Today, 21 October 2024 the Sun moves out of the very social sign of Libra and into the deeper and more intense energy of Scorpio.  This is the solar month where we are all being asked to “feel” more into everything that is going on in our lives.

On October 18/19 we had a powerful Solar Eclipse in Libra and this has really paved the way for upgrading our relationships.  Many people, including myself, have found since this Eclipse that we are more determined to create boundaries within our relationships that honour us and what we want and need from that relationship.  Some relationships will not survive this Eclipse energy, and some will be better because of it.  But most importantly, everyone should now be a lot more aware of what is right for them and how to treat themselves with respect, honour and compassion, no matter what relationship they are in.

Scorpio is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac and so when we enter Scorpio season it is time to go deep and to explore our inner worlds in a way that can allow us to heal old wounds, put to rest old grievances and lift ourselves out of any victim mentality or blame game we may be playing.

When the Sun returns to Scorpio this month it will join the planet of communication, Mercury, already sitting there in Scorpio energy.  This will be a very powerful transit for these two as it will be a time where much will be revealed.  Scorpio energy has a great need to get to the bottom of things and to solve mysteries and puzzles, and it does not take no for an answer.  Mercury is about our intellect, our way of thinking and our way of communicating and when he sits in Scorpio, he very much encourages us to go as deeply as we can into what we are feeling, or into what we are trying to understand or intellectualise.  These two planets will move near to each other but not near enough to form any major aspects, however just having these two powerhouses in the truth revealing energy of Scorpio is bound to bring information to the surface as well as to encourage all of us to dig deeper, ask more questions and discover more.  And as Scorpio energy does tend to be so very sensitive, be prepared for revelations and discoveries that you may not like.

Scorpio energy encourages analysis however sometimes its lens can be too foggy or even too pain-driven to be objective.  During Scorpio season it will be SO much easier to fall into victim mentality and to blame the world around you and others for anything that is not working in your life or that you feel is going against you in some way.  Playing the blame game and acting like a victim will get you nowhere – in any Season!  No matter what situation you are in, YOU always have a role to play in it.  Even simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, still means you have a role to play in it.  I am not saying that it is 100% on you or your fault, but you must learn to take responsibility for your role in everything if you are to grow and evolve out of any victimhood or self-deprecating behaviours.  So, during this solar month I would encourage you to stop and process more deeply all that is going on around you and to you.  The immediate and knee-jerk reaction will be to defend and attack, but too often we react or overreact to situations and things that are said to us, BEFORE we actually think about what was really meant or intended. 

Use this powerful month of deep emotions to rise out of feelings of victimisation, powerlessness and weakness.  You did not come here to be a victim and there is most certainly no power in playing the victim.  Use your need to go deep to discover more about yourself and what makes you tick.  See the triggers for what they are; unresolved issues of yours that the actions and words of others are activating so as you can heal them and get over them.  Scorpio energy has the memory of an elephant and is never afraid to bring up the past or use it against you!  Remember the opposite sign to Scorpio is Taurus – both of these signs of the zodiac are notoriously sensitive, and are both also notoriously good at playing the victim.  So, if issues from the past do come up, or if you feel triggered by others, then this is something that YOU need to resolve within you. That person or situation which has just upset you has been created so that you can learn something, heal something and/or let go of something that you have buried and that still has an emotional hold over you, it is not the fault of the person or situation presenting it to you.

This solar month don’t be afraid to take responsibility for what you feel and how you respond and react to others.  When you feel yourself being triggered or emotional about something, don’t react, rather ask yourself “where is this coming from?”  “Is this an old wound/feeling being brought up for me to look at?”  And if yes, then “what do I need to learn from this?”

One of the main lessons for us to learn as Spirits having the human experience, is to detach from our emotions.  This doesn’t mean detach from your feelings so that you have none.  What it means is that we feel our emotions but we do not allow them to control us, dictate our actions or mess with our self-belief.  We use what we feel as a tool for learning. 

For example; you hear from a mutual friend that another friend is having a party and you have not been invited.  Now, there could be many reasons why you have not been invited such as, they forgot, they thought they had invited you already, they thought you would tag along with the mutual friend, or the last option which is usually the MOST UNLIKELY, they don’t what you there.  Now, chances are you will be triggered by this, especially if you have suffered from rejection and judgement in the past, and you will go straight to the final option – they don’t want you there.  This is because there is a wound there, an insecurity and this situation has been presented to you so that you can heal this and stand in your own power.  Ask yourself;

Why am I so quick to think and believe that I am not good enough?

Why am I so eager to find the pain and fault in a situation?

And why do I choose to see the negative over and above the positive?

We are all souls on a journey and we are all here to learn. 

We can use Scorpio season to become a lot more aware of how and what we feel and where those triggers are that we seem determined to react too, and we can make sense of them.  And as we do this, we deactivate those triggers and we choose to see ourselves in a positive light with positive outcomes and positive experiences, as we walk our life path.

This Solar month we are also working through Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini – helping us to be more discerning and focussed on what is important to us.  (Check my Facebook page for a short video regarding this transit).

We also have Pluto turning Direct in Capricorn for around 4 weeks before he will never return to Capricorn again in our lifetimes and for many more years to come.  This is HUGE – we now finally step out of the old and into the new and expressions such as “lets just do it the way we have always done it” will, in the near future, be about as ridiculous to us as sunbathing in the rain.  You can read the full Blog Post on my website.

And the month of October concludes with a Grand Water Trine composed of Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces.  This is a powerful yet subtle energy of intuition and inner balance, and can be a time where we can really see how to best use our senses for the highest good of all concerned.  This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn to intuit and feel into yourself to gain a more compassionate and kind relationship with your inner world.  The full Blog Post can be found on my website under Grand Water Trine.

October and November are going to be FULL-ON – no matter where you are or what you are doing.  It is the end of the old and the beginning of the new and as we know if we are to build strong and concrete foundations for our futures, we need to make sure there are no rotten or unsustainable bits in our way.  Don’t be afraid to embrace change – even if it feels uncomfortable – so often what we don’t think is for us at the time can turn out to be exactly what we needed in the long run.  Those of you who resist change and who are determined to hold on to the old ways of being, thinking and acting, will be the ones who find these next months the hardest simply because what you resist, persists. 

If you are a Scorpio and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-

Wishing all you deeply intense, passionate and sensitive Scorpio’s out there a very happy new journey around the Sun and many blessings for a magical year ahead.  Blessings  xox