Today, 23 September 2024, the Sun moves out of orderly, grounded and perfectionistic Virgo and into the social, balanced and creative energy of Libra.

So, we have just had a month of Virgo energy which I hope you have all managed to put to good use?  I know I have managed to get a lot done behind the scenes and now I feel a lot more organised and structured moving forward into Libra energy.

When we enter Libra season its time to put our glad rags on again and get out into the world to socialise.  This is a time for relationships and for communicating and getting to know others better.  Under this influence we usually all feel a lot more sociable and open to new people, new experiences and a more harmonious and happy time in general.

Libra rules relationships of all kinds and so this is where we tend to put our focus at this time.  All of our relationships can come up for review under this influence and we can really start to see where we give too much of our energy away and spend too much of our time pleasing others.  And also, where we are not giving enough attention or focus to our relationships too.  Life is all about achieving balance and Libra Season always reminds us of this.

Therefore, this is a good time to be around others but to do so from a more detached place.  If you have any relationships in your life that you are not sure about as you feel they are out of balance or not serving your best interests, this is a time to take a step back and observe yourself in this relationship to see if you like what you see.  Are you the one always giving your energy and time to the relationship? Or, are you the one that everyone else has to contact if they wish to interact with you?  When we take a step back from our relationships and look at them from a 3rd party perspective, we often get to see ourselves in a completely different light.  This is because when we are stuck in the “me” energy we are very subjective and only seeing things through the lens we are used too and feel into. But when you view yourself from the 3rd party perspective you can see things about yourself that you may not have noticed before as this method offers you a much more detached and objective perspective.

So, with our relationships in the spotlight we can also do a bit of spring-cleaning in this department – getting rid of those who do not bring positive energy into your life and spending more time with those who do.  Its important to remember that all our relationships with others are pre-destined which means that everyone that is in your life, you chose to put there.  And so, if you  have chosen to have that person in your life, you need to know why?  Are they for a reason or for a season?  Are they a mirror for you or are they a lesson for you?  Everything is about learning and so everyone around you is your teacher – one way or another.  And we don’t have to stay in lessons that we have already learned.

This is also a wonderful time to remind yourself of the most important relationships you have in your life at any given time.  And that relationships is the one you have with yourself.  Everything comes from you and back to you – meaning what you give out is what you get back and also meaning that if you want love, happiness, joy, security or anything in your life then you have to BE that energy.  If you want love – be more loving, if you want happiness – be happier and if you want peace – be a more peaceful person.  You are the only one in this life responsible for your wellbeing, happiness and success and the more you put this on to others or make other people responsible for such things in you, the unhappier you will always be.

During Libra season we will have the second Eclipse in this current Eclipse journey.  On 18 September we had a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces which was a big reminder to us all to put our own needs first and to ground ourselves in reality if we are to achieve our goals.  The Lunar Eclipse allowed us to let go of illusions and self-effacing beliefs that do not serve us well and encouraged us to step into our own self-belief and intuitive knowing.  The Solar Eclipse on 2 October is all about new beginnings and the ability to step into the unknown, or not so well-known energy of the future.  Solar Eclipses represent new beginnings and give us the energy and power to step forward, often into something we are not 100% sure of, to grow and evolve at this time.  The beauty of eclipse energy is that it so often does the work for you.  You can suddenly and quite effortlessly find yourself looking at things differently, letting go of things that have been a big part of your life or shedding an old skin or way of being that just does not fit or serve you anymore.  And as you let go you step into something new.  The challenge here is to have no fear of what is coming next.  You are divinely guided and protected at all times, and the Universe ALWAYS knows what is best for you.  Therefore, eclipses are like the Universe’s way of giving you a big push forward, out of your comfort zone and into what is meant for you next. 

Because eclipse energy is so strong, it is always important to remember that decisions made at the time of an eclipse tend to be set in stone and unchangeable.  So, be very aware of what you are thinking and saying at this time as our manifestations tend to come from just a simple thought or word.  It is an important time to keep your energy high; to embrace optimism and confidence in yourself and to focus intently on what you DO want and not on what you don’t want.

During Libra season the planet Jupiter will move into retrograde motion in Gemini.  Jupiter is all about growth and expansion and when he is in Gemini, he is making sure to keep us all super-busy and even a bit distracted by all the opportunities and experiences he is bringing into your life.  While he has been in Direct motion, we have all found ourselves juggling lots of balls and often with too many things to handle and so we have all probably dropped more than a few of these.  Once he moves into Retrograde motion from 10 October 2024 – 5 February 2025 the busyness goes within.  This is where its going to be very important to get things out of your head and either into action or onto paper.  This retrograde transit of Jupiter in Gemini can and will encourage a lot of mental stimulation and the need to go over things in our minds – perhaps overthinking things and stressing out over stuff.  When thoughts or worries are in our heads, they are like abstract notions just floating around with nothing to attach to or evolve into.  However, once we put something in writing it becomes a lot more real and tangible and therefore something that is easier to make sense of as well as make use of.  If you don’t allow yourself to release this way all of those amazing ideas and thoughts you may be having will just continue to go round and round in your head and not evolve into anything real or useful for you.  And on top of that you will become more and more stressed as you will just be in overload or overwhelm mode.  When an idea, thought or worry is put down in black and white it has life, it is grounded in reality and it is therefore workable and useable by you in so many ways, so do make the time to do this and you will feel so much more at peace.

Pluto the mighty transformer will move out of Retrograde motion and turn Direct from 13 October 2024 bringing our thoughts into action.  Pluto has dipped back into Capricorn for a few months which is designed to very much show us where we are holding ourselves back.  His venture into Aquarius has opened the doors to innovation, forward thinking and new solutions to old problems and now that he is back in Capricorn, we get to see how useful and necessary these new opened doors are to the planet’s evolution and our own growth and how out-dated and dysfunctional some of the things we are still doing are.  This dip back into Capricorn will be such an eye-opener as it will become so clear and so plain to us now WHY we have to do things differently and where and why the old ways do not and have not served the highest good of humanity for too long.  This transit will be a testy one as so many people don’t want to change and don’t want to do things differently, but more and more we are seeing and will continue to see, that the old ways need to stay in the past – they cannot help us to evolve because we cannot do so when we are repeating old mistakes and insisting on holding ourselves back.

So, Libra season will have plenty of opportunities for new starts, new relationships and new ways forward but they will involve you letting go of what no longer serves you well.  Change is the one constant in this world and so we are better off embracing it than running from it. 

If you are a Libran and would like to know what your Solar Year has in store for you, please just click on the following link to book your Solar Return Reading with me.  A one hour Solar Return Reading with me gives you invaluable insight into your personal year ahead and what is coming up for you, and it is accompanied by a fully written 15+ page Solar Return Report full of guidance and insight for your year ahead.  Remember always that forewarned is forearmed:-

Wishing all your easy-going, creative and fun-loving Librans out there a very happy new journey around the Sun and many blessings for a magical year ahead.  Blessings  xox