Blog Post 10 December 2021

As we make our way through the last month of 2021 much has changed since this time last year.  The world is a completely different place, with so much division, judgement and fear being touted as the “News of the Day”.  Never before, in such a short space of time, has the world found itself in this predicament and if we are to look back in history to other times of such division, we can all see very clearly what they led to and what came out of it.  The earth plane is a school of learning, everything we go through here is to help us to evolve as souls and learn more about ourselves and the world around us.  History should neither be celebrated nor demonised, but it should NEVER be forgotten.

As Neptune settles himself into Direct motion in Pisces, the revelations will start to come thick and fast and on top of this, any and all illusions we have been asked to believe or have chosen to believe will become clear.  This is the work of Neptune – he slowly but surely educates us in what is real and what is not, and in this day and age, this is no mean task!  Never before has so much misinformation been broadcast so openly and proudly by those who we trusted to guide and lead us, and also by those who choose to see evil and distrust in everything.  Neptune in Pisces is a very spiritual and “seeing” energy.  This transit has brought us illusion after illusion so as humanity can slowly but surely realise for itself what is real and what is not.  However, Neptune is not a planet of action, he is more about revelations and awarenesses and he also has the effect of encouraging us to bury our heads in the sand if things get too much for us or if we cannot accept the reality that is being presented too us. 

Saturn and Jupiter are currently in Direct motion in Aquarius.  Jupiter has just another 20 days in this sign of the zodiac before he moves into Pisces to join Neptune.  While Jupiter has been aligned with and under the influence of Saturn in Aquarius, it has been harder for him to expand and grow as Saturn demands discipline and structure.  Jupiter on the other hand has been using the energy of Aquarius to encourage us to dance to our own drumbeat and to follow our own leads, but under the thumb of Saturn, this had to be done within rules and regulations.  When Jupiter transits out of Pisces and into Aquarius later this month he will have the ability to expand and grow our connection to Spirit, to nature and to all that is “real” out there.  Neptune and Jupiter will dance together in Pisces for approximately 13 months and in this time we will ALL have the opportunity to expand upon our beliefs, to see through the illusions and to feel and use the support of the Universe in all that we do.  We are being given a golden opportunity to connect with the greater good, the greater whole and all that there is.  The Age of Aquarius is upon us, and it has long been forecast that this is the energy that will change the world.  We have waited a very long time for this change, and now that it is here, we must move forward with it and not backwards.

Pluto is still in Capricorn and holding on to the outdated, patriarchal, traditional and very stubborn energies that this sign carries.  It is his job to transform the earth plane as well as to transform you – out of slavery to all that has outworn its purpose and outlived its use, and into sovereign ownership of yourself, your beliefs and your ambitions in life.  Pluto is the great transformer, and he takes no prisoners and makes no apologies for the changes that he insists on bringing because he knows that change is the only way out.  We cannot go back to the way we were, I cannot express this enough, those times and the old ways are no longer of use to us, we actually outgrew them a very long time ago, but we have stubbornly held on to what was familiar (dysfunctional as it may be) out of fear – fear of change and fear of the unknown.  Pluto knows what is for the greater good of all concerned, and when we allow ourselves to be guided by his influence rather than fighting against it by demanding we have our lives back the way they were, and by refusing to open our minds and hearts to the necessary transformation of the earth plane and all who live on it, we can step into not only our personal mastership but into the mastership of the world.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and money is also in Capricorn and will be moving into Retrograde motion here later this month.  When Venus is in Retrograde, we are being asked to look at how we value ourselves, the love in our lives and of course money.  We are being asked to look to whether our old ways of being are working, or whether we are just too scared or too unwilling to change these.  You may find yourself questioning how much money you really need to make?  And how much value you really need to put on climbing the career ladder?  And most importantly, how much you value money and assets over love and peace. To put conditions, based on personal gain and ambition, when it comes to love, beauty and money is to take away their power and to limit their availability to ourselves and to those around us.  During this Retrograde it will be a difficult time if you are still focussed on and believing in a world that will one day be just the same as it used to be.  You can use this time much more positively if you are prepared to look at where you need to step out of the old and where you can let go of all that no longer serves a positive purpose in your life and be free. 

So, to all of you out there at this time struggling to understand, struggling to stay positive and struggling to survive please HOLD THE LINE.  We are in the fight of our lives, a fight for freedom, a fight for understanding and a fight for Love.  It is intense, the Fear being dished up by and from right, left and centre is all-encompassing and exhausting for many of us.  But we are the Light, and the Light ALWAYS wins.  I encourage you to focus on that; on being a light in dark times and standing strong in your own God-given truth.  We have worked so hard over recent years to promote equality between races, genders, beliefs and hypocrisy.  We have forced so much change by coming together as the people of this world in the Universal knowing that we are all equal, we do not need or want to be divided, and whoever you are and whatever you do, you are worthy, valuable and an integral part of this world. We cannot allow ourselves to be forced back into the dark ages of apartheid, discrimination and judgement of one another – we are better than that. 

Stand strong and stand tall and use the energy of Neptune to see through the illusions within you and outside of you.  We are changing, we are evolving and there is an amazingly beautiful and sustainable world out there where there will be no need for division if we just focus on it and make it our reality.  We are the people, and we have the power to change the world for the highest good of ALL concerned, and to create a world where we are all free, happy, peaceful and not controlled or crippled by illusions and fear. Be that shining light and be LOVE.  Blessings xox