On 19 April 2024 we move out of the action packed, motivating and self-believing energy of Aries and into the more methodical, security driven, sensitive and hard-working energy of Taurus.

The last solar month of Aries has seen MUCH activity occurring in both our personal lives and around the globe and in particular the powerful Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on 9 April really got things going!  The energy of an Eclipse lasts for approximately 6 months after the event, so if you haven’t noticed anything majorly changing in your life as yet, it may well still be to come. What most of you will have noticed since the eclipse is that it is now somewhat, or even a lot, easier for you to put yourself first, look to your own needs and aspirations and see things from a more objective and independent perspective.  This was the work of the powerful Arian energy at play as it formed a conjunction with Chiron – our deepest wound.  What the world really needed, and still needs, at this time is for people to see and believe in themselves and in their own worth and contribution to this planet.  As I have said time and time again – “first you heal yourself then you heal the world”.

So, now we move into a different energy but an equally charged and powerful month ahead.  The themes that go with Taurus energy are to do with money and security, hard work and groundedness, methodical planning and action and the ability to forgive and compromise.  This is the month where we are encouraged to reassess how we feel about our financial and material security and whether we are putting too much or not enough focus in this direction.  Taurean energy is VERY driven by security and for most Taureans security is defined by how much they earn, what they own and their place in this world.  One of the greatest lessons for most Taureans to learn is that true security in life can only come from inner peace, and no amount of money will ever buy you that. 

Therefore, as this month could be very financially focussed there could be ups and downs for us all to deal with.  This is where we are learning about the energy of money.  Everything is energy, including money, and as we know energy needs to flow.  When we refuse to spend our money and especially on ourselves and instead hoard it away – we stop the flow.  And, when we spend what we have and earn frivolously – we also stop the flow.  Like everything in life, we need to have balance here and we also need to be prepared to let things flow so as the Universe can play its part in our success and security.

Is it okay to spend money on myself and what I want?

We co-create with the Universe and therefore we need to allow the Universe to do its bit to help us along our soul journeys.  The Universe works in a reciprocal and magnetic way – what we put out we get back.  So, when you refuse to spend money on yourself and prefer to go without or put your money away for that proverbial “rainy day” you are sending a direct message to the Universe that you are not worthy of money, or nice things or putting yourself first and so the Universe will react in kind; limiting your income and holding back on opportunities for abundance because you have sent it a direct message that you are not worthy of it.

So, my challenge to you all this solar month is to buy yourself something, just for you, every week.  It doesn’t have to be an expensive thing; it could be a flower or a chocolate bar – but it has to be for you because YOU deserve it.  Try this for this solar month and just see if things start to come to you with more ease.

Taurus energy is also not fazed by hard work so this is an excellent time to get your head down and bum up to put your plans in place and create a strong sustainable foundation for yourself moving forward.  We are currently in Mercury Retrograde so as we know its not the best time to take action or make things happen in your life, rather it is a time to re-assess and re-visit your plans and life in general.  Taurus loves nothing more than to look at more efficient ways to do things and it loves to be as hands-on as possible.  So, don’t be afraid to really immerse yourself in your work, or your hobbies and interests to see what more can come out of these in every way.

How do I forgive?

You may also find this solar month that you are being asked to forgive some old issues from the past.  This is due to the Mercury Retrograde at the same time as the Sun being in Taurus.  You may find that people from your past reappear in your life so as resolution, forgiveness or just closure can occur which will allow you to move forward in some way.  Always know that when you don’t forgive another person YOU are the only one who suffers.  The other person either has no idea there is an issue or they don’t care.  You are the one carrying this energy so why do that to yourself?  Let yourself off the hook, let the past go, accept what you cannot change and allow yourself to forgive.  You are better than that and you don’t deserve to be so hard on yourself, or on others.

Now the big thing that will really trigger the Taurean energy this month is the powerful conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.  This is one of, if not THE biggest event of 2024.  When these two powerhouses come together big changes will happen that are designed to help us to embrace change and go with the flow a lot more.  These two planets have been in Taurus for quite some time now – Uranus has a 7-year transit through Taurus and Jupiter is coming to the end of his 13-month transit through this sign.  As they move closer and closer to one another they amplify one another’s energy in a big way.  Here is the link to a short video I have made on the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus:-

Why is everything changing?

Uranus is the planet of change, independence, higher thinking and the planet that specialises in curve balls and dishing up the unexpected in our lives.  Jupiter expands and grows everything he touches.   Therefore, any changes that Uranus brings about over the next few months could at first seem subtle background changes, but they will actually turn out to be life-changing, big and very much designed to throw you off-track.  However, you may not realise how much you have changed or how much the changes have affected you until you look in the rear-view mirror in a few months’ time.  The major learning we are all supposed to get from this powerful aspect is that change is inevitable as well as the only constant in our lives and so we must learn to go with it and not resist it.

What may also happen is that the changes being presented to you are NOT what you want.  They could be things that you think are not for you or suited to what you wish to do or be, or they could be things that you really don’t want to do.  And this is where the need to embrace change is so important.  Remember the Universe ALWAYS knows what is best for you and so trust in what it presents you with in the knowledge that even if it doesn’t feel or look right for you now, chances are it is EXACTLY what you need to move forward in your life in some way.

Uranus shakes things up so that we can get out of our old ways of thinking and doing things and Jupiter asks us to expand our minds. Therefore, this is an amazing opportunity for us all to look at things differently so we can find new solutions and go about things in a different, move evolved as well as in a fairer and more balanced way. 

Humanity and the planet have been stuck in old, outdated, traditional, habitual and non-evolving energy for too long now and so we need change, we need a shake up and we need to embrace this for the highest good of all concerned.  So, have no fear of change.  We are being encouraged to open our minds, to look at life and ourselves from a higher perspective and to expand upon this so as we can step fully into our personal integrity, authenticity and sovereign thinking. 

Taurus is a notoriously stubborn and uncompromising sign of the zodiac and although this is a trait that can cause difficulty in our lives, it also reminds us that we are powerful beings in our own right and that we have the right AND the ability to think for ourselves, to move forward with what we feel is right and to stand our ground when we feel things are not what we want or for our highest good.  So, be aware that this powerful month can really help you to find the confidence you have been seeking in yourself and to stand your ground and stand up for what you believe to be right for you.

Is money and security too much of a focus in your life?

This is a month where your security and wellbeing are up for review and change.  Opportunities to change your ways, your job or your relationship may be presented to you and if they are, then the clear message we have at this time is to grab those changes and run with them as they are for our highest good.  Taurus is not an energy that is all that comfortable with making sudden moves or taking chances on things that randomly pop up; it likes to do its research and due diligence etc.  But this month, you may not have the time to do this as things are moving so much faster these days.  Don’t be afraid to re-look or re-think your priorities this solar month especially when it comes to money and assets.  When we are in a peaceful place, joy and success usually appear for us and a truly peaceful place isn’t created by money, its created by love – self-love in particular.

If you are a Taurean and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-


Wishing all you reliable, hardworking, sensitive and creative Taureans out there a very happy solar year ahead.  Blessings  xox