From 28 – 31 October 2024 we will have a beautiful Grand Water Trine being created between Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces.

A “trine” is an aspect or positioning of 2 planets whereby they form a very harmonious and natural relationship with one another.  A Grand Trine is when there are more than 2 planets involved and so when we see them in a Chart, they are forming a perfect triangle with one another.  One energy feeding into the other in a very fluid and uninterrupted manner.

So, we have this very powerful energy in the cosmos and its effect on us will be very subtle yet very deep at the same time. 

It is called a Grand WATER Trine because all the planets featuring in it are the water signs of the zodiac.  The water signs of  the zodiac are the emotional signs of the zodiac – the signs that indicate our intuition, our depth, and our compassion. 

Mercury in Scorpio – I will discover and communicate what I have found hidden from view

Mars in Cancer – I have compassion and empathy for others outside of myself and am not afraid to express it

Neptune in Pisces – I see through the illusions to reveal the truth

So, what we have being created over these 3 days is an energy of deep emotional insight, support and love.  This makes this time period a very good one for listening to your inner voice, your Higher Self, your Soul – whatever you wish to call it – because that voice will be very strong, very aware and will be guiding and leading you towards exactly what you need at this time, as well as a deeper knowing of yourself.

For many people there may be a much stronger sense of “knowing”.  You might just feel much more deeply what is right and what is wrong for you, or outside of you.  A Grand Water Trine is a very subtle energy as I said before but it has powerful consequences.  What you feel or intuit during this time will be very valuable to you and your personal growth on the earth plane.  You may even find that internal doors open for you allowing you to feel more connected to Spirit and to feel a much stronger sense of confidence and surety in all that you are.

There is an old saying in astrology “as above, so below”.  This means that how the planets are aligning and working with one another in the cosmos is meant to have an impact on the earth plane and on us all as individuals.  This Grand Water Trine is all about harnessing emotions, and using them for the highest good.  Your imaginations will be super-charged and you may be able to see and perceive things about yourself and what you are capable of that you have not seen before.  You are being given the gift of deep insight at this time, so use this to dive deeply into any emotional or creative challenges or beliefs you may have to gain a greater understanding of them and perhaps to also arrive at a place of acceptance of what they are really about.

If you are already very intuitive and used to listening to your inner voice, then this Grand Water Trine will enhance that even further allowing you to take a big step along your path of connection with all that there is.  And if you don’t’ consider yourself to be intuitive, this may be the time when something comes up for you that confirms to you that you are indeed an intuitive soul and you can make the shift out of 3D consciousness and into the beauty of 5D consciousness and working from the heart.

Use this time to meditate and to really listen to what is going on inside of you – not so much inside your head, but more inside your heart and your feelings and you may find some or all of the answers you have been looking for, right there inside of you.  And you can then feel the true support, guidance and love of the Universe.  Blessings xox