The Inner Child is our first and primary connection to our soul and to Spirit and this can be plainly seen in the natural way young children operate – they are driven by what they feel and see and are all naturally born with their own very innocent ways of interpreting such things.  Children are open vessels to receive both from the Spirit world and from the earth plane – they are sparks of God energy bringing their light to the world.

As children we go through many different experiences and as we are young, inexperienced and very innocent those things we go through are not easily understood, processed or moved on from.  Therefore, these hurts, confusions and incidents we are exposed too we cannot possibly understand or heal as children as we simply don’t have the tools and know-how to do so.  What then happens is that we bury these things within us and start to believe that we deserved to be treated that way, or that we did something very wrong to have been treated that way.  Either way, so often we feel and believe that it was our own fault in some way and this experience/belief/feeling stays with us as we grow.

“Can you heal trauma?”

The traumas, wounds and fears of our childhoods desperately need to be healed and this can be done very safely, gently and permanently if we are prepared to do the inner work.  This process does not mean we need to re-live or re-hash old hurts, rather we go back to understand why such things happened so we can heal the trauma and face our lives moving forward with love, commitment and a deep understanding and love for our unique make-up and all that we truly are.

“A purpose driven life”

A purpose driven life can only  be felt and lived when we have done the inner work and healed that child who has now become the adult.  Your inner child is your connection to your intuition and to your Higher Self and so when this is damaged in any way it can mean that can remain stuck in the childlike reaction to the damaged situation.  For example; as a child perhaps, your father left when you were around 5 years old and this caused the wound of abandonment and rejection.  The little 5-year-old you probably believed that Daddy left because she did something wrong, therefore, every time as an adult you are rejected or abandoned, rather than reacting as an adult would to this, you react like the child would, simply because that part of you has never been healed.

“How to heal your soul”

When we heal our soul, we heal the purest, deepest and most spiritually connected part of ourselves and, as I mentioned earlier, this is your inner child.

Through a gentle process combining astrology, intuition and meditative healing journeys you can heal that little person inside of you that is still hurt and lost.  We can give her the support, love and understanding that she did not have and bring her into her adulthood resulting in you being able to navigate your adult life with confidence; react to any challenges with self-empowerment and move forward carrying only your talents, positivity and deep sense of inner knowing and confidence so as you can live and love your life as you were always destined too.

You are a soul on a journey and you have chosen many experiences to go through along your way.  However, the most important decision you made when you decided to come to the earth plane was to be happy and to master your journey in every way. 

You owe it to yourself to love the life you have chosen; to live and love wholeheartedly without fear of rejection or any other treatment, and you are more than worth the effort.  Always remember that you have done nothing wrong AND that everything can be healed if you are willing to allow it.

Blessings xox