Blog Post 3 December 2021

So, here we are in the last month of 2021 and what a year it has been.  To say that “change” was the theme this year would be an understatement, and the change will continue to affect us for many years to come.

Uranus is still in Retrograde motion and therefore keeping that need for change and independence strong, and at the same time bringing monetary and security needs to the forefront of your mind.  The continued unease around the world means that many people are feeling very insecure and not just in a financial way.  All that we have known to be true and to be relied upon is showing up in its true colours; giving us all the opportunity to change our focus, change our ways and change our beliefs.  Even the people around us are being revealed for who they truly are and for many there are dramatic changes in who they associate with and why. Uranus Retrograde in Taurus is also a reminder to all of us to look to where we need to learn more compromise, acceptance and forgiveness, especially within ourselves.  This is a strong reminder that the most important relationship you have in this lifetime is the one you have with yourself – how you treat yourself and how you feel about yourself is the foundation of your strength and your sustainability – change your inner world and inner views and your outside world will change as well.

Neptune has now moved into Direct motion.  While this planet of illusion, deception and imagination was in Retrograde motion we were all looking at our inner illusions; where and why we lie to ourselves as well as where we need to be able to see more reality and less fantasy in how we wish things to be.  Neptune is also a very spiritual planet and has been transiting through his home sign of Pisces for many years now.  This slow and steady generational planet takes his time to teach us our lessons, and this transit has been all about humanity, as a collective and as individuals, seeing through to their connection with Spirit and this beautiful planet we call home.  It has been and is still all about us remembering who we truly are and that we are all souls on a journey and our lives have a greater purpose and a direction no matter what we may be feeling or going through at any given time.  The Universe is at this time, using the planets to teach us and to make it very clear to us that we are all part of the Oneness; meaning we are part of nature, part of the Cosmos and part of humanity.  When we disconnect from any of these things, we are incomplete, and we lose a huge part of our inspiration, security and direction.  For too long humanity has become lost in its own capitalism and material success.  We have forgotten that not only do we co-create with the Universe but that we are here to honour and respect the environment, the planet and one another if we are to truly live as Spirits having a human experience.  It is imperative that we wake up and remember that we all have roles to play in the world we live in, and that we are incomplete and only half doing our work when we believe that we are only here to satisfy our own needs.  Neptune moving into Direct motion will also remind us about our emotions and how when we lose ourselves in these, we can lose focus and find ourselves unable to see through any illusions created either by ourselves or by the world around us.  Now is the time to see your emotions for what they are but to also remind ourselves that seeing life through only this lens gives us a very unsustainable and unstable state of wellbeing to rely upon.

On 3 or 4 December, we have a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius.  Solar Eclipses represent new beginnings – at the Lunar Eclipse we let go to open the door to new opportunities, and with the Solar Eclipse that always follows this, we get to embrace new ways.  Sagittarian energy is often known as the energy of the ”truth-seeker”.  Therefore, at this Solar Eclipse, we may all feel a great need to find our truth and to use this to assure ourselves and others of a new way forward.  The challenge here is to allow others to have their truth as well.  Sagittarian energy has a great need to grow and expand on what it knows best and too often also a strong need to also control this knowledge.  At the time of this Eclipse, it is important that we use this energy to open our minds, to search for the truth and to expand our knowledge OUTSIDE of what we may have known to be true before.  The most powerful thing about Eclipses is their ability to propel us forward along our soul journeys – they offer incredible opportunities to change and move out of what has held you back before, and to believe in all that there is and all that you are capable of.  Therefore, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to be who YOU feel you are and should be, rather than what you feel others expect of you or what you feel is the acceptable thing to do, or way to be.  Again, and again the cosmos is trying to teach us that we are sovereign beings, critical thinkers and our own best friends as it is only when we stand solidly in these beliefs that we can truly honour ourselves and embrace all that we have come to this world to be as well as sharing this openly and without fear.

So, at the time of this Eclipse be aware of the synchronicities around you.  Be aware of who and what is presented to you. And be aware of how you are feeling and what is making sense to you and calling to you over and above anything else.  Remember you are in a beautiful and 100% supportive relationship with the Universe – it is there for you to lean on at all times so don’t be afraid to ask for help and direction and don’t be afraid to dance to your own drumbeat.  Find your tribe, fine-tune your focus and connect back to Mother Nature as these are your foundations for the future.  We are in the Age of Aquarius now and it is time to embrace your individuality and your commitment to this journey you have chosen. Allow yourself inner freedom especially if your outer freedom is being inhibited by others – no one can touch your soul and your inner world without your permission and your inner world is your powerhouse, your peace and your purpose.  Believe in it, believe in you and believe in the process.  You are here for a reason, and you are not alone.  Blessings xox