limitation has allowed us to be much more aware of what we still need to learn, and also of how we can best expand and become the best possible versions of ourselves, whilst  keeping both feet firmly placed on the ground.  We have had plenty of time to look to where we wish to grow and do more in life, and to work on this from a solid and concrete base of knowledge, expertise, faith and focus. 

So, now as Jupiter is in his last weeks in Sagittarius and the New Moon is upon us, and Mercury is out of Retrograde, its time to take action and more importantly take advantage of what is being offered to us at this time.  Now is the time to take that leap of faith, to believe in yourself and your journey, and to really step into all that you wish to be.  But, to do so you may find yourself having to step out of your comfort zone, and finally, take action where fear has held you back before.  New Moons bring blessings of new beginnings, and they are based on our intentions and in our belief in ourselves and who we truly are.  Sagittarian energy loves adventure, it loves to find the truth and it loves to master all that it does.  So, use this New Moon energy to take a chance on what you have been focussing your energies on; to step out of your comfort zone and to be the true master of yourself and your dreams.  If you know your Natal Chart, look to where the Sagittarian energy sits in it as this is where your greatest opportunities for change and growth will present themselves.

Jupiter in Sagittarius has shown us just how much we can master and achieve after we have faced our inner demons and how much we can grow through the experience.  The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius align our heads and our hearts with the challenge.  Saturn in Capricorn gives us the discipline and focus to take the necessary steps, and Mars transiting through Scorpio gives us the passion and determination to get things done.

So, set your New Moon intentions today, and then set your sights on making these a reality and in doing so you will be setting yourself up for a month and year ahead of mastership and incredible growth along your soul’s journey.  New Moon Blessings to you all xox