Today we say goodbye to quirky Aquarius Season and hello to dreamy Pisces Season.
2025 has certainly started off with a hiss and a roar and this is before the big planets even change signs this year! We are moving forward in leaps and bounds as the old energies are dissipating and the new energies are slowly but surely making their presence felt.
Pisces Season is a beautiful time of the year to dive into our imaginations, our fantasies and our highest visions for ourselves. As children we often spend many hours in our own world of imagination and creativity – we invent things, make things and believe in things that inspire us and make us happy. And so, every year when we re-enter Pisces Season its time to go back to that way of being and to remember the joy and freedom of that connection.
You see when we connect with our inner world of imagination and fantasy we are tapping into our intuition and inner feelings as well as to our thoughts. And it is from our thoughts and our deep inner knowing that we have the ability to manifest what is important to us and what we desire. So, during this time don’t be afraid to dream and to imagine what calls to you and what your heart pulls you towards. Most successes and achievements in life have all started off with a dream or even a fantasy, so this is how yours can start too.
So, we can use this month to imagine and visualise what we truly want from our year ahead, our life in general or maybe just for this solar month – and we can start to give life and intention to what we feel and think about, and from here it can become our reality.
Pisces Season is the perfect time to fine-tune your manifestation skills simply because your imagination and connection to the spirit world can be so much stronger and more available to you at this time. The trick to manifesting what you desire is to believe, see and live it like you already have it. You cannot manifest from a space or sense of lack – you have to already be able to see yourself being that person, having that “thing” or living that dream. So, what do you wish to have in your life right now? What calls to you and what do you want to manifest? And now see yourself being that person, having that “thing” and living that life in its totality and stop worrying about HOW its all going to happen. The “how” is the job of the Universe. Your job is to imagine it, take a step towards achieving it (so the Unvierse knows exactly what you want), and then just letting it go in the belief that it is done.
During this Solar Month we have a few planetary shifts that will have a strong effect on the earth plane and on each of us as individuals as well. The first of these that I would like to talk about is the New Moon in Pisces on 27/28 February 2025.
The New Moon will join the Sun, Saturn and Neptune all in Pisces at this time and create a stellium of energy – a turbo boost of Piscean energy that will bring about even more revelations, hidden agendas and change for all of us. New Moon represents new beginnings and when this is in Pisces we are being asked to focus on our intuition, on what we feel to be true and on our highest purpose so as to connect us more closely to the Spirit world and to our Higher Selves. We set our intentions at this time to be more connected to the highest part of ourselves and to work towards the highest good of this planet and all who inhabit it. I would encourage all of you in your meditations and prayers over this Solar Month to visualise and see peace on our planet and to send love and healing out to all who are suffering at this time. Set an intention for love not division to be your mantra and for compassion and empathy to fuel your motivation and your actions.
Neptune has now moved into the final degrees of Pisces. When a planet sits at 29 degrees of any sign of the zodiac it is SUPER powerful. So, as Neptune works through its final weeks in Pisces we are all feeling his strength. It is Neptune’s transit through 29 degrees of Pisces that is stimulating all the revelations and revealing the intentions and agendas behind much of what is going on in the world around us, as well as within in our personal lives. All the illusions are being shattered and we are finally seeing what has been hidden, denied, glossed over and swept under the carpet for too long – and its not pretty.
On 31 March 2025 Neptune will move out of Pisces and into Aries for the first time in our lifetimes and so the next 6 weeks or so of his final movements in Pisces will be pivotal, revealing and transformational to say the least. When major outer planets such as Neptune change signs it is momentuous in many ways – some of which will be apparent instantly and some will come about with time. It is now time, time for all of us to know and understand what has been hidden from us and what the true story is so we can know and use our higher beliefs and higher purpose to bring progressive and sustainable change to the earth plane that lifts us to a higher vibration and into the world we all wish to live in.
I will share more about Neptune’s major shift in an upcoming FREE online MasterClass on 11 March 2025 and will send out the link to this closer to the time.
On 2 March Venus will move into Retrograde motion in Aries. Now Venus doesn’t move into Retrograde motion as often or as regularly as the outer planets do and so when she makes this inward move it has a big influence over us. As I mentioned above, both Saturn and Neptune make their BIG moves into Aries later this year and so the move of Venus into Aries now is paving the way for what is to come. Venus in Aries can be very helpful in our quest for self-love and self-worth as this transit allows us to feel more okay about putting ourselves first and putting a stronger value on what we have to offer as individuals as well as as a collective. Venus also represents our language or love and so when she sits in Aries she wants to take action on love; to chase after it, take it to higher levels and to come out on top.
And then close on Venus’s Retrograde turn comes Mercury moving into Aries on 3 March and adding to this energy of change and new beginnings. When Mercury sits in Aries, we are more willing than usual to speak up and be heard and we are also a lot more articulate and convincing in our speech as well. Chiron, the planet of healing, is currently also in Aries and she has been challenging us and provoking us to focus more on our self-belief and self-confidence so we do not fear speaking our truth, following our own path or stepping into leadership. So, Mercury and Venus joining forces with Chiron in Aries over the next few weeks will allow us to take action and step up in our self-belief and to not be afraid to ask for any help we may need and/or to share what we know so as others can benefit from us.
On 14 March 2025 we have a Full Moon in Virgo opposing the Sun in Pisces and also challenging Neptune and Saturn in Pisces. Virgo energy is the opposite of Pisces energy BUT the opposing signs of the zodiac always share something in common and in the case of Pisces and Virgo it is the need to serve. So, at the time of this Full Moon we are being asked to understand the importance of structure and attending to details if we want our dreams and visions to become a reality. We can see at this time where we might be lacking some organisational or management skills that are vital to our dream getting off the ground and we can infuse our imaginations and visions with a practical energy that allows dreams to become real and our fantasies to become our realities. We are being asked to serve our highest purpose and to make this an important quest for this solar month.
And just when we thought things couldn’t get any crazier or chaotic, Mercury moves Retrograde in Aries from 15 March until 7 April 2025. So, then we will have both Venus AND Mercury in Retrograde in Aries which will be a wonderful opportunity for everyone to just stop and LISTEN rather than constantly taking action and speaking. Aries energy does not like to stop for long or to listen too much to others, so when these planets move inward we then have no choice but to still ourselves and our actions so we can re-assess, re-think and maybe even re-set our focus and intentions for taking action as we move ahead.
I personally LOVE Mercury Retrograde simply because it gives me that time and encouragement to stop and look at what I am doing, what direction I am moving in and what I am wishing to master and to check if everything is in alignment. As this is the year of authenticity this Mercury Retrograde in combination with the Venus Retrograde is giving us the opportunity to really look deeply into ourselves to be sure that what we are saying and doing is aligned with what we truly believe and want from life.
The influence of Pisces and its ruling planet Neptune is very strong over the next solar month and should bring a gentler and more easy-going energy into our lives however we also do need to be very aware of the shattering of all illusions at this time. As things are revealed in your life and in the world around you, you have at your availability the highest version of yourself and the highest perspectives on what is going on around you. Use these to see the big picture and use your activated imagination and world of fantasy to visualise the type of world YOU want to live in – see it, feel it, believe it and let’s ALL do our best to manifest a world full of peace, inclusion, love and happiness. The one choice you always have in life is how you look at something – so choose the highest view, the greater perspective and see it all through the lens of forgiveness, compassion and understanding.
If you are a Piscean and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me. A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead. Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-
Wishing all you creative, intuitive and easy-going Pisceans out there a very happy new journey around the Sun and many blessings for a magical year ahead. Blessings xox