Blog Post 6 December 2018

Woohoo! Mercury moves Direct today after his final Retrograde cycle of 2018.  As he moves forward, he will start off in Scorpio energy for a few days and then join the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in a week’s time.

This last Mercury Retrograde period has been a very revealing one for us all.  During the last three weeks, we have all had a chance to look within, and we have been shown and presented with awarenesses about ourselves, and random experiences, that have been pivotal in their promise for what is coming next in our lives. I feel that this final Mercury Retrograde of 2018 has been one where we have all learned something very important about ourselves and how we are living our lives, and this is so as we can step into 2019 with a new perspective on who we truly are, and a greater understanding of our life purpose and what we are here to do with our lives.   These last few weeks have really allowed us to cut to the core of what our intentions are, and to finetune and celebrate that most sacred relationship of all – the one we have with our own beautiful selves.

And as Mercury turns Direct, we also step into the energy of the final New Moon for 2018 as well, and this will fall in Sagittarius.  This is an extremely positive New Moon energy whereby we will be illuminated by the energy of generosity, kindness, expansion and mastership.  At every New Moon, we set our intention for what we wish to achieve in that lunar month, and this New Moon holds all the promise, potential and potency we need to further ourselves and our plans for the future.  You are being asked to have complete faith in yourself and to take all that you have learned and experienced this year about who you truly are and use this to help and inspire those around you.  2019 will be an intense year, therefore it is incredibly important that we enter it with a firm foundation to start from, based on complete faith in yourself and all that you have to offer the world.

So, Mercury turning Direct gives us the green light to move forward with what we have assimilated and discovered over the last few weeks, and with this powerful New Moon assisting and encouraging growth and mastership as well, you couldn’t ask for more support from the Universe as this time.  The New Moon joins the super powerful and positive energies of Jupiter and the Sun both in Sagittarius.  These two energies can work hand in hand to bring the expansion and growth you have been working so hard towards this year into reality, and now that you have also done your Mercury re-assessment of where you are going and what you are planning, you really do have all the support you need to step forward and put your plans into action.

At this time of year, it is always good to look to what you can do for others as well.  This has been the year of the Sacred Relationship in which we learned much about our relationships on every level, and one of the greatest lessons you were to learn during this time was about compassion, understanding and kindness to yourself, as well as to others.  So as the energy for forward motion starts to build up (yes, I am afraid that for some of us there may not be too much downtime over the Festive Season…) make some time to give back to the world around you.  We are all part of the oneness and the more we can support and love one another the more positive energy we will have for all that we wish to achieve and do now and throughout 2019.  New Moon Blessings to you all xox