Blog Post 10 August 2019

Jupiter the planet of growth and abundance has been Retrograde in Sagittarius since March.  This has been a period of time where we have been seeking our deeper truth, a time to look within to get to know ourselves better so as we can develop and master the positive sides of ourselves.  We are all made up of our light and shadow sides, and Jupiter Retrograde has allowed us to expand on what needs to see the light of day, so as what may have been perceived to date as being a shadow can reveal the light and potential underneath.  On 12 August Jupiter will turn Direct in Sagittarius and with Mercury well and truly on the move in Direct motion once again as well, now is the time for you to step up and step out with new confidence and awareness of who you are and what special gifts you have brought to the world to master and share.  It’s time for you to expand out in the world and take on life again, and you are doing so with a newfound confidence in what you know and what you are capable of.  All the desires and dreams you have been working on and wishing to expand upon and grow, now get the green light for action as you have found that missing link of faith and confidence in yourself, that has been the purpose of Jupiter in Retrograde to uncover. Jupiter moving into Direct motion brings confidence and excitement back into our lives and our goals, and allows us to live out our dreams through expansion and mastership, and therefore doors to new opportunities will start to open.

On the same day that Jupiter turns Direct in Sagittarius, Uranus the planet of sudden and unexpected change moves into Retrograde motion in Taurus until January 2020.  There is no doubt about that when Uranus starts moving and shaking so do we – and this particular move brings a twist of fate your way where the unexpected will occur.  You will find during this Retrograde period that much of what you have believed to be true or accepted as the status quo in your life, will suddenly and unexpectedly change in a way that may initially bewilder you, but that in a very short space of time will enlighten and release you.  Its time to let go and Uranus loves nothing more than a little chaos and upheaval to get his point across because let’s face it when we are on the edge of change it often takes that last push to actually get us moving.  And out of chaos always comes structure, Saturn in Capricorn is making good on this.  So, we can all expect some internal upheaval that will possibly come out of nowhere, but that will set us on a new path and in the direction we are supposed to be heading. 

Remember you came to the earth plane with a plan, and it is the job of the planets to remind you of your plan and to steer you back on course when you have lost your way in the humanness of it all.  As Spirits having a human experience, we get so lost in what we feel and what our 3D worlds present to us, and we can so easily lose touch with our true path and our true talents.  It is so easy to stay in our not-so-comfortable comfort zones, but the longer we allow this the quicker the rot can set in.  We stop, we forget we have to keep growing and evolving and we start to stagnate in our own energy.  The planet Uranus will push you to extremes because that is his job and, as I said before, it is when we are standing on the very edge of chaos and change and often so full of fear, that we essentially need that push or that curveball to re-set our focus, to re-align our goals, and to force that oh so necessary change. 

So, when Uranus throws a curveball in your direction, catch it and be aware that it is for your highest good, and it will be perfect, just so long as you allow things to flow and you get out of your own way.  A Uranus transit demands change and this is often not gentle or peaceful, but we need to go with it, even and especially if it feels really uncomfortable and pushes us way out of our comfort zones because there will most definitely be something positive and sustainable at the other side of it waiting for you.

So, old doors are closing, and new ones are opening, and the other planets of the cosmos are supporting and encouraging all of the change that is needed at this time.  These are positive changes coming your way, especially from a financial and/or career perspective at this time, but YOU have to take that leap of faith.  You are building towards your future and it is not meant to be a regurgitation of what you have already lived and what you already know.  It’s about expansion (Jupiter) and change (Uranus) and when we allow these forces to guide us, there can only ever be a perfect outcome – however that may look and whatever that may be.  Blessings xox