5 September 2024 – 18 April 2025

Mars moved out of busy Gemini and into intuitive Cancer on 5 September 2024 and will now have the longest stay he has had in this sign for many many years.  Usually Mars takes around 6 – 7 weeks to move through a sign of the zodiac so this nearly 8-month stay is extremely potent.  During this transit, Mars will transit into Leo briefly also, so we will get a small taste of Mars in Leo bringing a bit more courage and expression to our lives, but he moves very quickly back into that Cancerian energy and then does not move fully into Leo energy until April 2025.

So, what does this mean?  Mars is all about action, motivation, passion, anger and assertion.  He is our driver and is the planet we need to use when we want to take action, get things  moving or stand up for  ourselves in some way.

Now Cancer is quite the opposite.  Cancer is sensitive, compassionate, gentle and hates any type of confrontation!  So, when these two energies come together, they don’t really get along that well, but can also be of great help to one another.  Mars can drive Cancer to be more self-focussed and self-assured, and Cancer can drive Mars to be more sympathetic, kind and caring.  But the journey will probably not be an agreeable one as they operate in very different ways.

What you will probably find with these energies is a much stronger pull towards home and family and a greater need to take care of and defend/protect these parts of your life.  So, you could find yourself being overly reactive to anything that feels to you like it attacking your family or your home, or your values.  Your sensitivity in these areas will increase and this is designed for you to perhaps put more emphasis on the importance of home and family.  Now “family” doesn’t have to mean blood relatives.  For many of us, and especially as we grow and mature, we find those we would like to call and feel  are our family within our friend groups, neighbours or colleagues in the work place.  And so it will be those people that you feel the most strongly about that you will be wanting to protect and keep safe.

Now the need to protect what we love the most isn’t because they are about to be attacked in case anyone thinks I was heading in that direction!! It’s more about helping us all to understand the importance of family, community and connection.  We are being encouraged to put more value on those who we care for because without the support, love and connection of these people we can feel like orphans in our own home.

Cancerian energy always has a strong need to be needed as they so often battle with their lack of self-love and self-worth. And as Mars tends to super-charge whatever he touches, this can be a time where we find our need to be needed is even more prevalent and we are more than happy to act on this and be that essential someone to everyone!  However, when we constantly give our energy away, we exhaust ourselves and so for many of you reading this you may find that over these next few months that you do find yourself being pulled in all sorts of directions as your need to care for others, or be the one to rescue someone will be very strong. 

What I would like to remind you all is that the most important person that you need to nurture, care for, show compassion too, love, support and respect is YOU! 

So, these next 8 months can be a very powerful time for you to embark on a journey of true self-care.  A time where you can give yourself all the understanding, forgiveness and empathy that you deserve and in doing so you strengthen yourself and your inner world.  There is no-one more powerful than a person who knows their own worth, unconditionally loves themselves and who can empower themselves by rising above and seeing everything from that Higher Self perspective. The Higher Self perspective is our 5D – from the heart energy. 

Mars in Cancer can allow us to step out of our 3D self-effacing lives where everything we do, feel and create comes from our head, and step into our 5D energy where everything we do, feel and create comes from our heart space.  We have the power, action and assertiveness to change the way that we care for others and to move from being what others need to being what we need.  Once you step into your own power you will find that you have unlimited energy to give and not only that, you will know when to give it and when to hold it in, so as others can help themselves. 

We have been conditioned by Society to believe that putting the needs of others ahead of our own needs is the right way to be and that its not okay to put yourself first and focus on you and this is simply not true.  When we spend our time rescuing others or putting their needs ahead of our own, we actually do them a disservice.  When we rescue others or try to learn their lessons for them all we are doing to putting off the inevitable.  They still have to learn those lessons and now they will have to either do it all again either later in this lifetime or in their next life.

First lesson of spirituality as taught to me by the Ascended Master Maitreya is “there is no-one in the world more important than you!”

When we allow ourselves to operate from the heart, we have a stronger connection to Spirit and therefore we feel the need to pursue things that bring us peace and solace rather than chasing after the mighty dollar, the next fancy car or that exciting relationship. 

So, rather than using turbo-charged Mars in Cancer to give all your energy away and to run around after everyone else – choose YOU.  Take that energy and give it to yourself; start a new self-care regime, be kind to yourself in your thoughts, allow yourself peaceful quiet times to just BE and most importantly see yourself for the beautiful soul that you are.  Blessings xox