On 17 September 2024 we have a Super Moon partial lunar eclipse in the Pisces/Virgo polarity. 

Eclipses always come in pairs; first the lunar and then the solar, and a lunar eclipse can only occur on a Full Moon when two signs of the zodiac are opposing one another.  So, the Lunar Eclipse is on 17/18 September and the Solar Eclipse is on 2/3 October 2024.  The last time we had a series of Virgo/Pisces axis eclipses was March 2016 and February 2017 – so you may want to look back to anything significant that happened in your life back then to see if the same theme will repeat now.

Lunar eclipses tend to represent endings in our lives and when the eclipse is falling on a Super Moon then it is a super-charged meaning the energy of the Full Moon AND the energy of the eclipse are magnified. 

Lunar eclipses give us the ability to let go of something or step out of something that has been holding us back or is just not working for us in some way.  And decisions made at the time of any eclipse do tend to be carved in concrete.  This means that we must be very careful what we decide upon, sign or instigate at eclipse times as there can be no going back.  So, this is a wonderful energy to use if there is something that your really want to eradicate from your life, but not such a good energy if you just have a bad day and decided to get rid of something that was just irritating you at the time.  This can really be the change you have been waiting for, that event, experience or conversation that changed everything for you.

The polarity between Pisces and Virgo is all about service. Both of these signs of the zodiac like to serve humanity in some way.  Pisceans like to serve to keep everything peaceful and so as they can just go with the flow rather than being the leaders or instigators of change, or new things.  And Virgos like to serve because they are the great organisers and managers of the zodiac – they like to make sure that things happen the way they are supposed too.

So, the lunar eclipse of 17 September 2024 will fall with the Moon in the sign of Pisces, and the Sun in the sign of Virgo.  Piscean energy can be a very illusional, fantasy driven, creative, intuitive and easy-going energy and so what we are being made aware of at this time is our need to see ourselves, those around us and what we are involved in, through a realistic and grounded lens.  Piscean energy is highly creative and intuitive and because of this it likes to fantasize, imagine and create within its own mind which means that too often we can find ourselves caught up in our own stories, or our own fantasies, which may not be real or of any positive use to us.  They are distractions and creators of escapism that keep us from being present in our own lives and therefore from taking assertive action here.

Therefore, the theme here is to get real and to take off your rose-coloured glasses and start seeing things for what they really are.  Now for some, taking off those glasses can be horrifying as they really don’t want to look at and deal with the harsh realities around them.  But for others this is just what they need to snap out of their own mind and get real.

As I said a lunar eclipse is when we get to shut the door on something and so we can use the energy of this eclipse to shut the door on the beliefs we may have that are not grounded in reality, keep us distracted from what’s important, and/or do not serve us well.

It is one thing to use your mind to imagine and fantasise about fun things or to visualise a new way forward for yourself, and to create a new life for yourself and it’s a whole other thing to use your mind to create self-defeating beliefs, stories about what’s going on for you that are not real or fact based and/or to just escape and refuse to focus on or take action on things that need action rather than thought.

So, be very aware at this time of where you are not being truthful with yourself.  Perhaps you keep telling yourself that you are incapable of finding a partner and along with this you will have a long list of stories and experiences that can back this up for you.  And the more you focus on this lack in your life the more negative and self-effacing your thoughts will become towards you.  You slowly but surely become your own worst enemy because of how you choose to think about yourself.  If this is a scenario you can relate too, or you can see yourself doing just this but about your dream job, or dream home, then today’s Lunar Eclipse is your chance to let that belief, fantasy, story go, once and for all so it can be replaced with a more positive and realistic story that will work for you rather than against you.

At the time of this Eclipse (and also remembering that eclipse energy can be felt up to a month before the eclipse and up to 6 months after the eclipse) you may have some interactions with others or random experiences that remind you of where you are not being 100% truthful or kind to yourself.  If this does happen, please be aware of what is coming up as it is the Universe and your Guides helping you to see what you need to shut the door on, so you can step into a higher frequency and walk the path you are supposed to be walking.

The energy of Pisces (ruled by Neptune) is always encouraging us to look at things from a higher perspective; to get out of our ego 3D mind and to view and operate from the heart.  And the energy of Pisces is also very empathetic, so be aware of what you are giving out and don’t allow the needs of others and their eclipse journey to be more important than yours.  Put yourself first, and then see to others.  And when we work with Piscean energy we are being asked to remember that we are all part of a divine plan and that we don’t always need to be in full control of every minute of every day – sometimes and even most of the time – it is easier to surrender to what is, take a step back and allow yourself to go with any flow rather than resisting or denying the flow because it may not be exactly what you think you need.  Remember the Universe ALWAYS has the big picture and knows exactly what you need and when.

As the energy of Pisces and Neptune is about raising our vibration and looking at things from a higher perspective there may be a lot of revelations at this time that have many layers to them.  So don’t be surprised if many things around you start to unravel in some way so the truth can be exposed.

Virgo energy is often connected with our health and wellbeing so the eclipse may also bring to the surface any health issues that are sitting just below the surface.  And so this is also a very good time to detoxify yourself and your surroundings and to strengthen your immune system by making greater efforts to care for yourself on every level.

So, don’t be afraid of reality, don’t be afraid to look at things minus the rose-coloured glasses and don’t be afraid to take a step out of your not-so-comfortable comfort zone, and take a chance on change and growth.  You are a soul on a journey and this is a timely opportunity for letting go and moving forward.  Lunar Eclipse blessings to you all  xox