Today the Sun moves out of fun-loving, extroverted and optimistic Leo and into the more grounded, practical and perfectionistic energy of Virgo.

When we step into Virgo Season we step into the solar month of the year where we can best organise ourselves, what we are working on and put our lives in order in some way.  Virgo energy demands that we do things well and it demands our perfection at all times, and so when we are under this influence it’s always a good time to go with this energy and allow yourself to get back on track, or just simply to be more organised.

Virgo Season can be a challenging season for those of you who are too focused on what others think of you and for those of you who fear failure.  Failure is never anything to be feared – rather it is our opportunity to extend ourselves; to see what we might be capable of if we just try; and to challenge ourselves to put what we enjoy or like over and above what is expected of us and what we feel responsible for.  Life cannot be all work and no play – we need to be balanced and open to our responsibilities but also open to being free of these at times too.

We are also still in Mercury Retrograde at this time which is the perfect time for us to re-visit anything and everything we are working on.  And with the Sun in Virgo backing this energy up we can know that whatever we apply our energy too at this time will get the best effort we can give.  When we are under the influence of a Virgo Sun, we are a lot more driven by our need to be perfect at what we do, we can get a lot of things organised in the background and make plans and create structures now that we can use to help, guide and support us in the future.  So, it sort of has the energy of spending time to save time in the big picture.

The challenge of this Virgo energy is its need to be PERFECT and to be seen as 100% competent and capable at all times and of all things.  And what we need to understand and fully accept is that doing our best is the only true perfection there really is – we cannot do more than that.  Virgo energy has a great need to compare itself to others due to its fear that it may not be good enough or perfect enough, and what we know is that you cannot win when you play the comparison game!

So, use this energy to polish up anything and everything that is important to you, including yourself.  Allow yourself to focus on what needs to be brought up to scratch.  Perhaps there is a pile of ironing in your room that you have been meaning to get done – Virgo energy will give you the inspiration to get this done.  Or, perhaps you have a presentation you are working on – Virgo energy will give you the tenacity to keep working on this and to “perfect” it in the way you wish too.  BUT what you must try to do is take on all of this without the stress factor.  When we push ourselves too hard, we end up in a stressful state and that is never a good way to be.  We can work hard, perform well and achieve what we wish WITHOUT getting stressed by it all – if we choose too.

In New Zealand Virgo Season co-incides with the beginning of Spring and so we can also use this energy to “spring-clean” our lives and homes.  We can find that we have a lot more attention to detail and concern over doing things properly and efficiently under this influence and we can also find the motivation and inspiration to get such things done as well.

If you are a Virgo and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-

Wishing all your hard-working Virgos out there a very happy new cycle around the Sun and may all your endeavours allow you to see your own perfection.