Blog Post

7 January 2020

I just wanted to post a short insight for you all at this time.  As we approach the stellium of planets in Capricorn this month the energy is starting to feel heavy around us.  Never has it been more important for each of us to stay in our own energy.  By this I mean, we must hold on to what means the most to us, what represents our true authenticity and what brings us joy, love, peace and hope.

January 2020 is an intense month and start to a new decade, but at the same time it’s a new beginning and it is always good to start as you mean to finish. 

Don’t buy into the fear that the media would like you too – there is no joy or happiness in that energy and where there is no joy or happiness there is instead fear and that energy will keep you frozen, unable to move forward and trapped by your own negative thoughts.

So, look deeply into your personal goals, motivations, habits and beliefs and ask them if they are truly aligned with your highest good and heart centre.  Or are they driven by your fear based ego that runs from anything it cannot control or does not understand?  We all have to take responsibility for our own lives, and this means being the best possible version of ourselves that we can be, as well as sharing this true and authentic part of yourself with the world around you. 

Send love, be love and DO NOT allow the energies of change to keep you down or make you feel defeated in any way.  It’s just change – HUGE change – but still just change.  So, if you want the world you live in to be different and to change, then you must first change yourself.  And this means being true to yourself, to who you truly are and not being afraid to stay in this energy no matter what is being presented to you in the outside world.

Kia Kaha to you all and never forget the power of love as it truly is the only thing that will conquer fear.  And when you connect with your heart centre and from there to Source there is unlimited and infinite love energy for you to use, share and BE.  Blessings xox