Blog Post

We have had Jupiter in Taurus for the last 12+ months and today he moves out of this steady-as-you-go energy and into the energy of action, communication and awareness.

Jupiter is all about growth and expansion, so while he was sitting in Taurean energy he was asking us to focus on our security, ability to earn, our tenacity and focus and our commitment to our projects and life paths. Under this influence we learned a lot about where and how we define our security in life and whether this is working for us and/or whether it is sustainable for us.  We also started to see how the more we can connect with and work alongside others for a similar outcome, the more we can grow as individuals and create the communities we need to move forward in this ever-changing world.  And  most importantly it has been a very revealing time for those of you who are making that integral connection between your sense of self-worth and your ability to make money.

The healing energy of Gemini

So, as Taurus represents taking your time, doing the hard-work and putting a value on ourselves and all that we do, Gemini takes a quite different path.  Gemini is the energy of action; it doesn’t sit still waiting for things to happen, or stick to only one focus at a time.  Nor does it believe in limiting itself and its beliefs in any way.  Jupiter in Gemini is when we take the power of communication, information and knowledge and we put it out there to allow ourselves to move forward and to evolve.

When Jupiter is in Gemini it can be hard to hold your tongue and not express what you know.  You will be open to discussions and to the sharing and revelation of information as it will feel right to put such things out there to see what they can turn into.  Gemini is the planet of communication and Jupiter expands on everything he touches so the next 12 months of Jupiter transiting this sign of the zodiac will be a very important time for humanity to learn from information shared and to not  be afraid to voice what they know and feel to be true.  Gemini energy, similar to Aquarian energy is very open to new ways of doing things, to innovation, ingenious thinking and to finding new solutions to old problems.

The more we know the more we have to share and the more we have to share the more we can accept and embrace change.  Every new idea or concept we have had came from somebody’s ability to step outside the box and to face any fear they may have had of being different, of being judged and of taking a new path.  Such things should ALWAYS be celebrated and applauded as change is the only constant in our lives and Gemini energy over and above any other sign of the zodiac can embrace change the best.

So, during these next 12 months wherever the Gemini energy sits in your Natal Chart will be where you can grow the most and expand the most through the use of your knowledge, your ability to communicate and your ability to take action on all of the above.  One of the things I love and respect the  most about Gemini people is their ability to just give anything a go.  They don’t fear failing, or getting it wrong or not being excellent at it, they just try and if it doesn’t work out, they move on with no guilt, fear or lack of self-worth.  The more we can all be a little bit more like this, the more we can feel comfortable with change and satisfied with our efforts, and the emphasis on growth through communication can override any fears we may have of not being good enough.

Changing your life with Jupiter in Gemini

With Jupiter takes up residence in Gemini our fear of communicating, sharing our knowledge and being open to discussions and debates disappears and we naturally wish to be more open and more communicative in every way.  We can make new connections with people by discovering our similarities rather than focussing on our differences.  And we can gain more knowledge as we will have much more reciprocal relationships with those around us.

Jupiter is a benevolent and easy-going planet that is always gently reminding us that we have natural gifts and talents that can be shared with so much success once we become more aware of them.  Adding to this when Jupiter moves into Taurus he will form a beautiful trine with Pluto.  This is a very positive aspect between two planets that allows them to bring out the hidden qualities of these two energies.  So, Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius is two powerful Air signs coming together to bring us revelations of information that to date has not had the opportunity to be seen and heard in a way that can initiate change and understanding.  Inhibitions and fears around speaking up and saying what we think and feel will be lessened bringing us all the confidence we need to truly express ourselves in every way.  This trine aspect will mean that we will be flooded with even more information and probably misinformation too, BUT that when this knowledge is revealed it can trigger a very natural and organic response from our souls that will resonate with the truth of what we are hearing. You will know and feel with more clarity what is right for you and what is not. 

The last time we had Jupiter in Gemini was between June 2012 and June 2013 and the transit before that was between July 2000 and July 2001 – so if you can look back to what was growing, expanding or manifesting in your life back then you will get an idea of what this upcoming transit between May 2024 and May 2025 can have in store for you.  One thing you can be absolutely positive of is that it will bring growth to wherever the Gemini energy sits in your Natal Chart and that that growth is very  much designed for your highest good even though it may feel like you are out of your comfort zone and navigating unchartered waters – you will be fine if you just go with the flow.

This powerful transit of Jupiter through Gemini will bring change and innovation that will encourage us all to embrace and accept the fact that we are living in an ever-changing world and that we ALL have a role to play in it, one way or another.  So, don’t be afraid to be innovative, to try another direction and to communicate all that you know and feel, the world is waiting to hear from you.  Blessings xox