Blog Post 3 February 2020
Well, January was certainly a month of up’s, down’s and roundabouts for us all! Another timely reminder that change of any kind can only come through upheaval and chaos. And although some of the changes we have experienced of late may not be to our liking or have had the result we would have liked them too, one thing is for sure the awareness is growing.
2020 is the year of balance and so as human beings – who tend to be overly inclined to learn the hard way – in January we felt like we had everything being thrown at us and so we were frantically juggling, dodging and dancing as a reaction to our outside worlds. The Universe was and is teaching us through a barrage of outside events that the only real peace, calmness and balance can be found within. Through what is being presented to us we are being shown that only by staying in our own personal power and embracing our ability to stay centred, focussed and calm can we master these times. All of this outside craziness is designed to teach us about our own personal power and how really, no matter what the outside world throws at us, we always ALWAYS have the choice how we will react to this and how we will allow ourselves to feel. And once we have all found our balance within, we can then look to finding this with other like-minded souls as well, and then our true collective power will arise. When Saturn moves into Aquarius late this year there will be no stopping the collective energy for humanitarian and environmental change, and so humanity needs this year to fully and finally understand the importance of our planet and what it means to us.
This, in turn, will lead us all to search for and discovering a deeper sense of meaning to our lives, what we are capable of and what we have to share. The true purpose of our existence is to evolve our souls through “human” experiences on the earth plane. Our first purpose is to develop and master the specialised skills and talents we have brought with us, and our secondary and most important purpose is to share ALL of this with the world in some way. This is when we are truly living our purpose, walking the walk talking the talk and being the best possible version of ourselves that we can be. This is our life purpose and how we master our personal empowerment, happiness, joy, success and abundance. It’s a simple formula yes? But what makes achieving this and doing this so difficult is our lack of belief in ourselves, who we truly are and what we are capable of. We forget due to lack of self-love and self-worth how incredible we are, and how much each and every one of us has to offer the world.
This month the planet of love, beauty and money – Venus – enters the spontaneous, headstrong and purposeful sign of Aries. This brings a strong sense of validity and reality to who you truly are and it will give you the energy and the realisation that what you feel to be true is valid and that there is a reason why we experience pain and why we experience joy. Without one we cannot fully understand the other, and through experiencing both we step into our own personal sense of empowerment. As we find our inner balance we understand the importance of honouring what we feel and validating ourselves. We celebrate our own truth and we are not afraid to express it, and as a result of this, we take the necessary forward action to achieve our goals.
At present, we have all the planets currently in Direct motion and so we are all well-equipped and supported for taking direct forward action at this time, and our challenge is to make sure that the action we are taking is completely aligned with our true selves and our highest good in every way. But remember it takes time to find our balance in life, we will always sway from side to side and extreme to extreme until we find our equilibrium, so be gentle with yourself and be prepared for success and failure. We have been given a year to master our sense of balance in this world and we are only at the very beginning, so take your time and try not to judge yourself as you walk your wobbly path.
So, as hard as all the craziness is out there in the big wide world these days, just know that it is encouraging you to find your power, to find your truth and to share the very best of you with all of us. Go within, find your balance and your passion and focus on being the best you can possibly be, and you will be doing all that is asked of you. Blessings xox