22 November – 21 December 2024

Today we step out of the intense and deep energy of Scorpio and into the lighter, brighter and extroverted energy of Sagittarius.

Sagittarian energy always encourages us to expand in some way so as we can become the best versions of ourselves that we can possibly be.  Under the influence of a Sagittarian Sun, we will all feel more adventurous and outgoing and more ready to try new things and embrace new ideas.  It is no surprise really that this energy comes in as we enter full blown “silly season” – the lead up to Christmas and the Holiday Season where we all get a little loose and look forward to some time off.

During this Sagittarian Season the planet Mercury will also be in Sagittarius and from 27 November until 15 December he will be in Retrograde motion.  As we know when Mercury moves Retrograde its all about our inner worlds and what we need to re-visit, re-assess and re-consider so as we can know that when he moves Direct, we have all our ducks in a row (well as much as we can at any time LOL), we are prepared and educated in what we wish to do, AND we have made sure there are no hidden pitfalls or missing information to get in the way of our goals.  Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius will help us all to get our facts right, to get to the truth of the matter and to expand our minds in a positive and knowledgeable way. 

Under the influence of Sagittarian energy, we will also find it very hard to accept or work with “pat” answers.  There will be little to no tolerance for those who want to do things the way they have always been done, or who tell you that something needs to be done that way because that’s how things are always done, or even those who insist that “this is just the way things are”.  We are moving out of any tolerance for such useless, unevolved and old-fashioned thinking as it is becoming clearer by the day how the “old” ways of doing things just do not work for us anymore.

What can be the most challenging part of Sagittarian energy is its need to control anything and everything around them.  This is usually because of one and/or two things; firstly, the need to control comes from the belief that if you are in charge then things will work out exactly as you want them too – well we know that’s not always true!  In fact, if we can honestly look back at some of the decisions we have made with our historic need for control, we can usually quite clearly see how holding on to the steering wheel of life too tightly can and did often end in a crash!  The other reason that we feel the need to control can be the belief that you know better than anyone else – the hierarchal energy of Sagittarius that can be very arrogant and judgemental.

Healing with Sagittarian energy

So, this solar month give some thought to what you feel the need to control in your life and question it.  And maybe even try letting go of or stepping back from something you have been determined to control up until now, and just see what happens. 

As I see it, we are surrounded by “flows” and its our job to recognise our flow and step into it.  The opposite to this is “making things happen” which can often mean you are going against the  natural flow around you simply because you think you know best.  It can feel very scary to let go and not try to direct and control where your life is going and what you are doing, but it can also bring you so much relief, peace and success when you do so.  So, if things aren’t rolling the way you want them too, through the efforts you are making, stop and take a step back and just allow everything to just be exactly as it is, and then see what happens next!

Earlier this month Saturn, our teacher and taskmaster, moved into Direct motion in Pisces for the last time in 30 years.  This transit will give us our last look at where we lack discipline and the ability to put ourselves first.  And it will also show us the importance of having structure and focus within what is the most important to us in our lives.  It can also help us to see the relevance  and significance of having a purpose, and the power of “sharing” over and above “serving” as we move forward. 

During the Sun’s transit through Sagittarius, he will form an opposition with Jupiter in Retrograde in Gemini.  When two planets oppose one another sparks fly, and those sparks are the opportunities and beliefs that we can use to achieve our gaols.  Oppositions involve us having to move out of  our comfort zones as we are presented with a different way of achieving something that we are often very resistant too, usually because we like to do things the way we have always done them, or, because we simply don’t like change.  The best way to take advantage of this opposition is for us to be open-minded and prepared to at least try a different way before we decide whether it is good for us or not.  This opposition will also be a reminder to us that if we want to succeed at anything we  must focus on it and become the best we can be, rather than just play at things or half-heartedly commit ourselves.

Just before the Sun moves into Sagittarius, Pluto finally and completely moves into Aquarius for the next approximately 20 years.  We are already feeling the effects of this transition as we see the collapsing of the old structures, the revelations of what has been going on behind the scenes, and our own inability or interest in doing things the way they have always been done before.  Aquarian energy is here to change the world, and this is just the beginning of incredible change, big shifts and a whole new way of being coming into our awareness in every way. 

As I write this there is already a lot of shifts and changes going on and there is much more to come.  My advice to you all is to stay in your own energy and to observe and not absorb all that is going on around you.  We can use the Sagittarian energy at this time to really be aware of what we can control and what we can’t and to remind ourselves that the one thing we do ALWAYS have full control over, ourselves, and to work harder to be in control in this area.  What I am referring to here is controlling how and when we react; controlling what we choose to read and explore; and controlling who we are spending time with.  All of these are things we can control by standing in our own authenticity and sovereignty and by creating healthy boundaries between ourselves and others.  Believe in you, honour you and love you – coz it’s always an “inside job”.

If you are a Sagittarian and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-


Wishing all you adventurous, outgoing and fun-loving Sagittarians out there a very happy new journey around the Sun and many blessings for a magical year ahead.  Blessings  xox